Chapter 1057

Anliang had been aimless before, just flicking Chen Ming.

As a result, Anliang’s unintentional remarks caused a series of chain reactions, which eventually caused Chen Ming to fall into a huge whirlpool.

In the morning.

After Qiao Yijiang, Baining Bio’s deputy financial director, exploded the financial fraud of Baining Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Chen Ming vigilantly arranged Wei Zhihang, the well-known investment manager of Shengshi, to start a thorough investigation of the situation of the whole Shengshi.

From the well-known heavy warehouse stocks in the prosperous age, to the continued expansion of the scope of review of court projects after being targeted by Anliang.

If it is under normal circumstances, there is no problem with this operation at all, it is just a daily review project of the asset management company.

But now is not the usual situation. Baining Biological exploded financial fraud. In addition, eleven other well-known stocks also circulated gossip, indicating that there may be problems.

Under such circumstances, Shengshi Dingming Asset Management Investment Company suddenly started project review, even if Shengshi Dingming is a secret project review, but the financial circle is very small, even a little bit of trouble will cause all kinds of conjectures.

After all, there are too many funds in the financial circle!

When Shengshidingming started the project review, the remaining eleven heavy stocks held by it did not have any problems. Instead, the court project appeared-thunderstorms.

In view of the fact that Shengshi Dingming started the project review, before the project was reviewed by Shengshi Dingming, a Qinghai Investment Group Co., Ltd. subsidiary Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. chose to blew itself.

Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. chose the same approach as Bai Ning Biological, and exploded directly to the public.

Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd.:

In view of the fact that our company has invested too much in basic projects recently, the cost of power generation has exceeded the expected estimate, and the power generation has not reached the expected plan, thus the problem of difficult profitability has appeared.

Regarding the redemption time of the principal and interest of the Qingsanshui No. 1 debt project issued by our company, our company will try to apply for an extension.(Read more @

Special announcement.

The self-destruction announcement of Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. seems to explain the problem, but it is actually a thunderstorm. The so-called ‘delayed processing’ means that the principal and interest cannot be paid as agreed.

For example, if you purchase a company debt asset management product, you have agreed on a two-year period, and the principal and interest will be redeemed at a 7% annual rate of return.

But two years later, it should have been cashed out to investors along with the capital and profits, but now there is a sentence that the company is not profitable, and the principal and interest need to be deferred.

Isn’t this a thunderstorm?

The company’s debt-type projects issued by Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. are guaranteed by Qinghai Investment Group Co., Ltd. and underwritten by Guangming Bank. This time, Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. has a thunderstorm. If the principal and interest cannot be paid, investors can file a lawsuit. , That is the bad luck of Qinghai Investment Group Co., Ltd.

It just so happens that Prosperity Dingming is an important investment institution of Qinghai Investment Group Co., Ltd. The company debt issued by Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd., Prosperity Dingming also purchases, although it only bought 10 million.

But it was a quota of 10 million, and after Shengshi Dingming started the project review, Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. was worried that the problem would be detected by Shengshi Dingming, and simply chose to blew it.

In the financial circle, if it is a self-destruction problem, it is basically a fine of three drinks.

The company debt issued by Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. is only more than 60 million points. If you choose to self-explode, it is only a small problem, and the big deal will be fined.

· ······Find flowers········

Anyway, they will definitely make money later, and they will definitely fill up this hole, but it will take some time.

Under such a major premise, Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. chose to explode without fear, so as to fight for the penalty of three drinks.

Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. chose to protect themselves by breaking their wrists, but such an approach pitted Shengshi Dingming. Because Shengshi Dingming had just started the project review, Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd. ran out of it.

Relevant people in the financial circle will guess, is it possible that Shengshidingming has any inside information, and in order to avoid its own losses, it will start the project review?

… …. 0

So the chain reaction quickly formed!

Since Qing Sanshui Electric Power Co., Ltd., one after another imperial court projects have emerged from explosions. These imperial court projects are projects of some local courts. They are not a major issue of life or death. Most of them are overdue issues, but they are guaranteed Under the protection of the company and the underwriting agency, these problems can be solved.

It’s just that after Shengshidingming has started the review project, in order to avoid more serious consequences from being reviewed by Shengshidingming, it simply blew a penalty for three glasses.

Take the lesser of the two evils!

The implosion of one imperial court project after another, even if it was a ‘small project’ of tens of millions, even if Shengshi Dingming invested only a few million or 10 million such ‘small funds’ in each project.

The result is that these small projects and small funds have accumulated together, pushing the prosperous world to the forefront!


Update time: 06:31:58, September 16, 2020, old rules, ten consecutive changes, ask for monthly pass and flowers. a few.

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