Chapter 1000

In the back seat of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, Anliang checked the chat records between Li Xiyan and Guo Yuqing. The core contradiction of this question is whether to stay in the magic city.

If Anliang faces this problem…


This problem is not a problem at all for Anliang. He just planned to buy Li Xiyan’s top-notch mansion in the city. How could he encounter such a problem?

The troubles in the world, 99.99% are without money!

For example, if the per capita is depressed, doesn’t it mean that there is no money?

Anliang can’t solve the opponent’s core conflict, but he can solve the secondary conflict.

“Baby, this question is actually very simple!” Anliang said confidently.

“How to solve it?” Li Xiyan asked.

“Boys’ hearts are very soft. For example, your roommate Huang Xiaoling’s boyfriend is now depressed and depressed, like a depressed balloon, right?” Anliang explained.

“Hmm!” Li Xiyan definitely nodded, “How should I coax such a situation?”

“For a balloon, if you let it deflate, just coaxing it, of course it has no effect.” Anliang explained.

“Huh?” Li Xiyan looked at Anliang suspiciously.

Just now Anliang said that it is easy to solve, but now he says that coaxing has no effect?

What should we do?

Anliang smiled and lowered his voice, “Well, boys are like balloons. If they are depressed, just coaxing will definitely not work, then blow?”

“Just blow it, it will definitely have an effect!” Anliang said affirmatively.

If it is a little vixen, or a big cat in the capital, or an iceberg girl, they will definitely reflect Anliang’s meaning in the first place, after all, they are also old players of the canyon game.

What if the three of Li Cunyuan?

I’m afraid these three guys will drag racing in turn, and all kinds of sorrows are endless!

But Li Xiyan is different. This silly girl is sometimes heartless, probably because her IQ is too high and her EQ is relatively low?

Anyway, Li Xiyan hasn’t realized the problem yet!

“You mean to ask Huang Xiaoling to encourage her boyfriend a lot, to flatter her boyfriend, so that her boyfriend can regain her confidence~¨?” Li Xiyan asked back.



Obviously Li Xiyan is not driving, but why do things like “encourage her boyfriend”, “flatter her boyfriend”, and “regain confidence” sound so strange?(Read more @

The core conflict between Huang Xiaoling and her boyfriend is to stay in the magic city, right?

Why suddenly feel that their core contradiction has become a three-second sharpshooter?

After talking about the toy car, why did you suddenly become Red Dead Redemption?

“Yes, yes, baby is so smart!” Anliang praised in a serious manner, “Baby, you can tell Guo Yuqing, this method is guaranteed to be useful!”

After all, things like blowing balloons are definitely effective!

If you don’t believe it?

It is recommended to let your girlfriend try it yourself!

“Yeah, let me tell Yuqing.” Li Xiyan entered the message on the phone.

Anliang leaned over curiously to watch Li Xiyan chatting, and Li Xiyan did not avoid Anliang either.

‘Li Xiyan: Yuqing, Anliang said, this problem is very easy to solve. ’

‘Li Xiyan: Since your boyfriend is deflated like a balloon, blow the balloon. ’

‘Li Xiyan: As Anliang said, this trick must be good. ’

‘Guo Yuqing:? ? ? ’

‘Guo Yuqing: I’m shocked! ’

‘Guo Yuqing: Li Xiyan, you little girl! ’

“Li Xiyan: Huh? ’

After Li Xiyan replied, she looked at Anliang, “Are you the villain doing me again?”

Anliang questioned, “What do you mean?”

Li Xiyan looked at Anliang suspiciously, but Anliang’s serious expression confused Li Xiyan. Could it be that Anliang secretly messed up?

‘Guo Yuqing: Xiyan, your boyfriend is a little skinny! ’

‘Li Xiyan: What do you mean? ’

‘Guo Yuqing: What does it mean that a balloon is deflated, then blow the balloon? ’

‘Li Xiyan: Isn’t it just flattering, encouraging and encouraging? ’

‘Guo Yuqing:…’

‘Guo Yuqing: For your boyfriend, I can only kowtow and bow down, he is too strong! ’

‘Guo Yuqing: Don’t you know what this means? ’

‘Li Xiyan: What do you mean? ’

‘Guo Yuqing: I’m ashamed to say, anyway, you can’t escape today. You will ask your boyfriend later. ’

‘Guo Yuqing: Li Xiyan, you are really going to laugh at me! ’

Li Xiyan did not reply to the message, she looked at Anliang again, “.` Hey, badass, what have you done?”

“No, baby, what’s wrong with me?” Anliang still looked innocent.

“Look at it for yourself!” Li Xiyan handed the phone to Anliang.

Anliang took the phone and personally lined up with Guo Yuqing.

‘Li Xiyan: I’m Anliang, Guo Nuxia, you have a problem with your thinking. Xiyan and I are serious and really want to help. Where did you think about it? (Wang Dehao)’

‘Guo Yuqing:? ’

‘Guo Yuqing: When I type [? 】It’s not that I have a problem, but I think you have a problem! ’

‘Guo Yuqing: Brother, I beg you to be a man! ’

‘Guo Yuqing: Li Xiyan is such a simple person, you still bear the heart to bully her like this? ’

‘Guo Yuqing: I wish you can’t be blown up by Li Xiyan tonight! ’

‘Guo Yuqing: Go away first, excuse me, goodbye! ’

Li Xiyan saw Guo Yuqing’s last words, she finally understood what Anliang meant, with a flushed expression on her face, and then looked at Anliang pretendingly.

“You big villain, you know you are bullying me!” Li Xiyan said humbly.

Anliang smirked, “How dare I bully you, after all, I am a balloon!”.

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