Chapter 1002

‘Ding! ’

‘Special Task: [The Choice of Destiny: Maturity and Innocence]’

‘Task Status: Host chooses [Naive]’

‘Task Reward: Destiny~Interference! ’

‘Fate-’s intervention is officially launched! ’

‘Ding! ’

‘In view of the legal risks of the unknown level, the intervention of fate has successfully modified the characteristic information and visual information of the world, thus successfully avoiding the legal risks from the unknown level. ’

‘Please complete the series of tasks for the host, which will unlock more destiny interference. ’

This reward…

It seems very powerful?

Although Anliang does not know what legal risks he has taken, since the life winner system has discovered legal risks, there must be corresponding legal risks.

However, the life winner system has solved the problem!

Have to say that the life winner system is too powerful, right?

‘Ding! ’

‘Hundreds of millions of children and grandchildren have no return date reward card successfully used! ’

‘Comprehensive analysis of reward results, please wait…’

Hundreds of millions of children and grandchildren have no return date:

Basic reward: 50,000,000 yuan

Li Xiyan satisfaction coefficient: 99%

Comprehensive reward: 49,500,000 yuan

‘The funds for this reward will be obtained from the U.S. stock market by the host in the private investment account of Anxin Investment Company. It will be completed on the most recent U.S. stock trading day, and the corresponding funds can be operated at will on the next day. ’

‘The funds for this reward, whether it is a profit method or a profit operation method, are reasonable, reasonable and legal, and all operations are well documented. Please rest assured that the host can use the corresponding reward funds. ’

Seeing that Li Xiyan’s satisfaction coefficient was as high as 99%, Anliang felt comfortable in his heart. It seems that Li Xiyan has no regrets!

This time, the reward for billions of children and grandchildren without return date is also very comfortable. There are a full 49.5 million, just enough to buy a house for Li Xiyan?

No no no!

Should not be enough!

According to the price of Middle Bay One, it seems to be a bit short.

But the problem is not big, Anliang can invest more money at any time.

“Anliang.” Li Xiyan called in Anliang’s arms.

“Huh?” Anliang responded.(Read more @

“You are not allowed to tell my mother about this, you know?” Li Xiyan asked, “My mother told me many times, let me be careful about you.”

? ? ?

What does Liu Ling mean?

What does it mean to make Li Xiyan be careful about him?

Too much!

Sure enough, is the choice of fate not wrong?

Or is it better to choose “naive”?

No no no!

Anliang silently noted this matter. He was stingy, and his patience was also very good. Let’s wait for the life winner system to find a solution!

After all, this time the life winner system has once again overcome the unknown level of legal risk. Although Anliang does not know how the life winner system can do it, anyway, the life winner system can do it.

Anliang also believes that the Life Winner System will one day find a solution.

At that time Liu Ling…


How dare to instigate Li Xiyan to guard him?


“Don’t worry!” Anliang kissed Li Xiyan’s face, “How can I say it?”

“If you say it out, your mother won’t come to the door?” Anliang grinned.

Li Xiyan snorted, “My mother is actually a very nice person!”

Anliang seriously agrees with this!

After all, Liu Ling is suspected of being a cheater, and his age is inversely growing?

The main reason is that she is too similar to Li Xiyan, just a mature and innocent. If you learn from Dragon Knight Mr. Yin, I am afraid that Anliang will not recognize who is who, okay?

“My mother is just worried about me, she said, your family’s conditions are too good, in case we can’t make it to the end, I…” Li Xiyan said Liu Ling’s worries.

Anliang directly sealed it with a kiss.

A few minutes later, Li Xiyan’s face turned red, and Anliang responded, “Baby, we can go to the end.”

“Really?” Li Xiyan asked softly.

Anliang responded positively, “Really!”

“Didn’t you guys say that, in the past, lovers eventually married, now rich people finally married. Sorry, we are both lovers and rich, we won anyway!” Anliang said pervertedly.

Li Xiyan snorted softly, but the corners of her mouth were upturned, obviously satisfied with Anliang’s answer.

“Ha~” Li Xiyan yawned.

Anliang glanced at the time, it was almost zero, “Are you sleepy?”

“Yeah!” Li Xiyan replied, “a little bit.”

“Are you going to class tomorrow?” Anliang asked again.

Today is Wednesday and tomorrow is Thursday. Anliang takes a full month off. He doesn’t need to go to class. Li Xiyan should go to class, right?

…. ……… 0

Li Xiyan responded, “There will be classes, but tomorrow will be evening class, and the first class will only be available at nine o’clock in the morning.”

“That’s good!” Anliang replied, “It will take about an hour from here. If it is too early, we will simply suffer.”

“Huh!” Li Xiyan hummed lightly, did he know he was suffering?

Why didn’t you say when you took her to play the game?

“Go to sleep, baby, I’ll send you to school tomorrow.” Anliang puts his arms around Li Xiyan, he is very restrained, and he must restrain new players a little to prevent them from having a bad impression of the canyon game.

“Yeah!” Li Xiyan nestled in Anliang’s arms, she liked Anliang’s warmth.

Before falling asleep, Li Xiyan put away the previous bath towels. It was their memorial, and it was also a memorial she wanted to collect.


Life winner system update log:

Detecting the risk of a ship capsize from an unknown world…

The system has automatically updated the unknown world’s cognition signs of this world:

1. “Shenhao Starts After the College Entrance Examination”—Updated to—”Shenhao Starts After Graduation”

2. Updated the new image information of “Shenhao From After Graduation” to completely avoid legal risks.

This update log information hide…


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