Chapter 1062

Anliang threw the bait at the Baiyujing Club in the sky. This was the first step. According to Chen Ming’s rank, Anliang knew that Chen Ming could not be easily fooled.

Chen Ming is indeed a master, but Anliang is a master!

After Anliang released the information in the Tianshang Baiyujing Club, he contacted Fan Ping and Li Gang to explain the situation and prepare Anxin Investment.

At present, after the expansion of Anxin Investment Company, the number of traders has reached 50, the risk control team has 10 people, and the newly established legal department has 4 people. The total number of the company has exceeded ~ 70 people.

Anxin Investment Company is not only an investment company focused on the US stock market, but the international spot gold market and silver market, as well as the futures market, and even the foreign exchange market, all have Anxin Investment Company-active.

When Anliang expressed that he wanted to hype up the Magic Capital Copper futures, Li Gang and Fan Ping immediately prepared, and only waited for Anliang’s notification before proceeding with related operations.

Anliang first settled the situation of Anxin Investment Company, and then sent a message to the small partner group of the Imperial Capital.

‘Anliang: @Everyone: Friends, are you still going to the bar recently? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I go less and study hard recently. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: The two of them are going every day! ’


Qian Xiaogang, a spirited guy with a hedgehog head and big arms, studies hard, and the gentle and elegant Li Cunyuan and Yun Haiyang with big eyebrows go to bars every day?

Is this a mistake?

‘Yun Haiyang: The task of learning is relatively easy, and the bar has to be paid for by people, so I got my brother Yuan. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Do you listen to others? ’

‘Anliang: As expected of Brother Haiyang, it is indeed that smell! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Speaking of which Brother Haiyang is really poisonous, everyone knows he has money, but this person is still stingy to the extreme. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I’m not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Gang, I’m not stingy at all! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: [Picture]’

“Qian Xiaogang: Yesterday Sunday, you went out to play with your female boardmates, did you let your female boardmates spend money to open the room? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Haiyang, you are getting cold again in the skateboarding circle! ’(Read more @

‘Yun Haiyang:…’

‘Anliang: I vomited! ’

‘Anliang: I really don’t understand this kind of evil taste! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: I can’t understand it at the same time! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: This is a sense of psychological accomplishment! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Have you read a news recently about a rich second-generation foreigner whose family is very rich, but while he was in college, he met a girlfriend and asked him to work and raise him to college. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: This is too interesting! ’

‘Anliang:? ? ? ’

‘Li Cunyuan:? ? ? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: This person has a problem with his thoughts! ’

‘Anliang: Let’s talk about the pocket money plan this time. Our goal this time is copper futures. After Anxin Investment’s analysis, from Tuesday to Friday, copper futures should have a continuous rise. ’

‘Anliang: If there are no surprises, from Tuesday to Friday, it will increase by at least 5% or more. If we have a leverage of ten times, or even twenty times, is this a good pocket money? ’

‘Anliang: Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, when you go to the bar today, you will reveal the information on the rise of the Mordu Copper futures market on Tuesday and Wednesday. ’

‘Anliang: For example, when you drank a little too much, you accidentally revealed such information, understand? ’

· ······Find flowers·········

Li Cunyuan understands in seconds!

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, do you want to cheat Chen Ming? ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Now that Shengshi Dingming has lost the external asset management entrustment, only their own funds are left. Unless they take the initiative, it will be difficult to deal with. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: So what about Liang brother fishing? ’

‘Anliang: That’s right! ’

Anliang admits directly!

Because Li Cunyuan and all three of them have passed the test, Anliang is not worried about the three of them leaking secrets.

‘Anliang: The current Prosperity Dingming is not easy to deal with, so I have to go fishing and let Chen Ming take the bait by himself. ’

…. …… …

‘Li Cunyuan: I’m afraid Chen Ming will see through it. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Indeed! Although Chen Ming’s character is a little worse, his abilities are indeed good. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I also think Chen Ming will see through. ’

‘Anliang: He is waiting for him to see through! ’

‘Anliang: Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, you handled it like this when you were drinking today, revealing that the price of the copper futures market rose on Tuesday and Wednesday and that you have entered the copper futures market. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Should we invite people related to Chen Ming? ’

‘Anliang: No need! ’

‘Anliang: There must be Chen Ming’s chess pieces around you, let Chen Ming discover it by himself! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: I’ve been annoyed by Chen Ming’s behavior. Every time I guessed whether the young lady in the atmosphere group was arranged by Chen Ming, it made me a little disinterested. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: This is really annoying! ’

Chen Ming’s act of placing chess pieces like this, if it is not discovered, then everything will be fine, but after being discovered, it is indeed a taboo!

After all, who likes to be placed with pawns next to them?

I’m afraid there is no one! child.

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