Chapter 1189

It was nearly six in the evening.

Anliang silently watched the chat at the Baiyujing Club on Pingtian. These young people in the imperial capital circle are poisonous and they are discussing the issue of Baoshen.

For example, how to make the local court of Bao Province yield?

The local imperial courts in Bao province are disinterested, and young people in the imperial capital circle are discussing how to solve this problem.

In fact, the problem of Bao province is very pure, mainly the problem of the local court.

As for the people in Bao Province?

The vast majority of people are not fools. After all, it is already 2020. Do you really think that the people of Xia State eat bark?

In Baoshen’s TV programs, experts say that Xia Guo’s eating tea eggs is a luxury behavior. In fact, it is not an expert’s brain damage, nor is it a television station.

While Anliang was watching the screen, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang went home. After they opened the door, they found a pair of shoes at the door, and then they saw Anliang on the sofa.

“Huh!” Chen Siyu doubted, “Master An, why are you here?”

Anliang hummed and beckoned, this big cat in the capital city broke down with the Bingshan girl, and actually called him Master An!

When summoning Chen Siyu, Anliang sat up from the sofa, and Chen Siyu obediently walked over and sat on Anliang’s left thigh.

Chen Siyu likes to snuggle in Anliang’s arms the most, so as to be the cat in his arms.

The only problem is that this cat is a bit big!

Chen Siyu was sitting in Anliang’s arms, Anliang’s left hand was wrapped around her waist, and her right hand was holding a mobile phone to check the chats of the Baiyujing Club in the sky. He wanted to see what the younger generation of these imperial capital circles would discuss how to deal with the province.

When the Emperor Cat is in Anliang’s arms, she will stop by to look at Anliang’s mobile phone.

“Master An, are you watching the screen?” Chen Siyu asked curiously.

Anliang’s left hand has already penetrated through the hem of Chen Siyu’s clothes, “I’m not looking at the screen, I’m just watching what they are talking about, these guys are worrying about the country and the people!”(Read more @

“Look, they are talking about how to target Bao Province and make the local court of Bao Province surrender.” Anliang handed the phone to Chen Siyu, and then waved to Ning Ruoshuang.

Ning Ruoshuang’s face was reddened, but he cleverly walked over and sat on Anliang’s right leg.

“Shuangshuang, do you miss me?” Anliang asked mockingly.

“Yeah.” Ning Ruoshuang responded in a low voice.

Anliang looked at Chen Siyu again, “Siyu, how about you?”

“Huh?” Chen Siyu was watching the Bai Yujing Club chat in the sky!

Chen Siyu was also very interested in how the younger generation of these imperial capital circles could deal with the local court in Bao Province.

“Siyu, Shuangshuang, you see that we haven’t seen each other for a long time. As the so-called little don’t win the newlyweds, I am worried that you will not be able to beat me, so do you want to unite against me?” Anliang smirked and suggested.

Both Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang understood what Anliang meant.

Chen Siyu dropped Anliang’s phone, she held Anliang with her hands, “You want to be beautiful!”

Ning Ruoshuang also refused to respond, “No!”

“I wanted to be very beautiful!” Anliang still smirked, he hugged Chen Siyu a little bit, and then kissed Chen Siyu.

Ning Ruoshuang realized the danger, she wanted to escape, but Anliang had already held the willow waist, where else could she escape?

Chen Siyu originally pinched Anliang’s hands and actively embraced Anliang’s neck. She is a veteran player of Canyon Games and naturally would not resist Anliang.

A few minutes later, Chen Siyu’s breathing was a bit short, Anliang let go of her, then turned around and kissed Ning Ruoshuang.

Ning Ruoshuang and Chen Siyu are good sisters. Although she feels that Chen Siyu is right there, she is a little bit embarrassed, but she has been caught by Anliang, and she can’t resist.

When Chen Siyu watched Anliang kiss Ning Ruoshuang, she suddenly thought it was quite interesting. The original discomfort in her heart was replaced by curiosity.

After a while, Anliang let go of Ning Ruoshuang. He found that the double happiness of Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang was completely different from the two sisters of the Xia family.

As for which kind of double happiness is better?

Anliang can only say that both kinds of double happiness are good!

Brother Liang strongly recommends that good men try it out. This kind of double happiness is really overwhelming.

Anliang hugged Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang from left to right, and continued to experience double happiness. He asked, “Have you had dinner?”

“Not yet!” Chen Siyu responded.

Ning Ruoshuang added, “I originally planned to come back to eat some fruit salad and whole grain bread. Master An, what would you like to eat?”

“I want to eat you!” Anliang hummed, “I am very hungry now, one is not enough to eat, I want to eat two!”

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang looked at each other, then shook their heads and refused.

“No!” Chen Siyu responded.

Ning Ruoshuang also refused, “No way.”

“But I’m really hungry!” Anliang responded.

Before Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang answered, Anliang kissed Chen Siyu again. When kissing Chen Siyu, Anliang did not let Ning Ruoshuang go.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang both panicked secretly. Could it be that this time they were in danger? .

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