I Am a Big Player

Chapter 92: Marathon

Lin Hao stood behind the glass door in the hotel and looked at Ren He quietly. Ren He left without delay in front of his car. Lin Hao surreptitiously followed Ren He and planned to touch the other's home address. This was done. After the task, he can continue to observe the boy.

Although it’s getting late, there are not many people on the street. It’s easy to be spotted after tracking for too long, but as an experienced Lin Hao, tracking a teenager doesn’t require too advanced skills at all. You only need to check the field of view to get The opponent can't see himself at all, and no matter how much the opponent trains, he can't become a qualified fighter.

   But that's what I said...

   Lin Hao found that Ren He suddenly started jogging in front of him. He had known that the other party must be exercising every day, otherwise, where did the muscle power come from, so he didn't feel that the other party had discovered himself.

   As he wanted, at this jogging speed, he could keep up with fast walking.

But... Ren He's speed began to accelerate after jogging for a few hundred meters. At this time, Lin Hao couldn't keep up with fast walking and could only follow a trot. He didn't know how long this teenager would run, but his strength wanted It’s okay to keep up with a teenager...

  Ren He's speed is getting faster and faster, which makes Lin Hao feel like the other party is sprinting at 100 meters. Since running so fast without leaving physical strength, it means that the opponent's physical strength will be used up immediately. It is necessary to know that when the speed of the 100-meter sprint is reached, the physical energy consumption is geometrically increased.

   But until the two ran for a full kilometer, Ren He didn't mean to stop... Instead, it was like... He was running...

Lin Hao gasped, knowing that his physical stamina can be regarded as the forefront of the elite. Even with a weight of 15 kilograms, it took only 16 minutes to run down 5 kilometers. This looks to be the best in the army at that time, but by this time he has I feel a little tired, it's really too fast!

   Moreover, Ren He is still accelerating! Not to mention that Lin Hao can continue to stick to it by willpower. At this time, he was directly thrown off in speed. He watched Ren He turn a corner and disappear, Lin Hao stood on the empty street with a bewildered look... …

  Are you a livestock! ?

   Lin Hao was the first time to follow someone like this because he couldn't catch up because the other party ran too fast!

Load-bearing running is not directly related to speed. For example, some soldiers have nothing to do when they run 5 kilometers with a weight of 15 kg. They can return to the end to help their comrades resist four guns, but you can let him not bear the weight. The time used is basically that much, and it won't be long.

   And Ren He directly rewards physical fitness, that is the overall quality. Under normal circumstances, a person's body muscles are 639, some people always have muscles that cannot be trained or simply ignore them, and Ren He is the most comprehensive growth.

   Lin Hao stood on the street for a long time without turning his mind. Is this really a daily exercise for the other party? ! Are junior high school students so fierce now?

   Observing Ren He's affairs can only be seen if he can meet again...because I can't catch up...


   Ren He went to bed early on Tuesday night, because the marathon started at 5 o'clock the next morning, and he had to win the task with a certainty. The natural punishment system designated to participate in the marathon on Wednesday. This is the only chance. If you fail, you will be punished for a month of acne.

   Ren He believes that the pimples punished by the natural punishment system are definitely not simple. This punishment seems to be very light, but maybe it is a whole face of pimples, with no gaps.

   That's a bit scary...

   When he woke up in the morning, he quickly put on his clothes and rushed to the designated place. By then, he was already crowded with people. It can be seen that the government has done a lot of work this time.

   But Ren He is a bit different from others in that he has a number plate on his back, which should only be available after the official registration, and there is no hair on his back. He looks like a kid coming to join in the fun...

Most people here are mostly adults. Maybe it’s just that the number of people is not enough to be directly pulled from the units under the order of death, so Ren He is a bit conspicuous, and he is still doing warm-up exercises seriously, obviously more professional than the people around. .

   There must be media reporters for such a big event. Some reporters saw Ren He at a glance. His eyes lit up. This is a publicity stunt: even junior high school students have come to participate in the marathon. The people of Los Angeles have loved sports since they were young!

   Hehe, love dog eggs, a small city like Los Angeles can gather tens of thousands of people to run a marathon only by giving orders, there is no other way.

The reporter ran to interview Ren He, but he just walked up to the reporter and was stunned. Ren He was also stunned. The reporter thought to himself that this is not the kid who does push-ups, and Ren He is a little frustrated. Reporter?

   There was a deathly silence for a second or two between the two people, but it was the reporter who spoke first: "Hello classmate..."

   "I'm sorry, I won't accept the interview," Ren He said, he went straight into the crowd, and went on TV when he was idle~www.readwn.com~ reporter fan, how does this kid dislike being interviewed? However, the cameraman has just captured Ren He’s back, so that news can also be cut. The reporter smiled at the camera and said: "The scale of this marathon is unprecedented in Los Angeles. We just saw that in a group of adults There are even children who come to participate!"

   Many adults have seen Ren He, it is because Ren He feels a little out of place with them.

Ren He got to the front of the crowd and waited for the start. When the starting gun fired, he didn't care about others and started sprinting. Some people laughed: "Young people have strong firepower, but running a marathon is not like this. You can run at this speed. How long will it last."

   "Haha, he is a kid, no one will say anything if he is tired from running."

   Ren He didn't care about them at all. He knew what kind of uniform speed he could finish the 42 kilometers.

Just when everyone thought that Ren He could not hold on for long, Ren He was already running on the main road of the city and disappeared. The person who said he was not far away opened his mouth for a long time without speaking. This road The lights are at the same time, and if you want to be completely invisible, the distance is at least more than one kilometer...

   And in the subsequent games, no one has ever seen Ren He again...

   The staff who supervised each section of the road and did not face the shortcut heard people continuously saying on the walkie-talkie: "Is this boy a contestant?"

   "Nima, how long has he been running at this speed?"

   "I have run past me, so fast!"

   "It would be interesting if the champion of this marathon was taken away by a kid..."


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