Chapter 1101

Tianfu School of Economics, campus road next to the second canteen.

Baiyue squatted on the ground. She was feeding three small milk cats to eat chicken mash, and the big cats farther away were eating boiled chicken pieces.

“Kitten cat, you have to grow up quickly!” Baiyue caressed the three small milk cats carefully.

The three little milk cats were devouring, obviously starving, they completely ignored Baiyue~’s petting to eat meat.


A big cat uttered a slightly fierce howl, and the three little milk cats suddenly became a little scared.

Baiyue waved her hand and motioned to the howling cat to go a little further. She threw a piece of boiled chicken over it, and only then did the howling-screaming cat leave.

“Kitten cat, eat more so that you can grow up nutritiously.” Baiyue scratched the top of a small milk cat’s head with her index finger, but the small milk cat rushed to eat.

Baiyue looked at the three little milk cats rushing to eat chicken mud. Her eyes were full of joy. She likes these little milk cats, and she hopes these little milk cats will thrive.

These little milk cats, as well as the seven or eight big cats hovering around, are all stray cats in the school.

Some of these stray cats came in from outside, and some students abandoned them after feeding. The number of stray cats in the Tianfu School of Economics is not large. In fact, not only the Tianfu School of Economics, but also the surrounding colleges almost have stray cats and stray dogs.

Anliang walked over. Baiyue felt someone coming. She looked at Anliang. When she saw Anliang, Baiyue was taken aback for a while, and then her heart trembled slightly.

“Ann… classmate… are you back?” Bai Yue was a little bit happy. She liked to see Anliang, even if she was just looking at Anliang.

It’s like loving a flower. After it blooms, even just looking at it will make you happy.

Anliang responded casually, “Do you like these cats?”

Bai Yue nodded first, “Hmm!”

Then she quickly explained, “Student An, these chickens are stale materials eliminated by Feathery Moonlight eclipse, in fact, they are not bad, but the standard of Feathery Moonlight eclipse is very high, so we just eliminated it directly.”

“I think throwing away these chickens is a huge waste, so after applying to Manager Feng, I took them home to make chicken puree and boiled chicken, and then took them to school to feed the cats.” Baiyue explained.

Once a little mute, now he can speak good words.

In fact, Anliang has long discovered that Baiyue can speak good words, only when facing him, Baiyue will behave like a little mute.

“These cats… very poor…” Baiyue said hesitantly. She was afraid that Anliang would not like her to take care of these stray cats.

“Are they really pitiful?” Anliang asked.(Read more @

“Hmm!” Baiyue replied affirmatively.

Baiyue added, “In fact, the cats and cats here are not particularly pitiful. Those in the north are pitiful. Especially in winter, the cats and cats in the north will freeze to death a lot.”

This is indeed a big problem.

“Do you really want to help them?” Anliang asked.

Bai Yue hesitated for a moment, but nodded, “Yeah!”

“Classmate An, don’t you… don’t like cats?” Baiyue asked.

Anliang walked over and squatted down. He reached out and stroked the three little milk cats, “These little furry things are really cute, and I like them.”

Baiyue breathed a sigh of relief.

It is great for Anliang to like these cats. She is afraid that Anliang will not like these cats and she will be embarrassed.

“Student Baiyue, are you still happy working at Yuyue?” Anliang asked casually.

Bai Yue was startled for a moment.

Anliang found that Bai Yue was in a daze. He smiled and said, “What are you thinking about?”

Baiyue was really thinking about it just now. She even thought that Anliang didn’t want her to work in Yuyue because there was something unclean on the stray cat, right?

·· 0 Seeking flowers············

“I was very good at Yuyue, and my daily work was very fulfilling. Manager Feng also taught me a lot of things.” Baiyue responded.

“Then you learned management work from Manager Feng?” Anliang asked.

Baiyue looked at Anliang a little confused.

“If you are asked to manage Feather Moon, can you do it?” Anliang asked again.

Baiyue waved her hands again and again, “No, I can’t. Manager Feng did a good job. He takes care of me very much. I never thought about managing Yuyue.”

Anliang didn’t speak, he looked at Baiyue.

…. …. …….

Bai Yue was watched by Anliang, and she gradually lowered her head.

“I will ask you again, if you are asked to manage Feather Moon, can you do it?” Anliang asked again.

Bai Yue asked back, “What about Manager Feng?”

“So you can, right?” Anliang asked the same.

Bai Yue did not answer, she chose to remain silent.

Yes it is!

Baiyue knows that she can do it because she is learning from Feng Jie every day, starting from the purchase channel, daily management content, purchase, sales and inventory management methods, and employee management, and so on.

Baiyue is all studying with Feng Jie.

According to Yuyue’s current mature operation structure, if Baiyue takes over the management of Yuyue herself, she knows she can do it!

“Student Baiyue, do you want to help these little things?” Anliang got up and looked at the stray cats around him.

These stray cats are all pastoral cats, without any pet cat breeds.


It’s really ironic!

Bai Yue nodded, “Well, classmate An, I hope to help these cats as far as I can!”

“That’s what you want!” Anliang responded.

He has found the completion of 【Special Reward Mission: Symbol of Super Rich! 】The direction…small.

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