Chapter 1066

Anliang returned to the hot grilled fish restaurant.

Li Xiyan asked in confusion, “Where were those two people just now?”

“After our friendly exchanges outside, it was mainly because they found that my fists were a bit hard, so they ran away dingy!” Anliang said jokingly.

Then he added, “Baby, I told you that I was fighting super fiercely. What is Li Kun? He thought he would be able to get rid of him by calling a big flower arm over, in fact, it is owed!”

Li Xiyan hummed, “I know you are amazing!”

Yao Qi didn’t speak, she was not like Li Xiyan, she realized that the problem was not simple.

Just now Anliang said that he didn’t like the look in Jiang Fei’s eyes when he looked at Li Xiyan.

To be honest, Yao Qi didn’t like the look in Jiang Fei’s eyes, because Yao Qi found that the other party’s eyes were too red and fruity, so she obviously had wrong ideas.

No wonder Anliang doesn’t like this look!

Yao Qi remembers what Anliang said before, the water of the Huangpu River is so muddy, it should be okay to throw one or two people down, right?

So will such a thing really happen?

Yao Qi looked at Li Xiyan, who was as silly as Baitian, and she was silently envious, but she guessed that it was this silly, white and sweet character that attracted Anliang, right?

Less than three minutes after Anliang came back, the waiter first delivered the spicy charcoal-grilled Dongxingban.

Anliang picked up a piece of fish for Li Xiyan, and Li Xiyan greeted Yao Qi to be polite, then she picked up the fish and fed it to Anliang.

Yao Qi was shown off by Anliang and Li Xiyan’s dog food operation!

This operation is too beautiful, right?

Anliang puts fish in Li Xiyan, and Li Xiyan puts it up and feeds it to Anliang. Isn’t this just a cycle?

So it’s great to have a boyfriend?


Yao Qi thinks it’s really great to have a boyfriend like Anliang!(Read more @

After a while, the grilled salt and pepper eel and the grilled eel with pickled pepper were delivered separately. As the waiter introduced, whether it was grilled salt and pepper eel or grilled eel with pickled pepper, the taste was very good.

Approaching eight o’clock in the evening, after this meal of grilled fish was finished, Anliang took Li Xiyan to Yangyun Aman, and Yao Qi naturally returned to Fudan University on her own.

When Yao Qi returned to the bedroom, she received a call from her mother.

After answering the phone, her mother Shen Shuyi asked nervously, “Qiqi, where are you?”

“I just returned to the dormitory, what’s wrong, mother?” Yao Qi could hear her mother nervous.

“That’s good! That’s good!” Shen Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

“Mom, what happened?” Yao Qi asked.

“I just received a call from your Uncle Li, and your Uncle Li said that he received a call from patrolling, Li Kun may have something wrong!” Shen Shuyi explained.

Yao Qi said in her heart, she calmly asked, “What happened to that guy, did it cause trouble at school again?”

Li Kun studied at the Magic City Sports College diagonally across from Fudan University. The two schools were separated by a little more than a kilometer.

“No, this time the problem is a bit big. Your Uncle Li revealed that it seems that Li Kun drove out of the guardrail and fell into the Huangpu River. He is still salvaging his car, but it has not been salvaged yet.” Shen Shuyi explained. The situation.

Yao Qi listened to Shen Shuyi’s words, she suddenly got goose bumps all over her body, not because of fear or tension, but just a feeling of sudden shock.

Because Yao Qi knew it was Anliang who started it!

This person really counts his words. He said that he was stingy before. This time the knife provokes Anliang, and then Li Kun is also implicated in it?

“I thought you and Li Kun were together, scared me to death!” Shen Shuyi explained.

“I was not with him. He did come to see me today, but I had dinner with my friends, and he and his friends left.” Yao Qi answered truthfully.

Although she guessed that Anliang was behind the scenes, she didn’t mean to say it, not only because she caused this trouble, but also because she guessed that Anliang dared to do it, then she would definitely not be found.

In fact, the same is true!

If Anliang dares to do it, it will definitely not be found!

Even though the National Security Investigation Bureau is very concerned about Anliang, Renyi Security Company still does a perfect job and completely eliminates any evidence.

In fact, Anliang is a kind person. If Li Kun really targets Anliang, then Anliang might just laugh it off, and simply don’t bother to pay attention to Li Kun.

But Jiang Fei, who Li Kun brought over, was disgusted to Anliang. The most important thing was that Li Kun was also disgusted to Anliang in the end. They actually used Li Xiyan to threaten Anliang. Didn’t they touch Liang brother’s inverse scale?

Not to mention that Renyi Security Company has done a perfect job, even if Renyi Security Company has certain omissions, I am afraid that no one will trouble Anliang.

After all, the current Anliang is not the former Anliang.

This act of provoking Anliang is completely self-destructive!

Yao Qi talked with her mother for a while and then hung up the phone. She wanted to call Li Xiyan, but after thinking it over, she guessed that Li Xiyan and Anliang should be raising Yun Yun by now?

Yao Qi put down the phone, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because this time Anliang also helped her solve the trouble, she really didn’t want to be with Li Kun.

Now that Li Kun drove down the Huangpu River, she could only pray for Li Kun, hoping that the river would not be too cold!


Update time: 06:34:44, September 16, 2020, can you tell the story of [the water is too cold]?

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly pass. .

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