Chapter 1006

The black Rolls-Royce Phantom crossed the Huangpu River through the Bund Tunnel, and arrived at Zhongliang Bay No. 1 from the Patek Philippe Magic Capital Residence in less than ten minutes.

Zhongliang Bay No. 1 community was opened in 2012 and naturally sold out a long time ago, but the original home buyers were more investment, and now there are a large number of new houses on the market.

When Anliang was just about to go to the official second-hand housing sales office of Zhongliang Bay No. 1 to check the listing, he received a call from the young actor Liang Xue.

This little actor knows that he is in the magic city?

Anliang swipes the screen to answer the call.

Liang Xue’s voice came first, “I can tell you a good news, “Our Pledge” has been successfully reviewed and has been sold at a good price!”

“What price?” Anliang asked casually.

“You invested 5 million yuan before. At the selling price this time, you should get twice the return on your investment, and get back 15 million with the profit!” Liang Xue responded.

“Not bad!” An 003liang responded casually.

Faced with Anliang’s calm answer, Liang Xue was a little confused for a while. The other party made 10 million yuan. Isn’t it still unhappy?

“You made 10 million!” Liang Xue reminded.

“Well, you just said it, and I heard it too, so what?” Anliang asked rhetorically.

“Just a little bit” 10 million?

At present, Anliang can transfer cash assets of 52.75 billion Xia Guoyuan!

As for total assets?

Excluding AXA Construction Company, Lingqu Gold Mine, Anxin Investment Company, Renyi Security Company, and Ren’an Investment Company are excluded, only counting the dream future of Graphene Technology Group Co., Ltd. value.

Anliang holds 10% of the shares of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group Co., Ltd., even if the static valuation is one trillion high, he owns 100 billion worth of stocks.

Coupled with cash assets, Anliang’s net worth has already exceeded 150 billion.

So “a mere mere” 10 million?

How can Anliang get excited?


The real estate that Anliang is going to give to Li Xiyan will be more than 10 million!


It should be Li Xiyan’s reward card for billions of descendants with no return date, and 49.5 million was awarded, so what is 10 million to Anliang?

“So don’t you care about ten million?” Liang Xue said emotionally out of control.

“Then what is my effort in your eyes?” Liang Xue’s mood was obviously abnormal.(Read more @

“Do you know that, in order to be worthy of your investment, in order to make you money, I tried my best to hone my acting skills and urge other people to finally make this drama the level it is now, but in your eyes there is nothing? Forget it?” Liang Xue was a little hysterical.

Anliang calmly listened to Liang Xue’s outburst. Has this little actor been aggrieved?

“We didn’t rest during the New Year, do you know?” Liang Xue’s voice was mixed with crying.

“I know.” Anliang responded, “Where are you?”

Liang Xue was silent.

“Where are you?” Anliang raised his voice.

“I’m on Zhangjiang’s side.” Liang Xue responded.

“Specific address.” Anliang asked again, “WeChat sent me.”

After speaking, Anliang hung up the phone and opened WeChat to find Liang Xue.

Liang Xue sent a positioning message.

‘Liang Xue: [Position: Devil City Zhangjiang Riverside Garden]’

‘Liang Xue: I’m in Building 6. ’

‘Anliang: I’m also in the magic city. I’m on the Bund. I’ll come over right away. ’

Anliang gave the address to Master Yang, and he continued to send messages to Liang Xue.

‘Anliang: What happened to you. ’

‘Liang Xue: I’m sorry. ’

‘Anliang:? ’

‘Liang Xue: I just couldn’t control my emotions. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be angry with you. ’

‘Anliang: What happened? ’

‘Liang Xue: I’m a bit hungry, can you bring some food when you come over? ’

‘Anliang: What do you want to eat? ’

‘Liang Xue: Fried chicken, ice cola, french fries, hamburgers! ’

? ? ?

What’s the matter with this little actor?

Anliang thought what she was going to eat, did it turn out to be like this?

‘Liang Xue: I didn’t dare to eat these things before. They are very high in calories. If I eat them, I have to take more time to exercise to avoid gaining weight, but I didn’t have time before. ’

‘Anliang: Do you have time now? ’

Just now Liang Xue said that the online drama “Our Pledge” has been reviewed, so does this little actor really have time?

“Liang Xue: It should be…”

‘Liang Xue: There is a Fucai fast food restaurant opposite my house. I’ll wait for you to come. ’

Nearly forty minutes later, Anliang carried the family bucket of Fu Cai, and also a bag of French fries and burgers and walked into the six buildings of the Riverside Garden.

The courtesy car, Master Yang, was waiting downstairs.

At the door of Room No., Anliang knocked on the door.

“Who?” Liang Xue’s voice came.

“Me.” Anliang responded.


The security door opened, and Liang Xue opened the door in her pajamas. Her hair was messy and her eyes were bloodshot. It was obvious that she hadn’t rested well, and she didn’t tidy up.

Anliang glanced at Liang Xue, the interpersonal scanning system confirmed that Liang Xue’s pure nature is still 100 points, so this little actor has not been affected?

What’s her situation now?


Update time: September 10, 2020 06:37:55, the tenth consecutive update is over. Are there any monthly tickets? Are there flowers? The humble author burst into tears….

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