Chapter 1173

Arbor Day, four o’clock in the afternoon, at the foot of the West Barren Mountain.

Anliang took the megaphone and said there was one last thing.

“Our sponsor Yuyue has already booked the hot pot at Nanfeng Sanluhao and came to the hot pot restaurant. It will officially start at 6:30. Of course, if you arrive early, and you have enough friends and four friends, you can eat more when you start. One point.” Anliang said jokingly.

The so-called “three friends and four friends” is another way of saying eight people at a table, and the service staff at the hot pot restaurant will explain in place of Anliang.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” Anliang continued, “Since we are going to have class tomorrow, we do not provide any alcoholic drinks for today’s dinner, but only non-alcoholic drinks. I hope students will pay attention.”

Anliang said connotatively, “Even if you want to pay for alcoholic drinks on your own, the clerk will remind you, guest officer, not today!”

Some savvy boys laughed smirkly, but they can’t be a guest official!

Four buses drove the students away, and the staff of the garden company would stay and replant the remaining saplings.

In Tianfu School of Economics, those students who did not participate in afforestation charity activities naturally also know about hot pot dinners, and they also know that all students who participate in afforestation charity activities can also get at least nearly 1,000 yuan worth of feather moon points.

This situation caused some students who did not participate in the mentality to be out of balance, and even thought that Anliang deliberately targeted them, and some even posted Anliang on the campus wall.

On the way back, Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi sat together, Anliang was separated from them by an aisle.

Originally, Anliang was talking to Xia Hexin about planting trees, Shen Shizhong reminded, “Brother Liang, look at the campus wall, there is someone in Class 2 targeting you.”

“Oh?” Anliang raised his eyebrows, “He Xin, I will look at the campus wall first.”

Xia Hexin nodded.

Anliang opened the campus wall on his mobile phone and saw his post on the homepage.

“Anliang, the life committee of the third class of finance, deliberately targeted us? 》

Let me talk about the situation first. Today is the Arbor Day. Our 2019 freshmen from the Department of Finance have an event to go to the West Barren Mountains to plant trees.(Read more @

This event was organized by Anliang, the third class life committee of the 2019 financial class, and it was agreed in advance that it would be voluntary to sign up.

Because the department issued a notice that Thursday and Saturday were closed, and Thursday’s class was made up on Saturday, Thursday is equivalent to Saturday’s rest day. I did not sign up for this tree planting activity. In total, half of our class did not participate.

Nearly half of the 2019 class finance class did not participate.

This situation should make Anliang from the third financial class very upset, right?

After all, he prides himself on being a bigwig and rich. So many of us don’t give him face, he should be very upset, right?

So he deliberately sent a lot of rewards to those who went, did he deliberately target us?

Do you want us to feel regret?

I can only say that I am indeed rich!

Seriously, if this big guy said that he wanted to send money earlier, I believe everyone would go. After all, no one would have trouble with money, right?

May I ask this big guy, when will the next event be, and what rewards will I have? I will definitely sign up for it!

The campus wall is a real-name authentication platform. Anliang is looking at the other party’s information, Sun Xiaofeng, the second class of the Department of Finance of 2019.

Anliang still has an impression of this person!

When Baiyue proved him, this Sun Xiaofeng sprayed Baiyue. This person is a typical sprayer and too self-centered.

Anliang looked at the comments:

Dong Zeyi, Class I of the Economics Class of 2018: I have heard about Anliang’s pupils for a long time. Just because the other party organized this afforestation activity, it can show that the other party’s character is at least not bad.

Dong Zeyi, Class 1 Economic Class of 2018: Make up one! Inquired about it! This time an afforestation activity, the Anliang student probably paid more than half a million out of his own pocket. Will people of this level target you?

Li Ting, Class I of International Trade Class of 2018: Classmate, you really have a problem with your thinking!

Wang Wen from Class 1 Finance Class of 2019: The class next door can’t stand it anymore!

Zhao Gang, the second class of finance in the class of 2019: I can’t stand it anymore, and dare to post this kind of brain-dead remarks? Are you really afraid to expose yourself to low IQ and poor character?

Hou Jincheng, Class 2 Finance Class of 2019: As the class leader, I really can’t stand it anymore. I beg you to have a little brain!

Anliang looked at a large number of classmates spraying this Sun Xiaofeng, he was relieved!

He smiled and said, “Gentleman, this man has a problem with his brain, everyone knows it!”

Shen Shizhong responded, “I’m spraying too!”

“I’d better respond to him!” Anliang is not a character of’fighting and cursing.’

Since this Sun Xiaofeng wants to jump out of the line, Anliang taught him what it means to be insulted!

After all, Anliang is the master of Yin and Yang, right?

Posts like Sun Xiaofeng’s painless and non-itchy posts are at most just a beginner onmyoji, Anliang can spray the other side to autism! .

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