Chapter 1161

Faced with Feng Liping’s question, Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi looked at each other. The two sisters had a very high degree of tacit understanding. Just by looking at each other, the two judged each other’s thoughts.

Xia Hexin first said: “Although there are some details, but overall it is quite satisfactory.”

Xia Ruyi agreed, “Well, except for some innocuous questions, we like them very much.”

“Then…” Feng Liping suppressed joy, “Shall we go back to the sales office and talk about the price~”

Xia Hexin asked first, “What is the price of this apartment-type?”

“The price of this apartment varies according to different floors. For example, our current 14th floor has a unit price of 10,000 yuan per square meter.” Feng Liping replied.

“If it is the 15th floor, that is, the set upstairs, the price will reach 40,000 yuan per square meter.” Feng Liping added.

“A little more price will be added above the 18th floor, 41,000 yuan per square meter.” Feng Liping added.

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi looked at each other again. Both of them saw the surprise in each other’s eyes. According to the area of ​​228 square meters, even at the cheapest price of 10,000 yuan per square meter, the total price exceeded 800 Million!

If the price is 41,000 square meters, the total price will exceed 9 million, okay?

“Wait a moment, we have to discuss it.” Xia Hexin responded.

Feng Liping smiled and nodded. She was not worried that the other party was too expensive. Even if the two sisters of the Xia family faintly revealed their attitude of being too expensive, Feng Liping knew that Anliang was paying the money.

Feng Liping has recognized that Anliang’s watch is Patek Philippe. Although I don’t know how much it is, I only need to know that Patek Philippe is expensive.

On the balcony of the living room, Anliang is looking at Nanhu Park, which is more than one kilometer from the west bank to the east bank. This kind of scenery outside the window is quite shocking.

Anliang watched the two sisters of the Xia family come over, he asked, “How do you feel?”

Xia Hexin first responded, “Except for some minor issues, it’s good overall, but the price is too expensive. The unit price of a square meter ranges from 10,000 to 41,000, and a suite is more than 8 million.”

Xia Ruyi agreed, “It’s really too expensive!”

The corner of Anliang’s mouth is upturned, which is just in Tianfu.

If you are in the imperial capital, as long as you are within the Five Ways, it won’t be a problem for such a house to be quintuple.

“Which floors upstairs are for sale?” Anliang asked, “Does your top floor come with a roof garden?”(Read more @

Feng Liping hurriedly responded, “Sorry, sir, all our top floors have been sold, and all the top floors from Building 1 to Building 5 have been sold.”

“The 16th and 17th floors, and the 21st to 27th floors of Building 3, are all for sale. In addition, this set of model rooms are also for sale, and all the low-rise areas are for sale.” Feng Liping explained.

“Are there any discounts?” Anliang asked directly, “Say one of the biggest discounts. If it is suitable, we will sign the contract on the spot. By the way, I have the full payment. It is very simple to apply.”

“If it is the full amount, we can give a 98% discount and give away three-year property.” Feng Liping explained.

“Where is the parking space?” Anliang asked.

“Each owner has the right to purchase two regular parking spaces. The price is very cheap, only 150,000. If you want to buy the third one, you need 300,000, and the fourth requires 500,000. And you can only buy four parking spaces at most. “Feng Liping explained.

“Then add two more parking spaces, the same full price, are there any more discounts?” Anliang asked.

Feng Liping considered it for a while before responding, “If you buy two parking spaces, you will be given an additional three-year garage management fee.”

You don’t need to pay the parking space if you buy it. In fact, you will still pay the garage management fee every month, but the price of this one is very cheap, usually only a few dozen to more than a hundred yuan.

·········Find flowers 0 ········

“He Xin, Ruyi, which layer do you like?” Anliang asked.

Hearing Anliang’s inquiry, it was not Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi that was the happiest person, but Feng Liping next to him, because Anliang’s inquiry meant buying, right?

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi looked at each other, and then said the same answer in unison.

“We like the 22nd floor!”

Anliang was shocked!

Is the tacit understanding between the two sisters so high?

… ……… …

When the two sisters are studying automation, how should they do it?

Anliang immediately ordered, “Let’s go to the 22nd floor to see the situation first. If there is no problem, we will return to the sales office to sign the contract!”

“No problem.” Feng Liping responded.

The four came to the 22nd floor again. It was Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi still inspecting the entire house. Anliang stood on the balcony of the living room and looked at Nanhu Park.

The higher floors bring a wider view, and the scenery is better than the 14th floor.

Anliang glanced casually, then returned to the living room and sat on the sofa to check the work information on the phone.

In less than half an hour, Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi returned to Anliang, and Anliang asked, “No problem, right?”

“Yeah!” Xia Hexin sat on Anliang’s left.

“Overall, there is no problem.” Xia Ruyi sat on Anliang’s right.

“Okay! Then buy this set!” Anliang responded, and he said jokingly, “Have you brought your ID card?”

However, the two sisters blushed and nodded.


What is rhythm?

Could it be time?

Anliang wondered if he would wait for payment for the house purchase before bringing the two sisters of the Xia family back for house inspection? Eight.

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