Chapter 1008

Anliang is a veteran driver of the canyon game, and various game terms are just like Zhangkou.

On the surface, he praised Liang Xue for being smart, but in fact he hinted that Liang Xue’s body score was relatively low.

At least, whether it is Li Xiyan, Yang Maoyi, or Imperial Capital Cat and Bingshan Niu, their body scores have reached above 90 points.

Liang Xue has the lowest figure rating, right?

But you can also forgive me!

Because Liang Xue is 1.7 meters tall and weighs only 46 kg, that is only 92 kg.

As the saying goes, a woman weighs less than a hundred, either a bear or a short.

Liang Xue is a full 1.7 meters, of course not short.

So understand?

Liang Xue also recovered, and she snorted, “As expected, it’s you, or this style!”

“What do you mean?” Anliang asked, pretending to be puzzled.

Liang Xue didn’t answer, she continued to eat fried chicken, and sent out an invitation, “Can you eat something?”

Anliang refused, “No more!”

Anliang doesn’t want to comment on fried chicken. He can only say that everyone has everyone’s opinion. He can only show that he doesn’t like fried chicken now.

“By the way, the question I asked you just now, you haven’t answered, how long do you have a contract with your brokerage company?” Anliang asked.

Liang Xue asked back, “Do you want to help me again?”

‘Ding! ’

‘Random Mission: Solve Liang Xue’s troubles. ’

‘Task content: Liang Xue was hidden by the contracted brokerage company Xuexue for sticking to the bottom line. Please the host solve this problem. ’

‘Task Reward: One set of real estate in Middle Bay. ’

? ? ?


Did the Life Winner System hear his prayer?

Before, Anliang was still talking about this to the Life Winner System and arranged for the Life Winner System. At that time, the Life Winner System did not respond at all.(Read more @

The result is here now?

Not bad!

It is worthy of being a winner of life system, and it is advancing according to the template of a winner of life.

“How many years have you signed with the brokerage company, how many years are left, what is the compensation for breach of contract, and what about your specific contract?” Anliang asked.

Liang Xue was silent for a few seconds before responding, “It was only the third year after signing the contract the previous year. If you count this year, there are probably close to eight years left.”

“The compensation for breach of contract is a bit high. If I breached the contract, it would be 60 million in compensation.” Liang Xue added.

“Do you want to see the specific contract?” Liang Xue looked at Anliang.

Anliang nodded affirmatively, “I heard that all the contracts in your industry have problems, usually invalid contracts, so I want to see if there are really problems, I will help you deal with them.”

To be honest, Anliang is not impossible to pay even the compensation for breach of contract of 60 million.

But Anliang didn’t want to be taken advantage of because he was wronged.

“Wait a moment.” Liang Xue got up and walked to the bathroom. She washed her hands in the bathroom first. When she ate the fried chicken, her hands were oily. Naturally, she had to wash her hands first.

After Liang Xue washed her hands and went to the bedroom, she found out her brokerage contract and showed it to Anliang for review.

Where is Anliang proficient in law?

But there are such resources in Anliang’s circle of friends.

For example, Zhou Tao of Huanyu Film and Television Company, when he and Zhao Wanxi went to Huanyu Film and Television Company before, he added Zhou Tao’s WeChat by the way, and the two parties exchanged contact information.

Anliang looked at Liang Xue’s contract. He took photos of the treatment part and the breach part of the contract, sent it to Zhou Tao on WeChat, and then sent the inquiry message.

‘Anliang: Mr. Zhou, is this contract illegal? ’

Zhou Tao answered the message almost in seconds.

‘Zhou Tao: Mr. An, what you are sending is the contract of the Magic City Shengguang Brokerage Company, right? ’

Liang Xue’s brokerage company is indeed the Magic Capital Shengguang Brokerage Company!

‘Anliang:? ’

“Zhou Tao: There are no secrets in the circle…”

‘Zhou Tao: In fact, almost all the newcomer contracts of the brokerage companies in the circle are not legal, but if the newcomers want to get ahead, they can only bite the bullet and sign. ’

‘Tao Zhou: After all, the brokerage company needs to invest a lot of resources in the early stage, and it is still uncertain whether the new contract signing can become popular, so the brokerage company signed a very demanding contract. ’

‘Zhou Tao: Such a clause is an open secret in the circle. ’

‘Anliang: If you want to cancel the contract, does Zhou always recommend any way? ’

Anliang understood Zhou Tao’s meaning. The other party said that such a situation is a matter of convention in the circle, even if it is clearly illegal, but whether it is a brokerage company or a new contractor, they all abide by such tacit rules.

So existence is reasonable?

If Anliang wants to forcibly uncover the lid and expose the problem to the sun, he can indeed win, but it will certainly offend a large number of people.

There is no need for that kind of thing!

Anliang’s principle of conduct is to unite more people and offend fewer people, so as to be the big boss behind the scenes safely.

For example, now, Anliang asks Zhou Tao what suggestions he has. Zhou Tao is an insider, so there should be a solution?

‘Zhou Tao: Mr. An is going to ask who from the holy light side? ’

‘Zhou Tao: I can help Mr. An ask about the situation. If it’s not the mainstay of the other party, we can all help solve it. ’

Anliang smiled, Zhou Tao really has a solution!

Anliang likes this way of sending a message to solve the problem.

This is what the big guys behind the scenes should be forced to do, not against the thin court, which is known to the whole network.

Why bother?

That is not a performance of ability, that is incompetence!

The big guys behind the scenes can often solve problems silently, just as naturally as breathing and heartbeat. .

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