I Am a Big Player

Chapter 95: Flammable and explosive

   It's been a long time since I wrote "I Eating Fried Chicken in People's Square" to Yang Xi last time. Ren He thought about it and thought that he could start writing the seventh song.

   Now Yang Xi’s "You Who Picked the Stars" is still 4 songs short. The first six are Go to Dali, The Wonderful Ability Song, The Brightest Star in the Night Sky, Prague Square, Nanshan South, I eat fried chicken in People's Square.

   In these six songs, there are folk, pop rock, and pop songs. Are there any other elements added?

  Ren He didn't think it was necessary. Just listen to it well. Those famous musicians paid special attention to the elements in the album when they made the album, but if the audience understands these, it just sounds good!

  Yes, for most listeners, good sound is the most important thing. Without good songs to calm the entire album, they would not even have to look at it.

   The seventh song, Ren He decided to choose "Inflammable and Explosive" by Chen Li!

He was worried that Yang Xi could not interpret this song well, but during the last trip to Houhai in Kyoto, the other party gave him a big surprise with the perfect interpretation of Dali. It seems that he has always been too considerate of the other party, but ignored Asked a question: human potential.

   Some people are talented in certain things, you can't accept it, so Ren He decided to show this song to Yang Xi to see how it works.

   "Inflammable and Explosive" starts with a low voice, and then begins to burn, spreading and spreading... with the unique style of crow voice, it gives people a feeling of burning and tearing but continuous.

The lyrics of    Conflict Burst does not blame anyone from beginning to end, but it expresses this feeling all the time: What do you think of me? !

   And it is this classic lyrics that completely made this song, perfect.

   Under normal circumstances, this song is most suitable for people with stories to sing, but Ren He also wants to see what potential Yang Xi has yet to tap.

   When he wrote the flammable and explosive music score, the task of the Heavenly Punishment System came: "Task: Climb to the hotel with bare hands. The deadline is one week and it has not been completed."

  Hey, isn’t Kai Lai Hotel the building next to Yang Xi’s house, with a total height of 89 meters. The task given this time was actually a bare-handed climbing task, but it was changed to a more difficult one!

   And Ren He used his super memory to recall that the outer body of the Kailai Hotel is made of glass, and there is no obvious leverage point like the family building.

   He took a deep breath, is this the beginning of the real mission? If you accidentally fall off the wall, you will definitely die.

   Not right, there are still some! Ren He suddenly remembered that there will be a hanging outdoor air conditioner outside every room in the hotel. Is that a breakthrough for him to complete this task?

   Fortunately, this old-fashioned hotel does not have central air-conditioning, otherwise I really have to use a three-point fixing method to completely get stuck in the protruding part of the corner and climb up. This means that at that time, a person used a reaction force between two poles 1 meter apart to clamp himself and climb up little by little.

  What kind of experience is it to climb 89 meters like this? The physical energy expended is incalculable, at least it is very difficult even with Renhe's current physical fitness, or there is no hope of completion, and as long as there is a little release, it will be overwhelming.

   Even if I climbed up with the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, it was 28 floors, which was quite dangerous.

   Ren He smiled, but it seems that this is the fun of life-killing. Now that he has mastered the skills of unarmed climbing, he really should try difficult things.

   Today is the day when Yang En came back, but because Yang Xi couldn't pick it up during get out of class, Yang En should be at home when they finished. However, Ren He still boldly followed Yang Xi back. After all, this future old man is still very amiable, at least compared to Su Ruqing...

This time, Ren He, as always, folded the letter paper like a love letter. Yang Xi, who was sitting on the roof, rolled his eyes with a smile, and hid the letter paper with the lyrics on it: "Okay, it's OK. Also addicted."

   I don’t know why, when Yang Xi saw the flammable and explosive song, when she simulated the lyrics and tunes in her mind, she immediately liked it!

   Especially the lyrics, the writing is really great!

   "This song may not be suitable for you to sing. Anyway, try it first. If you don't like it, then let's sell this song to others, and I will write a new one for you," Ren He said.

   "Don't sell it! Like it!" Yang Xi hurriedly put the score into his pocket: "I want to take it back after I gave it away? No way!"

   "Haha, just like it," Ren He said cheerfully.

   The so-called love in a young age means that the other person is happy, but I am happy.

In the evening, Yang Xi took Ren He downstairs and went home for dinner. As soon as he entered the door, Yang En laughed in the kitchen: "You kid, you can get out of Yang Xi and her mother. I want me to tell you that you two are making trouble in Kyoto. The movement that came out was really not small."

   Ren He quickly humbled and said: "I've been rewarded, I've been rewarded..."

In the end, I heard Yang En said, "I don’t object to you two making friends, but you have to be measured in everything. I think you two are not ordinary children, so I don’t need to explain more. There will be more opportunities in the future. It's ~www.readwn.com~ too early or too late is not right."

   Yes, the old man began to beat himself, Ren He sat there and waited for the meal. He can understand what the other person thinks. How many parents of junior high school students who fall in love will not care?

   How can it be ignored?

   It’s not that you don’t think your family has no money, or that you are ugly, or that you are incapable. They just feel that the time is not right. In fact, such parents are already very rare.

   So what can Ren He say? Can only admit...

   Of course, Yang En is still relatively easy to get in touch with. During dinner in the evening, he told Ren He and Yang Xi a lot of interesting things about the trip abroad, and only avoided talking about his real mission.

After leaving Yang Xi’s house at night, Ren He went straight to Kailai Hotel to start the task directly. Before completing the task, he should also carefully observe the terrain. The wall with air-conditioning hanging is actually easy to climb. He is simple. After a warm-up, I was ready to start.

   However, at this moment, Ren He suddenly saw a familiar car... the young man asking for directions...

   What a coincidence, Ren He suddenly felt that this person has always appeared in his life these days, coincidence or there is an internal reason?

   He felt a little upset when he thought that this guy might follow Yang Xi on the spot. When he looked at Lin Hao's car, he puffed around and stabbed all the tires with the tip of the crosshead key...

   It may be a little naive to do this kind of thing, but Ren He thinks that he is a child now, what kind of things he should do at any age!


  The era of the catastrophe of the old book League of Legends is over. The follow-up fanfare will be updated on Sina Weibo "Renhe is a big monster, please forgive me" (two episodes have been updated). The fanfare of big players is also the same. Welcome everyone to pay attention.

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