Chapter 1034

Faced with Zhou Tao’s arrangement, Anliang naturally couldn’t refuse.

After all, the young actor has already expressed his heart yesterday, and Anliang certainly wants to benefit the young actor.

‘Anliang: Okay, thank you. ’

‘Anliang: Mr. Zhou, send your company account, and I will arrange the payment immediately. ’

‘Tao Zhou: Thank you Mr. An! ’

‘Tao Zhou: There is no need to worry about the payment. President An can call in whenever it is convenient. ’

“Zhou Tao: [Huanyu Film and Television Company’s public account]”

‘Tao Zhou: By the way, Mr. An, please leave an E-mail address. We will send you the script later. ’

‘Anliang: [E-mail address]’

‘Anliang: Okay, I will arrange payment right away. ’

It happened that Anliang had only received 15 million funds from Shengguang Brokerage Company 13 before, and now it is no problem to spend 10 million to buy a female No. 2 position for Liang Xue!

No no no!

Not spend 10 million, but invest 10 million!

Because the Life Winner System has issued a reminder, this time investing 10 million yuan, you can make a full 20 million back, and the return on investment has reached 200%.

This kind of return on investment is overwhelming An Xin Investment Company!

It’s a pity that the investment environment of the entertainment industry is too complicated. It looks glamorous from the outside, but in fact the investment depth of the entertainment industry is very shallow, and there is no room for peace of mind to invest in companies.

Take the top film industry in the entertainment industry as an example. In 2018, Xia Guo had a gross box office of 60.9 billion yuan. This is the box office of all movies in the entire entertainment industry, including movies imported from overseas.

The box office in 2019 was only 64.2 billion yuan.

Movie box office is equivalent to the sales of movies. Although it is only the sales in movie theaters, not all sales, how can the sales of more than 60 billion yuan be accommodated by Anxin Investment Company?

At present, Anxin Investment Company holds more than 50 billion cash. Just Anxin Investment Company can blow up the total annual box office profit, okay?(Read more @

So it’s quite easy to use ten million to make ten million, but it’s difficult to use one hundred million to make one hundred million. If you use ten billion to make ten billion, it’s simply a fantasy.

It is also impossible for Anliang to invest in the entertainment industry. At most, it is to promote the young actors. Perhaps in the future, it is possible to push the young actors to the level of queens!

‘Anliang: By the way, Mr. Zhou, are there any bells and whistles in your script? ’

Zhou Tao understood the meaning of Anliang in seconds!

‘Zhou Tao: Please rest assured, Mr. An, there is no rivalry for the female second, nor the male second, and there is no hand-in-hand drama. Just like “Our Promise”, it’s a Qingshui drama at all. ’

‘Anliang: [Like]’

‘Anliang: Good! ’

‘Anliang: Thank you Mr. Zhou for your arrangement this time. ’

‘Zhou Tao: Mr. An is too polite. We should thank Mr. An for his investment. ’

The two of them blew a few more awkward sentences before ending the chat, and then Anliang received the script of “Legend of Ancient Gods” in his e-mail address, and he flipped through it casually.

When Anliang checked the script, Liang Xue finished cleaning up, and the sloppy house girl just disappeared without a trace.

Anliang glanced at Liang Xue, now Liang Xue is the little fairy who made him startled!

“Little actor, come here.” Anliang greeted.

“Huh?” Liang Xue showed a puzzled look, but cleverly walked towards Anliang and sat down on Anliang’s lap again.

“Am I looking good like this now?” Liang Xue asked boldly.

Anliang laughed, “Not bad this time!”

After speaking, Anliang asked, “Do you still want to film?”

Liang Xue asked back, “Don’t you mind?”

“If it’s a normal filming, I definitely don’t mind.” Anliang replied, “Of course, if there are any male and female protagonists, I would definitely mind.”

“Domineering!” Liang Xue hummed softly.

“Is this overbearing?” Anliang added, “I haven’t finished talking yet!”

“Holding hands is not allowed!” Anliang added.

Liang Xue replied distressedly, “There are fewer scenes that can be filmed, and the roles are greatly restricted. Don’t think about women, one woman, two women, and three. Basically, these roles have the limitations you mentioned.”

Anliang handed the phone over and motioned to Liang Xue to check it. The script of “Legend of Ancient Gods” was displayed on Anliang’s phone.

“The legend of the ancient gods?” Liang Xue said in surprise.

“Have you heard?” Anliang asked rhetorically.

“Of course!” Liang Xue responded affirmatively, “This year, one of the annual works of Huanyu Film and Television, with a total investment of 50 million, the actors’ pay is suppressed within 10 million, and only 24 episodes are made. According to the strength of Huanyu Film and Television, this A drama has been booked in advance for this year’s word-of-mouth drama.”

Is “Legend of Ancient Gods” so famous?

It is no wonder that the return on investment issued by the Life Winner System is 200%. Investing 10 million can earn 20 million back. It is really Zhou Tao who sold the favor!

Do not!

Maybe Zhou Tao didn’t know that this drama was so successful, right?

Otherwise, it is possible for the other party to change to another drama?

“Then do you want to participate in this drama?” Anliang asked. .

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