Chapter 1150

Happy Garden, on the Ferris wheel.

Anliang found out that he was the only person with a real fear of heights, and the two sisters of the Xia family were definitely a false fear of heights. He could only express that there were routines in life.

Xia Ruyi looked at Anliang sighing, she giggled, “Don’t worry, it won’t be dangerous!”

Xia Hexin explained, “According to the analysis of behavioral psychology, the way to overcome fear is to face fear.”

Xia Hexin continued, “Since you are afraid of heights, then face the heights and find a way to overcome it!”

Anliang hummed, “You are not afraid of heights, you don’t understand the issue of fear of heights.”

Anliang stretched his arm around Xia Hexin’s willow waist, and he could clearly feel Xia Hexin’s body stiff.

Because holding hands and hugging the waist are two completely different degrees of intimacy!

From the perspective of interpersonal relationship analysis, holding hands is a very introductory intimate relationship. When a man and a woman meet for the first time, they may hold hands directly.

But 233 is different from the waist!

Analyzing from a female perspective, if you are willing to be hugged by a male, it is almost a stable probability.

Last time when the two sisters of the Xia family were traveling in Shengqing, they were also hugged by Anliang, but the last time Anliang quickly let go of them, so they did not feel disgusted.

This time Anliang hugged Xia Hexin, and Xia Hexin stiffened slightly, and then acquiesced to Anliang’s behavior.

Anliang naturally felt Xia Hexin’s relaxation, he smiled secretly in his heart, and then greedily reached out and hugged Xia Ruyi again.

Xia Ruyi’s reaction was exactly the same as Xia He’s heart. It was also a little stiff at first, but then relaxed as if accepting his fate.

The atmosphere in the Ferris wheel car gradually became ambiguous. Anliang enjoyed the happiness of hugging left and right, or hugging right and left of the twin sisters. This feeling was completely different from hugging Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang.

Although Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang are also very beautiful, and Anliang also likes to hug them, they do feel different from the Xia sisters.

Anliang first looked at Xia Hexin on the left, and then at Xia Ruyi on the right. The two sisters were almost identical. Anyway, only by visual observation, Anliang could not find any problems.(Read more @

In addition, the figures of the two are almost the same. Even if there is a slight difference in weight, they are all weighing one hundred catties. If the difference is less than one catty, how to judge by weight?

“I suddenly feel that my fear of heights has eased a bit.” Anliang explained.

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi both gave Anliang a blank look. Both of their sisters knew that Anliang had embraced them at the same time.

Anliang found that the two sisters did not resist, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

This is a huge improvement, right?

“By the way, He Xin, Auntie asked me to come over for dinner this time, did she think carefully about it?” Anliang asked casually.

Xia Hexin nodded first, and then shook her head, “She hasn’t considered it clearly yet, but she is very excited. The future you described before is very good. If you follow the situation described by you, even if the profit is divided equally, you can make six in a month. Number of digits?”

Xia Ruyi agreed, “Half a catty of braised beef costs RMB 888 to RMB 888. At this level of price, the monthly profit exceeds RMB 200,000, so it shouldn’t be a problem!”

Xia Hexin continued, “But my mother is worried about whether there are customers, after all, such a price is too expensive!”

Anliang responded with a smile, “If there is such a restaurant, if it is not opened by your mother, if we are on a date, I would definitely be willing to take you there.”

Anliang played another little routine!

When he said that he was dating, he said ‘you’ again, thus secretly saying that he got three sixes.

Xia He saw through Anliang’s little routine, she hummed again, but didn’t mean to refute.

Xia Ruyi had been reminded by Xia Hexin before, and she was now shrewd, and she also saw through Anliang’s routine, but her mood was completely different from Xia Hexin.

On the contrary, Xia Ruyi had a little cheer!

Because nominally, Anliang is Xia Hexin’s boyfriend. If Anliang is not greedy, she will not even have a chance, so Xia Ruyi feels a little bit happy.

“There is no need to worry about the source of customers. In fact, as long as the current high-end catering has good taste, good dining environment, and good service quality, there will be almost no shortage of customer sources.” Anliang explained.

“Look at those neon dishes, 1,000 per capita is not a ruthless character. A bit ruthless is 2,000 per capita, and there are more than 3,000 per capita.” Anliang remembered the empty cicada in the magic city.

Everyone was 3888 yuan, and the result was disappointing!

No wonder there is a saying, “I regret not going to Kongchan, but disappointed when I went to Kongchan.”

“Mom is now in a dilemma. She wants to open a private restaurant again, but she can’t bear the iron rice bowl.” Xia Hexin sighed.

Anliang responded with a smile, “What kind of dilemma is this? The school can apply for suspension of pay. If the private kitchen is not well developed, you can go back to teach, and if the private kitchen opens successfully, you can go through the resignation procedures.”

Anliang asked, “Which school is your mother at?”

“I’ll ask someone to find out how the corresponding school should handle the suspension of employment.” Anliang added.

“She is in Wenhua Street Elementary School.” Xia Hexin explained.

“Okay, I will ask after the landing,” Anliang added.

“I’m afraid of heights now!” After saying this, Anliang put his hands on slightly.

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi snorted at the same time. Is Anliang still afraid of heights now? .

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