Chapter 1116

Li Cunyuan sent a message in the group of friends in the imperial capital.

‘Li Cunyuan: @ Anliang: Liangge Niubi! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Damn it! This wave is invincible! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Chen Ming’s beep was self-inflicted. He actually borrowed 100 million and he was still thinking of dying. Is this guy crazy? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: He just went to the doctor in a hurry! ’

‘Anliang: Thanks for the invitation! People are in Tianfu and are in class. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I take it! Such an important thing has happened, Brother Liang, are you still in the mood for class? ’

‘Anliang: Why not? ’

‘Anliang: Actually, before he jumped off the building, I had a video chat with him. He thought that I also suffered a great loss here! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Hahahaha, this beep is too-too ridiculous, right? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: What is the loss of Brother Liang? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Everyone is worried about Brother Liang. ’

‘Anliang: Little problem! ’

‘Anliang: The loss is within an acceptable range! ’

‘Anliang: I’ll go to Bai Yujing to talk about the situation first, so that these guys don’t think about it. ’

At this special moment, Anliang needs more allies, especially the allies of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club, so he sends messages in the heavenly Bai Yujing.

‘Anliang: @Everyone: Regarding my personal loan issue, please rest assured that we will invest in peace of mind within the corresponding time, in accordance with the contract to honor the principal and interest. ’

‘Anliang: Personally, I am very sad about the matter of Shengshidingming and Chen Ming. ’

‘Anliang: Brother Ming and I are also good friends, so please don’t guess blindly. ’

‘Anliang: If there are any brothers and sisters who are not at ease, please submit them before 8 o’clock tonight. We will return 2 billion principals and 10 million in interest by Saturday at the latest. ’

‘Anliang: Thank you all brothers and sisters for your support. ’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Brother Liang is mighty! ’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: No matter what others think, I support you anyway! ’

‘Anliang: Thank you Xiaoyu! ’

‘Anliang: I slipped first, still in class. ’

‘Anliang: Xiaoyu helps count the brothers and sisters who want to divest, and send it to me after 8pm. Thank you, Xiaoyu! ’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Hmm, no problem! ’

Regarding the withdrawal issue raised by Anliang, no one of the members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club really withdrew their funds. Didn’t you see that Anliang had already powerfully wiped out the prosperous reputation and forced Chen Ming to death?

Such horrible methods have fully proved Anliang’s ability. How can these people divest themselves?

In the group of friends in the Imperial Capital, Yun Haiyang suddenly sent a message.

‘Yun Haiyang: @ Anliang: @李存远: @钱小刚: Are we iron buddies? ’

‘Anliang:? ’

‘Li Cunyuan:? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: What’s the situation? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Are you Chen Ming? Dove occupy the magpie’s nest and rebirth? ’

‘Yun Haiyang: What a mess! ’(Read more @

‘Qian Xiaogang: I have watched some fairy tale anime recently, and you make me suspicious of you. ’

‘Yun Haiyang:…’

‘Yun Haiyang: Is it really wrong for you to say stingy? ’

‘Anliang: I think the problem is not simple! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Second! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Asking such a question suddenly, I think you have a problem! ’

Yun Haiyang sent Nie Xiaoxi’s words to the group intact. Nie Xiaoxi’s words were like soul torture, making Yun Haiyang quite uncomfortable.

‘Qian Xiaogang: Actually, Brother Haiyang, I think you really change it! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Look, I just took you into the skateboarding circle. Your reputation in the skateboarding circle is stinking. Female boardmates know that you are a bit stingy. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Haiyang, really change it! ’

‘Anliang: If you meet a girl you really like, be generous! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: But, if I’m more generous, how can I tell if she likes my money or someone who likes me? ’

‘Anliang: Is there a difference? ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Is there no difference? ’

‘Anliang: An ugly girl, a pretty girl, which one do you choose? ’

‘Yun Haiyang:? ’

‘Anliang: Ms. Gao Wen and Ms. Jia Ling, how do you choose? ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Of course it’s Miss Gao Wen. ’

‘Anliang: You know how to choose beautiful ones, why can’t others choose rich ones? ’

‘Anliang: Beautiful, good figure, handsome, rich, good personality, etc., these are just conditions. ’

‘Anliang: It’s also a selection condition. Why is it just natural to choose beautiful, but it’s impossible to understand when you choose to be rich? ’

‘Anliang: Have I told you about the process of meeting Chen Siyu and I? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: No! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: The good man course has started, the notebook is ready, please Master An to start teaching! ’

·· ·Seeking flowers···········

‘Qian Xiaogang: The small books are in place, waiting for teaching! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Coach, teach me! ’

Anliang described the process of getting to know him and Chen Siyu. Starting from the plane, he helped Chen Siyu solve the greasy middle-aged man on the plane and opened up the mutual understanding.

He specifically said that if it was just this, he and Chen Siyu would have missed it.

‘Anliang: When I came into contact with Chen Siyu, I can 100% guarantee that Chen Siyu is the kind of woman who can’t get it straight with money, but Chen Siyu doesn’t like money? ’

‘Anliang: The answer is no! ’

‘Anliang: Boys have the right to pursue more beautiful and better-bodied girls. Why can’t girls pursue boys with better financial conditions? ’

… …… …….

‘Anliang: Let me tell you one more thing. ’

‘Anliang: When I disclosed that the investment failed, Ning Ruoshuang’s first reaction was to return Yunjing International Apartment to me so that I could get through the difficulties. ’

‘Anliang: One more thing, our little anchor originally thought my family was bankrupt, and she wanted to live broadcast me to support me! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Damn it? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Envy! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: This…’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, how did you manage them? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: There are very few people I envy in my life, Brother Liang, I envy you very much now. ’

‘Anliang: Stop crooked, I just told Ocean Brother through these things that stingy is not a way to verify true love in a relationship between men and women. ’

‘Anliang: Stop talking, I’m going to class…’

‘Yun Haiyang: Although you are right, I found a blind spot. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang:? ’

‘Li Cunyuan:? ’

‘Anliang:? ’

‘Yun Haiyang: You seem to have said several girlfriends? ’


‘Qian Xiaogang: Hahaha! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: I am even more envious! ’

When the good man was teaching, Fan Ping of Anxin Investment Company sent a message to Anliang, stating that there is a new problem that Anliang needs to deal with.


Update time: September 21, 2020 06:29:15: Ten consecutive changes are over, please ask for flowers, the new week starts, let’s be the first! Up.

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