Chapter 1010

Pu Minghan is checking Liang Xue’s brokerage contract in his office. The total duration of this brokerage contract is 10 years, the liquidated damages are 60 million, and the terms are very strict.

Simply put, Liang Xue was tied up!

Unless Liang Xue and Shengguang Brokerage Company face Bo Gongtang, the application for brokerage contract is invalid.

But this kind of behavior will offend the entire circle!

After all, the entire circle has this kind of brokerage contract, and only if you survive the newcomer brokerage contract can you be qualified to set up your own studio and get rid of the shackles.

If Liang Xue breaks this rule and chooses to confront Bo in court with the brokerage company, although there is a high probability that he can win the case, the result is to withdraw from the circle.

Because the whole circle will consciously resist Liang Xue.

Otherwise, with Liang Xue as the representative, would others have learned something?

Then the ecology of the entire circle will change, right?

Just after Pu Minghan finished reading Liang Xue’s brokerage contract, he knocked on the door of his office.

‘Boom boom boom! ’

“Please come in.” Pu Minghan greeted.

A woman with glasses and a small OL suit, who seemed to be 27 or 18 years old, walked in a little panic. She was Pu Minghan’s secretary Lin Lin.

“What’s the matter?” Pu Minghan asked.

Lin Lin said in a low voice, “Boss, Mr. Liu just called and asked if we offended someone. Their review office received a notice from the Ministry of Etiquette Review and asked them to strictly review our company.

“Huh?” Pu Minghan was taken aback for a moment.

Not waiting for Pu Minghan to understand, his office phone rang, and he glanced at the caller ID, the other party was Daxiuchaifeihu from the Modu Fire Patrol Department.

Pu Minghan hurriedly answered the phone, and he took the initiative, “Hello, Chai Xunbu…”

Chai Feihu and Pu Minghan have a good relationship. He reminded, “Pu, did you offend someone?”

“What do you mean?” Pu Minghan asked.(Read more @

“Just now we received a notice requesting our firefighting patrol to strictly check whether your company’s firefighting facilities are complete, and whether you have trained firefighting knowledge, and let us hold fire drills on your side.” Chai Feihu reminded.

In this era, there is basically no problem with fire fighting facilities, but there is a big problem in training fire fighting knowledge. Most companies do not earnestly train fire fighting knowledge.

This one is a one-check one!

As for fire drills?

That is even more toss!

Under normal circumstances, only fire control settings will be checked. After all, with complete fire fighting facilities, fire hazards will be greatly reduced.

Now it is a three-pronged approach, and that must be handled like this with special care.

Chai Feihu continued, “We will come here to check your company right away. You can check how you should check. Mr. Pu, you better think about whether you have offended someone. I heard that other government offices will also take action. .”

Pu Minghan’s heart sank, but he didn’t think so just now!

As a result, the opponent’s actions came so fast?

Pu Minghan knew very well that when the opponent’s actions came so fast, it was definitely because of a strong background, otherwise it would not be possible to deal with it so fast.

After Pu Minghan and Chai Feihu ended the call, he received a new call. This time it was Allah Feng Ming from the Economic Management Office of the Ministry of Modu Household.

As soon as the call was connected, Feng Mingzhen said first, “President Pu, prepare for it on your side. We will check your company’s tax situation right away, from company business taxation to employee personal income tax and so on. All the information will be reviewed. ”

“President Pu, it’s not that I said you, you are also a veteran, why are you so confused?” Feng Mingzhen sighed, “If someone greets you, you just obey the greeting honestly. Why do you have to do it? So troublesome?”

Pu Minghan’s heart sank, “Master Feng, what does the other party mean?”

“Don’t ask me, I don’t know, I only know that this review is a notice from the top. If you offend the top person, other yamen will definitely find you too. Get ready!” Feng Mingzhen responded.

“… you better hope your company can withstand the investigation, otherwise…” Feng Mingzhen did not finish, but the meaning was already obvious.

If everything is okay and everything can withstand the investigation, then you can breathe a sigh of relief.

If there is a problem?

Hey there!

If you don’t die, you have to peel off!

After all, the opponent has already mobilized the crowd to solve the problem, and the force of thunder strikes, naturally it is impossible for the thunder to fall silently.

After Pu Minghan hung up the phone, he looked at Lin Lin and said, “What is the situation of the main investor in “Our Agreement”?”

Lin Lin was stunned for a moment, “What’s the situation?”

“I remember the gossip circulating in the company before (Wang Lazhao), what did you say that the investor in “Our Pledge” was Liang Xue’s boyfriend?” Pu Minghan asked.

“It shouldn’t be a boyfriend, but it’s probably this kind of relationship.” Lin Lin explained.

“Check the company’s archives and find the contact information of the other party.” Pu Minghan ordered.

Originally, Pu Minghan thought it was just a small problem. After all, Zhou Tao didn’t make it clear. In the end, who knew he was the real boss?

Pu Minghan secretly regrets the current posture!

But what’s the use of regret?

If regret is useful, the proprietress of Livehouse in the back alley of the National Conservatory of Music will sing “Unfortunately there is no if” over and over again?

That’s because regret is useless! .

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