Chapter 1204

Zhao Wanxi knew that Anliang would not choose Tesla, because one of the cooperation agreements of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group stipulates that graphene batteries will not be exported for the time being.

Facing Anliang’s inquiry, Zhao Wanxi responded.

‘Zhao Wanxi: Wait a minute, we are in the process of screening. ’

‘Anliang: Screening? ’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Yes, we are picking the best one! ’

‘Anliang: All right! ’

‘Anliang: I don’t understand it anyway, you watch and deal with it. ’

‘Anliang: It’s best to pack the entire team! ’

‘Zhao Wanxi: We will take care of it. ’

‘Anliang: Good. ’

As soon as Anliang finished communicating with Zhao Wanxi, the doorbell rang, and the supper with sea urchin steamed egg arrived, and he got up to open the door.

There are a total of eight sea urchin steamed eggs. Chen Siyu ate two, and Ning Ruoshuang also supported two. The rest were from Anliang, so they ordered Anliang’s supper?

30 Thanks to the existence of the winner system, Anliang does not seem to need to worry about gaining weight.

After supper, Ning Ruoshuang ran away quietly, because she realized that if she didn’t run again, she was afraid that something would happen.

Given that Ning Ruoshuang had already run away, Anliang had just eaten a supper, he sat in front of the Steinway piano and tried to play.

Anliang’s level is very good to ordinary people. His smooth rhythm seems to be the same thing, but to Chen Siyu, Anliang’s tunes, except for “OurLove”, are a little tasteless.

The emotion that almost blends into it!

While Anliang was playing, Chen Siyu sat beside him and did not mean to disturb him, so she quietly admired Anliang’s performance.

It was nearly 11:30 in the middle of the night, Anliang stopped playing the piano, and he hugged Chen Siyu.

When Chen Siyu was picked up by Anliang, she stretched out her arm around Anliang’s neck. She liked the feeling of being held by Anliang.(Read more @

In the bathroom of the master bedroom, it was originally warm to wash each other, but in a blink of an eye it developed into a professional battle.

After half an hour, Anliang took Chen Siyu to the bed in the master bedroom. He squeezed Chen Siyu’s face, “I’ll see if Shuangshuang is asleep, and come back later.”

Chen Siyu hummed and agreed.

In Room 8805, Ning Ruoshuang was not asleep when Anliang came over. She was still waiting for Anliang. She knew Anliang would come.

“Shuangshuang, have you taken a bath?” Anliang asked.

Ning Ruoshuang’s face flushed and nodded, this iceberg girl just likes to be shy, she is obviously not a new player.

Anliang whispered, “I just finished washing too.”

Ning Ruoshuang’s face was even redder.

“Come on, let’s continue to study automation.” Anliang said that he wants to be an uncle and let Ning Ruoshuang study automation.

Anyway, Ning Ruoshuang loses weight, right?

Because of the automation profession, this time it took a little longer to hand in the homework. When it was close to fifty minutes, Ning Ruoshuang collapsed in Anliang’s arms.

Anliang hugged Ning Ruoshuang, he gently stroked Ning Ruoshuang’s sweaty back, and smiled lightly, “Shuangshuang, do you see if the automation profession loses more weight than yoga?”

Ning Ruoshuang didn’t respond, she lay in Anliang’s arms, she hadn’t recovered yet.

A few minutes later, Anliang hugged Ning Ruoshuang to take a bath, and then hugged her to Room 8806.

This time Ning Ruoshuang was sober, knowing that Anliang was holding her to Room 8806, but she did not refuse, but shyly hid in Anliang’s arms.

When Anliang came to Room 8806 with Ning Ruoshuang, Chen Siyu was still not asleep. She was chatting with the little sisters. Chen Siyu has also begun to integrate into the imperial capital circle. She and Hu Xiaoyu have a very good relationship.

When Anliang was not in the imperial capital, Hu Xiaoyu and Miao Xueyi often made appointments with Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, and they formed a new small group of close friends, and Song Qian was also pulled in by them.

These little sisters prefer to discuss things about eating, drinking and having fun. Chen Siyu and them are discussing the newly opened steak house in the Imperial Capital. They have arranged a time to pull the weeds.

When Anliang came over with Ning Ruoshuang, Chen Siyu sent a message to the little sisters that she was going to sleep, but was ridiculed by the other little sisters.

Because the little sisters all know that Anliang has come to the imperial capital!

Go to bed at this time?


Today is Sunday, everyone understands!

Anliang put Ning Ruoshuang on the bed as well. He slept in the middle according to the old rules, and then hugged Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang one by one.

Chen Siyu was a little nervous, and she whispered, “Master An, let’s go to bed early. I will go to the school piano room to practice piano tomorrow. Teacher Sun will personally supervise.”

Ning Ruoshuang was also very nervous, she also said in a low voice, “I will continue to go to school to dance to lose weight tomorrow.”

Anliang put his arms around the two and said, “Don’t worry, we will rest.”

Anliang really just hugged them to rest.

The bottom line must be a breakthrough layer by layer. Today, when they are all awake, the three of them sleep together.

Anliang kissed Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang again, “Go to sleep, I have something to deal with tomorrow.”

“Yeah!” Chen Siyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning Ruoshuang also breathed a sigh of relief. She let Anliang hug her, and then gradually fell asleep. .

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