Chapter 1198

Tesla Summer Country:

“We at Tesla have always been the world’s leading manufacturer of electric vehicles! 》

Up to now, our Tesla has always been in a leading position in terms of sales volume, number of patents, and the core endurance of electric vehicles, as well as assisted intelligent driving technology, on a global scale.

After our Model 3 entered Xia Guo, it directly became the number one electric vehicle sales!

Our Model3 is still the number one electric car in its class in terms of cruising range!

Our Tesla’s battery management program and the superior performance of the 21700 battery have brought us Tesla’s powerful power and endurance, as well as an excellent electric vehicle driving experience.

In response to the questions raised by consumers, Tesla currently has no plans to replace power battery suppliers, and there is no plan to develop other power batteries in the short term.

We at Tesla are committed to providing consumers with the best electric car driving experience, the best safety guarantee, and the most cutting-edge technology.

To reveal an exciting news, we at Tesla are studying the next generation of new batteries. Once the research and development is successful, we will notify consumers around the world as soon as possible.

Thanks to consumers for their care and support!

Tesla Summer Country · 2020 · March 14

Anliang checked the news released by Tesla’s official blog, this official blog is a bit level!

This official blog only talks about how powerful Tesla is, what achievements it has achieved, and what powerful parameters it possesses. It does not talk about graphene batteries at all.

There is no word that degrades graphene batteries on the bright side!

However, this information revealed that Tesla is not optimistic about graphene batteries.

There is quite a taste of ‘swearing without dirty words’.

Anliang switched back to the imperial capital group of friends.

‘Anliang: This Tesla does have something! ’

‘Anliang: But this Tesla forgot a lot of its own problems? ’

‘Anliang: Brothers, do you want to watch the fun? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: The bench is ready! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: The seeds are ready! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Sit back and wait. ’

‘Anliang: Wait a minute, I’ll do it first. ’(Read more @

Anliang sends information to the management group of Mengfu Graphene Technology Group Co., Ltd. Currently, Wu Chunsheng is responsible for the operation of the graphene battery industry, Zhao Wanxi arranges personnel to assist management, and the National Security Investigation Bureau is responsible for security.

‘Anliang: Who is managing our official blog? ’

‘Zhao Wanxi:? ’

‘Anliang: Are you in charge? ’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Our official blog does not need to send messages, just after registering, it keeps hanging up. ’

‘Anliang: Send me the account number and password privately, let me tease Tesla. ’

‘Zhao Wanxi:? ’

‘Anliang: [Link: We, Tesla, are always the world’s leading manufacturer of electric vehicles! 】’

Zhao Wanxi quickly read the link and responded directly to the message.

‘Zhao Wanxi: Tesla’s copywriting is a bit level! ’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I will send you the account number and password right away. ’

Less than half a minute later, Anliang received the account and password sent by Zhao Wanxi, and received the message from her.

‘Zhao Wanxi: Do you want to help? ’

‘Anliang: Sorry, meet again, I, Master Yin and Yang! ’

‘Zhao Wanxi:? ’

‘Anliang: Look hard, learn hard! ’

Anliang directly logged in to the official account of Dream Future Graphene. After thinking about it a little bit, he started directly.

Dream of the future graphene:

@ Tesla夏国: Your autopilot is fake! [狗头]

The certification information of ‘Dream of Graphene for the Future’ is: The world’s first graphene battery commercial application company… 0

Just now, Tesla said weirdly that they have no plans to replace the battery. In fact, it is implying that the graphene battery is immature.

So when the official blog of ‘Dream of the Future Graphene’ jumped out to do things, it was quickly spread by the crowd.

The ‘Dream of Graphene for the Future’, which originally had less than 100,000 attentions, after Anliang released a teasing message about Tesla, the attention has exceeded the 100,000 mark in the past ten minutes.

Tesla naturally discovered the ridicule of dreaming of graphene in the future, and their official blog also responded immediately.

Tesla Summer Country:

@梦想未来Graphene: Correct your friends, it’s called ‘Assisted Driving System’.

Anliang saw the message replied by Tesla’s official blog, and he also responded to the message as soon as possible to tease.

Dream of the future graphene:

@ Tesla夏国: I read less, don’t you coax me?

Are there any fans who are good at English?

Translate seek: A utopilot

Excuse me: Does ‘assisted driving system’ mean?

We used a translator to translate it, and it seemed to be: What does ‘autopilot’ mean?

Anliang’s reply immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the people who eat melons. After all, such a straightforward official blog is rare, and there have been rumours that ‘Dream of the Future Graphene Technology Group Co., Ltd.’ is actually a super powerful company.

Is the official blog of such a super powerful company so skinny?


Update time: September 30, 2020 06:32:58, the old rules, ten consecutive changes, book tomorrow’s monthly pass, please vote for the monthly pass after midnight, thank you! .

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