Chapter 1082

The new rewards of the Life Winner System seemed a bit unclear to Anliang, anyway, he said that he didn’t understand too much, but more or less guessed what it meant.

and so…

Can some hidden information in flower language be spoken out?

When Anliang was thinking wildly, the life winner system issued a new reminder.

‘Ding! ’

‘The special mission [Glory of Justice] is over. All rewarded Hutooth coins will be reserved forever. The host can recharge any account at any time without exceeding the maximum reward amount of Hu-tooth coins. ’

Anliang looked at the new prompts issued by the life winner system. He felt a little disappointed, so now there is no reward for slaying demons and demons-right?

Anliang feels that this kind of support for justice is not fragrant at all.

Anliang didn’t think the canyon game was not fun, but felt that it was a little less interesting, so he simply quit the game and let the little vixen learn an automation major!

It is impossible to reduce demons and eliminate demons. Automation is more delicious!

Towards one o’clock in the morning, Yang Maoyi’s lucky fox lottery center gave out rewards. She quickly said, “Thank you for your support and thank you for your blessings. I am also very happy to be the first place this time. Let’s go down and see you tomorrow. .”

Yang Maoyi has another broadcast at the speed of light!

As for getting the honor of the first place in the annual anchor campaign of Huya platform?

Yang Maoyi really doesn’t care!

After all, Yang Maoyi’s live broadcast time is relatively short now. Apart from opening a lucky fox lottery center on Saturday and weekend, her focus is more on making food documentaries.

Because Yang Maoyi knows very clearly that this is her foundation!

As for the lucky fox lottery center, it can only be said that it can be done for as long as possible. Once there is a problem, she can immediately stop.

“My lord, we got the first place!” Yang Maoyi said happily.

Anliang nodded affirmatively, “Yes, we got the first place, you are the best!”

“Thank you, King!” Yang Maoyi said happily, and then added, “By the way, King, do you remember the agreement between us?”

“Huh?” Anliang was stunned for a moment. What agreement did he and Yang Maoyi have?


Is the system there?

Help! Help!(Read more @

Although Anliang’s memory is very good, because he has several girlfriends, he sometimes can’t remember everything inevitably.

However, there is no reminder of the dangerous premonition ability of the life winner system reward?

So, didn’t Anliang forget something important?

Yang Maoyi looked at Anliang’s face, and she groaned, “My lord, don’t pretend to be stupid. Let’s say yes. After deducting the share and tax, all I can get will be returned. you!”


Is this little vixen dying to clean up?

It turned out to be such a “little thing”?

Anliang thought it was a big deal!

“Is there such a thing?” Anliang replied knowingly.

Yang Maoyi hurriedly said, “Yes, there are some, my lord, don’t shame you, we’ve agreed.”

“Really?” Anliang teased the little vixen.

“Really!” Yang Maoyi walked to Anliang’s side, and she took the initiative to hold Anliang, “Majesty, we can’t shame, that’s bad behavior.”

“In my eyes, the king is a man who keeps his promises, and such a king can’t be fooled!” Yang Maoyi started the routine Anliang.

“Hey!” Anliang patted Yang Maoyi, “You little fox, where did you learn these routines?”

Yang Maoyi responded with a smile, “I learned it when I watched them live!”

Anliang understands in seconds!

Some of the young ladies who broadcast live really know how to lick their eldest brother.

“My lord, I calculated it, you topped up 100,000, and the emperor account has a 10% renewal gift, that is the total amount of 49.5 million.” Yang Maoyi explained.

· ··········Ask for flowers····· 0

After the recharge limit of 100,000 is renewed, it is equivalent to sacking 10,000 wool.

So Brother Liang made it again?

Anyway, the Hutooth platform said they did not lose!

The Huto platform is different from the Penguin platform. The Huto platform is open and honest, which means that we will not lose. The Penguin platform loses every day. Do players still support Dad Ma?

Anliang had negotiated with the Huya platform before. When he rewarded Yang Maoyi, he would receive an 80% share, which is much higher than that of ordinary anchors.

……. …. …

Ordinary anchors are basically 30% to 33%, even 35% is very small!

Yang Maoyi continued, “I can get 80% of the reward from the king. After deducting the tax, the final amount is 31.68 million. After the account is paid this month, I will call the king!”

This little fox!

Anliang sighed, “Just keep it for yourself!”

“No!” Yang Maoyi refused negatively.

“My lord, we’re done, didn’t we?” Yang Maoyi said sincerely. She was unwilling to ask for Anliang’s money because she was afraid that this would make Anliang unhappy and eventually separated the two.

In the relationship between this little fox and Anliang, she is actually on the more humble side, but it is such humbleness that makes Anliang pity her even more.

“It’s okay to promise you, but you have to promise me one thing.” Anliang gave a smirk.

“Huh?” Yang Maoyi was puzzled.

“Are you an English major?” Anliang asked.

Yang Maoyi nodded affirmatively, “Hmm!”

“Come on, let me tell you how to apply automation courses in English majors!” Anliang smirked.

Is there really someone who doesn’t understand automation? and.

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