Chapter 113

Anliang’s drinking volume may be due to the winner system of life, which has become very good.

At least in the two three-British games with Liu Kai, Lu Bu, Anliang was the god of war.

How can Anliang make a fake place now?

Everyone chose Moutai, a very face-to-face national wine.

“Brother Liang, toast you a glass!” A little dark Mengxiang was the first to challenge. He was behind Anliang on the court before and is now trying to find face at the wine table.

“Brother Mengxiang is too polite, cheers!” After Anliang and Mengxiang clinked their glasses, they both got bored.

The main reason is that the white wine glass is relatively small, only half or two.

Li Cunyuan took the initiative to join the battle, but he joined Anliang’s side. He took the initiative to toast with McLaren 720S owner Lin Mufeng, “Lin Shao, do it!”

Lin Mufeng quickly toasted, “Brother Yuan is too polite!”

Yun Haiyang joined the team battle, which is naturally Anliang’s camp. He opened his mouth and said, “Brother Ming, let’s do whatever we want, or should we have a toast?”

Ferrari Pista owner Chen Ming responded, “Everyone has done it. Wouldn’t it be too shameful if we were casual?”

The owner of the Lamborghini Eventador SVJ is a mental boy named Qian Xiaogang. He has a hedgehog hair style and is dressed in hip-hop style. He finds Anliang.

“Brother Liang, we are four to three, how about?” Qian Xiaogang said openly that he wanted to beat more and less.

‘Ding! ’

‘Random Mission: Win the final victory in this Maotai team battle! ’

‘Task reward: Comprehensive judgment will be made based on the final result. ’

‘Failure penalty: none. ’

A random mission was triggered!

Anliang naturally agreed, “No problem! Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, the three of us resist ` ˇ!”

Li Cunyuan pretended to sigh in response, “Fuzzy! Brother Liang is confused! Brother Mengzi and Gangzi are both masters, and Brother Lin Shao and Brother Ming are not easy to follow. We are fooled!”(Read more @

Qian Xiaogang directly retorted, “Just be nonsense! Brother Yuan, can I still not know how much you drink?”

Lin Mufeng seconded, “Although Brother Haiyang’s drink volume is a little bit interesting, we all know how far Brother Yuan’s drink volume is.”

Yun Haiyang had a black question mark on his face, and he was shot again?

Anliang first raised his glass and met Qian Xiaogang, and after a mouthful of boredom, he responded, “I’ll take a walk first. Thank you very much for joining us today. I am very happy today!”

The team battle was directly started by Anliang, who unambiguously had a drink with everyone, including Li Cunyuan and Yun Haiyang.

Anliang’s atmospheric performance won the favor of other people, and the other six people also followed Anliang’s walk, which is equivalent to a short period of time, everyone drank twelve glasses of white wine.

Even if it is a small wine glass of half a tael, the amount of twelve glasses is six taels.

How many people drink less than half a catty?

Yun Haiyang was the first to be “dead”!

The original three-on-fours became two-on-fours, and the pressure further increased, but the life winner system seemed to make Anliang not drunk. He dealt with the opponent’s wheel fight with one cup after another.

Li Cunyuan also helped Anliang fight together, and Li Cunyuan’s alcohol volume far exceeded Yun Haiyang.

Qian Xiaogang, who provoked the war, fell second. Originally, Anliang thought that Qian Xiaogang had a good drinking capacity. As a result, Qian Xiaogang was at the same level.

Mengxiang is really amazing!

When Lin Mufeng, Chen Ming, and Li Cunyuan fell, Meng wanted to fight Anliang to the end.

“Are you coming?” Anliang asked.

Mengxiang’s dark cheeks revealed a touch of rosy, “Come on!”

Their table is the main table. After all, they are all super sports car owners. Although Anliang did not drive over today, Li Cunyuan revealed the situation of Anliang. Everyone knows that Anliang bought the full Ferrari Pista.

A table of big bosses fighting wine naturally attracts others.

How could it be possible to concede defeat?

“` ‖ Brother Liang has invincible car skills and invincible drinking capacity. I really admire him!” Meng wanted to tout Anliang.

Anliang quickly responded jokingly, “Brother Dream, let’s exaggerate a little bit, I don’t think the strength is enough! For example, my car skills have reached the level of professional players, even if I directly participate in professional competitions, there is no problem!”

“As for drinking?” Anliang pointed at the ‘dead’ lying on the table with his right index finger, “I didn’t target any of you, you are all rookies!”

“…” Meng Xiang could only give Anliang a thumbs up.

(Promise)    Originally, he wanted to flatter Anliang, and took the opportunity to directly offer to fight a bottle of Moutai. As long as Anliang expressed hesitation, he would take a half step back and end today’s wine game.

As a result, this wave of Anliang’s operation was too irritating, and it almost caught Mengxuan by surprise.

“Brother Mengxiang, I think everyone has eaten almost. Let’s have a decisive battle. One person and one bottle of Moutai will be a tie after drinking together. How about?” Anliang made the proposal that Meng Xiang wanted to say before.

“…” What else can Mengxiang say?

His thoughts are completely different from Anliang’s, OK!

“Okay!” Meng Xiang had to agree to reply.

However, after half a bottle of wine, Mengxiang was cold, Anliang was lonely and Kerry was the audience! .

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