Chapter 1084

Gong Po Po Chicken Soup Rice Noodle Shop.

When Yang Maoyi and Anliang were chatting, Grandma Gong brought two bowls of rice noodles with chicken soup. Huang Chengcheng’s chicken soup, paired with rice noodles like white jade, and fresh green onion, looked very appetizing.

Although this appearance is not an exquisite shape, it can indeed give an 8 point evaluation!

“My lord, you can taste it.” Yang Maoyi looked at Anliang expectantly.

Anliang nodded. He first took a sip of the chicken soup, which was thick but not greasy, fresh but not bright, and the taste was quite good.

Especially chicken soup is the taste of chicken soup, not the taste of chicken essence.

Anliang tasted another sip of rice noodles. The delicateness of this handmade rice noodles and the pure taste of rice noodles belong to memories in memory.

Rice noodles of industrial products always have a plastic taste.

‘Ding! ’

‘Host 19 tasted a bowl of plain chicken soup rice noodles, whether it’s chicken soup or rice noodles, it’s the simplest taste. ’

‘Congratulations to the host for getting a random gift pack. ’

Anliang chose to open it without hesitation.

‘Ding! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for getting three boxes of Yasmin. ’

‘The corresponding reward will be mailed to the host’s school by courier. ’

? ? ?

This one…

The winner system in life has evolved too fast, right?

Have you been promoted from Ultimate Experience 001 to Yasmin?

Loved love!

But Anliang wondered, should he not use it temporarily?

Mainly Anliang knows what to do!(Read more @

Is the life winner system to teach Liang brother to do things?

Forget it, it’s better to have a reward than no reward, right?

“My lord, what do you think?” Yang Maoyi asked again.

Anliang nodded affirmatively, “It’s really good!”

This one taste was rated as 9 points, there is no problem at all.

After all, the life winner system has given rewards to be affirmed. Although this reward is a bit tricky, it is also rewarded anyway?

This breakfast was given by Yang Maoyi. Although it was only 40 yuan, Yang Maoyi’s attitude was very good. After some girls fell in love, they wished that all consumption was spent by the man.

That’s not falling in love, it’s a parasite!

“By the way, little fox, I want to go home today.” Anliang explained that he had to go home when he returned to Shengqing, right?

“Yeah!” Yang Maoyi hesitated for a while before asking, “When will the king leave?”

“Tomorrow, I will go back to school tomorrow.” Anliang responded.

He took a one-month leave at the beginning of school, and now the one-month holiday has passed. Anliang is going to return to campus, at least to show his face?

“Then… King, are you coming over tonight?” Yang Maoyi asked softly.

“I will go home to see the situation. If my parents are in their hometown, I will come to you. If they are in the new home, I will go home.” Anliang explained.

He is not used to living in his hometown anymore!

The main reason is that his hometown was designed by the previous generation and shared bathrooms, which cannot fully protect personal privacy. Anliang doesn’t like this situation.

“Okay, then I’ll wait for the news from the king.” Yang Maoyi responded.

“Yeah.” Anliang agreed.

After the two had breakfast, Anliang sent Yang Maoyi back to Lin Shanju, and he went home by himself. He did not drive Yang Maoyi’s GLC-AMG63 because it was not as convenient to drive back as to take a taxi by himself.

While on the road, Anliang called Sun Xia and waited for Sun Xia to answer. Anliang took the initiative, “Mom, I’m back, where are you?”

Sun Xia hummed, “Not on either side!”

“Huh?” Anliang was puzzled.

An Shengyu’s voice came over, “Your mother and I are in the Lingqu Gold Mine. We came to inspect the work, and the representatives of the other three companies were also there.

“Oh!” Anliang responded, “Okay, okay, I also said that my mother is cooking at night!”

“Go go, can’t you cook for us when you come back?” Sun Xia vomited.

“Hey, I haven’t learned the true story of my mother yet!” Anliang responded.

“By the way, you are back anyway, you go to the sky realm, drive 583 out to refuel, and then go out and go around. After you left, I have not driven it.” Sun Xia arranged for Anliang.

“Okay!” Anliang agreed directly.

Sun Xia added, “The car key is on the table in the living room.”

“Received.” Anliang responded.

Sun Xia previously said that the Porsche 911-Targa4S that Anliang bought for her was a waste, but now it’s okay to stop driving the Porsche?

Anliang took a taxi to the sky realm. He first went home to get the Porsche car key, and then drove the Porsche out of the sky realm in the underground garage.

Porsche still has about one-fifth of the gas. Anliang drove the Porsche to the gas station next to the Starlight Center. It took about five minutes from Muling Mountain to the Starlight Center. After he refueled, it took another five minutes to drive back. Did you slip for a while?

Anliang planned to go to the little vixen after a short walk.

However, at the gas station next to the Starlight Center, Anliang found that Liu Ling was also refueling…

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