Chapter 121

After the two had eaten the haggis flour, Chen Siyu left together after checking out.

Anliang did not rush to pay the bill at all, and let the girl pay the bill at the right time, not only will not lower the evaluation in the hearts of the girls, but will get the girl’s favor.

Blindly male chauvinism may not only cultivate a vampire, but may also make the other person not know how to cherish it.

“Where are we going now?” Anliang asked.

“I’ll take you to listen to the song.” Chen Siyu responded.

“Listen to the song?” Anliang was a little puzzled.

Chen Siyu started the Lamborghini Huracan. While driving, she responded, “Yes, let’s go to listen to songs and drink something by the way.”

For nearly an hour, Chen Siyu took Anliang back to the National Conservatory of Music. She parked the car into the academy and then took Anliang away from the back door of the academy.

In the small alley behind the National Conservatory of Music, Anliang followed Chen Siyu to a courtyard. The courtyard was hung with the shop sign of ‘years’, and the elegant fonts gave a sense of refined.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, Anliang heard faint singing.

“…I am nostalgic for wild flowers in the wild sand!”

“Don’t love the prosperity of the world, even if you laugh at me as a fool…”

Chen Siyu introduced, “This is a mixed B&B and Qingba, as well as a LiveHouse-style complex. I don’t know its positioning.”

LiveHouse probably refers to a miniaturized live singing venue.

“A singer today?” Anliang was curious.

Chen Siyu responded negatively, “The LiveHouse of the Years’ family is different. Anyone can perform on stage. If the performance is good, someone may enjoy the flower basket and drinks. As for the performance, it is of course a boo.”

Anliang inexplicably thought of the five-tone star anchor!

If the little anchor Yang Maoyi came on stage to sing, I’m afraid the audience will boo.

Under Chen Siyu’s lead, Anliang walked into the LiveHouse-style clearing bar. Chen Siyu chose a small table. The two sat on high stools. Anliang scanned the QR code on the table to order drinks.

Anliang checked the wine list of Suiyue’s house, and he found that it was unexpectedly cheap!(Read more @

For example, a glass of fruit juice series drinks only cost 38 yuan.

Although it sounds expensive at first glance, it is actually the average level of a star father, and even the bar in Nanyun Jiangli is not so cheap, okay?

This is the imperial capital!

And this LiveHouse style environment is very good.

Anliang glanced at the beer again. The beer of the years is cheaper. Taking Carlsberg as an example, the price of the special alcohol series 330ml is only 18 yuan a bottle.

If you put it in the nightclub on the side of the Workers’ Sports Center, the cheapest starts with a bottle of 58 yuan!

Anliang ordered Chen Siyu a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, and then ordered a bottle of Carlsberg alcohol and a nut plate.

“I ordered freshly squeezed orange juice for you, is it okay?” Although Anliang was asking, he actually placed an order. Chen Siyu naturally cannot drink if he wants to drink.

Chen Siyu gave Anliang a white glance, and she hummed softly, “Listen to the song!”

The one who is singing is a big sister, and the other person seems to be about 30 years old, full of mature charm.

“How do you remember me?”

“With a smile or a very silence?”

The eldest sister sang so affectionately, she seems to be a sad person again, right?

I don’t know the meaning of the song for the first time, and then I will be the person in the song!

That big sister closed her eyes and sang her passionately. If she didn’t sing her own story, how could she be so devoted?

Only if I really missed it would I be so sorry 0………

‘Ding! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for listening to the unforgettable voice of the heart, and acquiring the skill: singing [professional level entry level]. ’

He has obtained professional singing skills!

Even if it is an entry level, it is still a professional level.

“It’s so nice!” Chen Siyu sighed.

Anliang nodded affirmatively, “It’s really nice! Sing out the regret in her heart, right?”

“You onmyoji master actually understand?” Chen Siyu was surprised, “Sister Chen is the wife of the years, and this courtyard is also her own, so the consumer prices here are relatively low.”

That’s it!

No wonder the price of drinks is so cheap.

It turned out to be the rich sister’s own real estate business.

“…It’s all my fault, silence when you shouldn’t be silent, weakness when you should be brave…” The big sister changed another emotional song.

Although the original singer was a male singer, she still sings exciting now, which directly draws people into a feeling of regret.

Anliang sighed, “Her level is a bit high! At this level, I’m afraid it will be okay to participate in good voices, right?”

Chen Siyu nodded, “Actually, the program team has called her several times, but she is not willing to participate.”

“Awesome!” Anliang sighed.

If she participates in Good Voice, even if she is eliminated in the middle, but with the resume of participating in Good Voice, she can completely make the years go wild, right?

I can only say that she is not bad for money!

After all, there is a courtyard house in the imperial capital. According to the location of this courtyard house, I am afraid that even a small goal cannot be defeated! .

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