I Am a Big Player

Chapter 84: Special treatment for bear kids

  I didn't wash it off after three baths? Yes, it is the effect. Ren He feels that this family doesn't need to go out to visit relatives this year. The child can't handle it in the dark!

   He felt that he had to re-examine this natural punishment system. The rewards were a loss of one by one. Ren He himself never thought about how bad he would put that prank fire on the road...

In the afternoon, Ren He's two aunts and uncles arrived with the whole family. Ren Ma Ru Min explained in every possible way that Ren He must be his younger brothers and sisters when he is the oldest. Ren He didn't think much about it. .

   During the Chinese New Year, the dishes are the most abundant. Ren's mother made eight cold dishes and eight hot dishes in one go. She couldn't see the appearance of a strong woman outside at all. Ren He helped peel garlic and pick vegetables next to her.

   Ru Min straightened his apron and suddenly glanced at Ren He suspiciously: "Did you do something bad, can you help me so kindly?"

   Ren He opened his mouth and was choked for a long time without speaking. What does it mean to help your old man is a guilty conscience? Can you still have a good year!

   "No, that can't. A child like me will never do anything bad," Ren He explained.

   "By the way, how many points did you score in the final exam this time? I forgot to ask you." Ru Min suddenly remembered such a thing. It is customary for her son to have poor academic performance, and she is almost used to it...

"Chinese 93, Mathematics 99, English 99, History 90, Politics 71, Geography 94," Ren He said cheerfully. He is now completely worthwhile, with a strong memory, and all the things he learned in the previous life are back. , Can be considered worthy of his senior year of study hard for a while.

   Ru Min was surprised: "You can take the exam so well? Why don't I believe it!"

   "If you don't believe me, ask the teacher, really, I repented and changed my mistakes and decided to change my mind and be a new man," Ren He said solemnly.

   "Who did you learn with your glib tongue? Don't come to this set with me. How about chemistry and physics?" Ru Min remembered that Ren He had two subjects.

   "Ahem, 7 points in chemistry, 8 points in physics..." Ren He is so bad in physical chemistry that he is terribly poor. People who don't know think he is very good in these two subjects...

   Ru Min rolled his eyes: "Keep rolling, you don't need to pick the vegetables for me, thank God you can study hard."

"It's okay for partial subjects. It's not difficult to get into a good school for other subjects. The college entrance examination is also divided into liberal arts and sciences," Ren He explained. Physical chemistry only accounted for 50 points in the 2006 Los Angeles Senior High School Examination That’s why he can be so straightforward and confident.

   When Ren He was out of the kitchen, he happened to see the four children from his uncle and aunt's family running around in the living room. After seeing Ren He, he ran over to ask him for pocket money. Haha, then you are going to be the wrong person. In theory, I should have no money on him.

   Although he actually has money, he can’t give it to him. Otherwise, what should I do if my mother asks? Where did the money come from? I can't explain it.

  甭See that although he is quite successful now, a junior high school student has earned several million, but in Ru Min's eyes, what is a few million, is it important to have a good study? Whatever novels to write, what bicycles are needed, hurry back and study hard.

   It would be okay for Ren He to be born in a poor family. He declared openly that he could make money. As a result, tragedy, buying a car worth more than 2 million instantly became a nouveau riche. He didn't even dare to say a word...

   "It's stingy, stingy," the four bear kids turned their faces and left.

   Ren He's face is black, you guys stand still, can you speak human words, when I'm stingy! Is Lao Tzu a nouveau riche?

As a result, these children ran to Ren He’s house to play around. His house was already played in a horrible way, and he was jumping around wearing shoes. Ren He kept his face dark and didn’t speak. The eldest of this group of bear kids is only 8 years old, and I really can't say anything.

   However, just when he was about to turn his head and go out, he only heard Kuang's sound. His laptop fell to pieces...

   Nima, Ren He knows that the files inside will definitely not be lost, because the hard disk is not broken, but that is a tool for their own codewords, this group of bear kids are simply!

  Don't stop me from anyone, I will treat the bear child exclusively today! Ren He glanced at the adults who were chatting outside the house, went straight into the house and closed the door. When the two worlds were separated, Ren He smiled sternly on his face: "I'll just sit there, recite the three-character sutra. Don't even think about playing!"

When it was time for dinner in the evening, the adults suddenly discovered that the children were gone. Ren He’s house was closed. When they opened the door, all four bear children sat on the small bench aggrievedly: "At the beginning of the human race, Good nature..."

   The moment they saw their parents they almost cried, why did you come here!

Ren He’s uncle was very happy: “Ren He is still a sensible brother. He will teach his younger brother to recite the three-character sutra. I have read these three-character sutras in newspapers. They are quite interesting. They are suitable for enlightenment readings. There are few historical stories, it’s pretty good, let’s eat first, you guys, thank you brother!"

   Zhixiong child, if you beat him, his parents feel distressed~www.readwn.com~ I think you can beat your younger siblings if you are ignorant, so Ren He forced them to endorse. There is absolutely no objection!

   In the evening, a dozen people in the family went to the table for dinner. Channel 1 was on the TV waiting to watch the Spring Festival Gala. Suddenly, the 8-year-old cousin of the bear child volunteered and said, "I'll make rice for everyone!"

   "Oh, this kid is sensible," Ru Min smiled.

   But Ren He felt that something was not right, because Ren He had discovered before that this child was actually very good, and he had a special grudge. He was a careful eye. He stared at the bear boy to see what he wanted to do!

  Sure enough, Ren He discovered that he had quietly spat into a bowl of rice! If you don’t leave ten, it’s for yourself!

It’s okay, kid, you’re like your brother. Ren He doesn’t pierce him. After the bear boy arrives, Ren He directly assigns the upper layer of the rice that the other party has specially given him to the bear boy: "You are growing up. Well, eat more."

   The bear kids are all dumbfounded, and haven't reacted for a long time!

   However, even though the level has been allocated, Ren He still has no appetite. He plans to find another chance to make another meal later, but the meal can continue to be eaten, and the bear child must not die. How else would he understand who is the eldest brother? !

Ren He silently took the two prank salutes next to the TV: "In order to reward you for serving everyone, my brother will reward you with two firecrackers!" Ren He also specially lit the lead of the salute: "Well, The lead is quite long, it should be very safe, let's play with it!"

   The bear kid thought at first that Ren He had discovered his conspiracy, but now that there are rewards, it doesn't feel like he was discovered.

   During the Chinese New Year, there are firecrackers and the like everywhere, these two salutes are packaged very nicely, who would have thought of what is hidden inside...

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