Chapter 1103

Tianfu School of Economics, the second canteen.

Bai Yuean sat quietly opposite Anliang, and she secretly watched Anliang eat from the corner.

As Anliang guessed, the second cafeteria was really cold leftovers, and he did not dislike it. One part of fried cabbage, one part of pork with pickled vegetables, another part of rice, and a bowl of free bean sprout soup.

Chinese cabbage costs one dollar, Mei Cai buckle pork costs eight yuan, one rice one costs one yuan, plus the free soup, the total is ten yuan.

School prices are so satisfying.

Although the portion of Mei Cai Kou Po is indeed relatively small, one serving of dish with less portion is actually a better economy.

While eating, Anliang explained the situation of the Animal Star Man Rescue Foundation. Baiyue started from the Tianfu School of Economics. He first became familiar with the management of a team and explored the operation of the Rescue Foundation.

Anliang is not planning to hire professional managers to manage it. Since Baiyue likes it, let Baiyue learn slowly.

Doing things you like 20 loves, you should be very happy, right?

“Student Baiyue, starting from today, you don’t need to go to Yuyue. I will explain to Manager Feng that you should consider the things of the Animal Planet Rescue Foundation, especially the number of personnel, the corresponding salary, and what to do. Things.” Anliang explained.

“From today, too, your salary will rise to 5,000 yuan.” Anliang added, “Don’t refuse first. I hope you will do a good job of the Animal Planet Rescue Foundation seriously and make this salary worthwhile, okay? ”

Bai Yue hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, “Okay.”

“By the way, send me today’s class schedule.” Anliang added.

Baiyue nodded again.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, Anliang came to classroom 302 of the third teaching building.

The Finance Department of Tianfu School of Economics has four courses in the first half of the semester.

The first one is “Mathematical Analysis II” which lasted last semester. How can people who study finance fail to understand mathematics?

The second course is the advanced “Program Design and Application” of “Computer Fundamentals for College Students” last semester. The main language direction is Python, which can be described as keeping up with the trend.

The third and fourth courses are newly added subjects, one is “Accounting” and the other is “Macroeconomics” corresponding to “Microeconomics”.

The first class in the afternoon is “Macroeconomics”, and the tutor is still a regular teacher of microeconomics.

Chang Shi saw Anliang, he nodded slightly, Anliang also nodded back.

Nodding greetings is a basic social etiquette.

When Anliang was in class, Chen Ming of the imperial capital was in ecstasy.

Because Chen Ming made another profit!

In just one morning, Chen Ming had 11.6 billion of his own funds, plus 22 billion of funds raised, the total is 33.6 billion of funds, and he made 6 billion in the morning!

It’s a big profit!

Chen Ming has never experienced such a speed of making money. He is already a little obsessed with it. He suddenly understands why Anliang can rise so fast.

At this rate of making money, even a pig can fly, right?(Read more @

At nearly five o’clock in the afternoon, Chen Ming once again integrated his own income. Although there were some fluctuations in the market in the afternoon, it was eventually rising. Today’s full-day profit reached 7.7 billion!

“Old Wei, we made 7.7 billion today!” Chen Ming said happily.

On the surface, Wei Zhihang happily congratulated him, but he sneered in his heart, because even if Chen Ming made 7.7 billion, what about?

This stingy guy didn’t say how much bonus he was willing to give Wei Zhihang!

“Continue tomorrow!” Chen Ming said happily, “I will definitely earn more tomorrow!”

“Old Wei, will you stay and stay up late today?” Chen Ming suggested.

Wei Zhihang did not refuse, “Okay, Mr. Chen.”

Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief, “Walk around, let’s have dinner together, and the palace banquet will be arranged.”

Wei Zhihang sighed secretly in his heart, did he want a palace banquet?

Near Tianfu School of Economics, Hao from Nanfeng 3rd Road came to the hot pot restaurant again, and Anliang greeted the three brothers in the dormitory for dinner.

“Wen Shan, Brother Champion, are you two in a team?” Anliang teased.

Lu Wenshan complained, “Don’t don’t, Brother Liang, you and the gentleman are both fierce, we can’t handle it.”

Ma Long also seconded, “Can’t stand it!”

“Can’t even a macho stand it?” Shen Shizhong looked at Ma Long jokingly.

Ma Long shook his head repeatedly, “Mainly because Wenshan is Iron Five, I am definitely unable to withstand the two of you.”

“Hahahaha!” Anliang smiled directly, “Champion Brother, are you too real?”

“He used to be called Wenshan Brother, but now he is called Iron Five. The gap is too big!” Anliang said teasingly.

Shen Shizhong seconded, “The world is going downhill, and people’s hearts are not old!”

Lu Wenshan also sighed, “I also took it. This champion brother couldn’t figure it out on his own, but he had to blame me.”

Lu Wenshan continued to complain, “By the way, Brother Liang, you were not in school before. You didn’t know this beeping operation, and he was paying attention to the small class next door.”

Shen Shizhong nodded, “Brother Liang, do you remember Song Yan?”

“Who?” Anliang was puzzled.

“The small flower of the second class of finance is a bit tall, maybe one meter seven, it’s about the same as our monitor, and I used to get by your side.” Shen Shizhong reminded Anliang617.

Anliang finally remembered who it was. He checked the historical records in the interpersonal relationship scanning system and found Song Yan’s data.

Song Yan:

Age: 19

Height: cm

Weight: 51kg

Face value: 81

Build: 89

Favor: 95

Pure essence: 76

Morality: 80

Good health: 85

The appearance score is 81 points, one in a thousand miles, and the figure is not bad, probably about the level of entering the C-level giant panda, 95 points of goodwill is okay?

But 76 points of pure essence are not good enough!

Anliang doesn’t want to give away the head, let alone the five kills. Shouldn’t this kind of thing be handed over to the champion brother?

But even if it is to send five kills, Anliang is not optimistic about Malone.

Song Yan’s eyesight is high!

“Champion Brother, that Song Yan is not easy!” Anliang reminded.

Lu Wenshan said, “I hope that in Song Yan’s forest, there is no Trensu sprinkled by others!”

“Hahahaha!” Shen Shizhong understood in a second, “Wen Shan, your beep is a real show!”

Anliang also understood in seconds, he shook his head speechlessly, this Lu Wenshan is too sorrowful. .

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