Chapter 1169

Anliang finished replying to the message. He looked at the two sisters of the Xia family who were eating Bobo chicken, and said jokingly, “You two eat slowly, somehow save me some!”

“Here, here’s this for you!” Xia Ruyi picked up a piece of potato and handed it to Anliang.

Xia Hexin clipped a piece of lotus root to Anliang.

“I want to eat meat!” Anliang said a pun.

But whether it was Xia Hexin or Xia Ruyi, they all understood Anliang’s meaning keenly. The two sisters hummed together, but did not respond to Anliang’s meaning.

Anliang looked at the data of the two sisters in the Xia family through the interpersonal scanning system, and their favorability broke through the 79-point shackles, reaching a height of 85-point.

At this height, if Anliang wants to eat any one, there is no difficulty at all.

But if you want to eat big and small, there will be problems.

How easy is the operation of a winner in life of big and small?

Anliang thought that he could refer to Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, first look for opportunities to defeat them one by one, solve them one by one, and then consider the problem of flying together.

After two o’clock in the afternoon, Anliang and the two sisters of the Xia family had finished the bobo chicken. He asked casually, “Do you want to go home?”

After all, you have reached the door of your house. If you don’t go home, shouldn’t it be justified?

“It just so happened that I also told your mother that she was able to leave her job without pay.” Anliang added.

“All right, let’s go back.” Xia Ruyi responded first.

Xia Hexin nodded.

Anliang pays the bill first. The price of the Old Story Bobo Chicken is cheap enough, and the three people ate it for RMB, and the taste is very good. The ingredients are real.

The three of them walked out of the old story Bobo Chicken Shop. Anliang did not drive either. Anyway, it was only two hundred meters away, and he was treated as a digestion walk after cooking.

After a while, Anliang and the two sisters of the Xia family came to the Xia family.(Read more @

Cai Yushan and Ding Xiaohua are still at home, but Xia Xiaodong is still not at home.

Anliang was secretly curious, did Xia Xiaodong not be there on weekends?

In fact, Xia Xiaodong would choose a part-time tutor on Saturdays and weekends to subsidize the family, or to ease family conflicts.

When Cai Yushan opened the door and saw Anliang, she greeted her with great enthusiasm, “Xiao’an, you are coming over, why don’t you tell me in advance, I can prepare in advance…”

Anliang responded with a smile, “Auntie, don’t bother you, we will eat at the old story, and come back by the way.”

“By the way, Auntie, your suspension of pay has been handled, have you received the notice?” Anliang asked.

Cai Yushan nodded affirmatively, “I have already received the notice. I won’t have to go to school tomorrow. I just can handle the decoration of the private kitchen with peace of mind. I have discussed with the Rongshu Decoration Company. Now.”

“Then trouble Auntie!” Anliang responded.

“By the way, Xiaoan, you…” Cai Yushan hesitated, or asked, “You bought a house for He Xin?”

“Yeah!” Anliang nodded affirmatively, “We bought a suite at the Nanhu Yard in the morning and decorated the existing house.”

Anliang added, “If Auntie has nothing to do this afternoon, we can go and take a look now.”

“Now? Do you have time?” Cai Yushan was a little moved.

“Of course there is time.” Anliang replied affirmatively, and then looked at Ding Xiaohua, “We can take the mother-in-law and take a look. The Nanhu Park over there is quite good.”

Xia Ruyi agreed, “Yes, Mom, let’s take the mother-in-law directly!”

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin proposed to solve Xia Xiaodong through Ding Xiaohua before, so as to avoid Xia Xiaodong’s death to save face, and refuse to accept Anliang’s gift.

Cai Yushan was even more emotional, she nodded and said, “Okay!”

Xia Ruyi smiled, “I will tell her mother-in-law.”

Less than two minutes later, Xia Ruyi took Ding Xiaohua, and she replied, “¨” It’s done! Let’s go! ”

“Good!” Anliang walked ahead.

Everyone walked to the door of the old-story Boboji shop. Zhou Jiakang also came out to say hello, and then he couldn’t help but sigh when they watched everyone get the bright yellow Lamborghini Urus.

“The old Xia family is up this time!” Zhou Jiakang had thought that the future boyfriends of the two sisters of the Xia family were definitely both rich and expensive.

Now it looks like this!

After nearly half an hour, Anliang returned to Nanhu Yard. This time he drove to the underground parking garage of Building 3 and parked on the parking space he had just purchased.

In Room 2201, Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi took Cai Yushan and Ding Xiaohua to visit the entire house. Anliang checked the (Nuo Dehao) information on the phone on the sofa in the living room.

In the afforestation plan coordinating group, Anliang received information from Gu Fang and Hou Jincheng, and both of them completed the registration statistics ahead of time.

‘Gu Fang: There are 22 people in our class. I have issued a document for the specific list. ’

‘Gu Fang: [Application Form for the First Class of the Department of Finance, Grade 2019]’

‘Hou Jincheng: The number of applicants for our second class is two less, and there are only 20 people in total. ’

‘Hou Jincheng: [Application Form for the Second Class of the Department of Finance of Grade 2019]’

‘Hou Jincheng: The number of volunteers who signed up is a bit small, otherwise we are compulsory to sign up? ’

Anliang looked at the half of the number of applicants, and he secretly guessed whether the guys in Class 1 and Class 2 have a hatred of the rich? .

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