Chapter 1210

Anliang understands the importance of being clumsy.

He prefers to be a low-key person and do things high-key.

Zhao Wanxi asked again, “You almost missed the topic. What do you mean by Chen Ming?”

Anliang responded, “Does Chen Ming have many partners in the imperial capital circle?”

Zhao Wanxi thought about it for a while before she replied affirmatively, “It’s quite a lot.”

“Does Chen Ming’s family have many friends in the imperial capital circle?” Anliang asked again.

Zhao Wanxi still nodded, “His father was former household servant and a senior official of the imperial court. Their family is pretty good in the imperial capital circle.”

Zhao Wanxi added, “You don’t know yet. Chen Ming’s father, Chen Hong, has already been transferred from the post of Minister of Household Affairs. His brother Chen Jin has also been transferred from the Ministry of Education. If there is no accident, they Both will end up worse.”

“Chen Ming left more than 20 billion in debt for them. Chen Ming really thought that people would die, but how could it be possible?” Zhao Wanxi explained.

It seems that the Chen family has completely fallen down?

“Tesla’s situation is the same as Chen Ming’s. Although there are many friends and partners, these relationships are vulnerable to benefits!” Anliang explained.

“The financial giants in the Bald Eagle Country are indeed very powerful, but they are not dogs raised by Tesla, and they will not die for Tesla, and even they will be like us. Not only will they not help Tesla, but they will take advantage of the fire! Anliang responded with a smile.

“The financial sector has never had eternal enemies, nor eternal friends. Only benefits are eternal. When there are benefits, the financial giants of the Bald Eagle country are even willing to sell their souls.” Anliang said teasingly.

“Wait a moment.” Anliang checked the time, and it was just after one noon.

The Bald Eagle Country had switched to daylight saving time on March 11 a few days ago, so it was just after midnight in the Bald Eagle Country, and he used a loudspeaker to make a hands-free call.

Nearly a minute later, a bit of agitated English came through, “Oh! Damn! Damn it, there is a time difference between our two countries. It’s past one o’clock in the morning on my side, do you know?”

“I know, but I want to talk to you about tens of billions, and it is a dollar business, are you interested?” Anliang also responded in English.

Zhao Wanxi’s English is very good. She fully understands the communication between Anliang and the other party, and she confirmed the other party’s name, Ron Klein, from the information displayed on the phone screen.(Read more @

Zhao Wanxi thought about the identity of Ron Klein.

this person…

It seems to be Berkshire Hathaway’s senior vice president of investment?

When Anliang once targeted Bentian Motors, it seemed that he had an intersection with this person?

“Oh! Dear Ann, may I ask you what is wrong, I am not asleep yet, I have plenty of time to wait for you.” Ron directly changed his attitude.

Anliang ridiculed, “Ron, I like you who are unprincipled. They change their faces faster than flipping a book!”

“Thank you for the compliment.” Ron responded.

Zhao Wanxi was listening, and she secretly wondered whether she was so shameless in finance?

Or is it such shamelessness to be successful in finance?

“Do you know what happened on Xia Guo’s network?” Anliang asked casually.

“That graphene battery company publicly mocked Tesla on your red bar, right?” Ron asked.

Anliang smiled and looked at Zhao Wanxi. He also shook his eyebrows, indicating that he had not made a mistake just now?

The financial giants of these bald eagle countries will certainly pay attention to this kind of critical information!

“Yes.” Anliang responded, “Join together?”

“How to join forces?” Ron asked back.

“Is the last cooperation still pleasant?” Anliang did not directly explain, but reminded the other party.

Ron replied in the affirmative, “`. Very happy!”

“Continue this time?” Anliang replied directly, “We expect to use $3 billion to $5 billion to enter the market for Tesla. How much do you want to enter, I don’t care about yours, but we should not bother each other?”

“Short?” Ron asked.

“Otherwise?” Anliang answered with a smile.

“I am worried that you have a conspiracy.” Ron said unceremoniously. “Your reputation for peace of mind investment is not very good. You have already brought down two peer financial companies with a scale of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars.”

These things can’t be concealed!

After all, financial companies in the same industry are not judges. They don’t need evidence. They only need to guess that this matter was done by Anxin Investment Company, and then this matter can be regarded as a masterpiece of Anxin (Nonuo’s) investment.

“I suggest you investigate more situations.” Anliang vomited, “In addition, you are worried that we have a conspiracy to invest in peace of mind, and I am also worried that you Berkshire Hathaway has a conspiracy!”

“We at Berkshire Hathaway are well-known in the financial market. Our annual rate of return is more than 20%. We…” Ron said how Berkshire Hathaway behaved.

But interrupted by Anliang!

“Book your own air tickets and come to Xia Kingdom tomorrow. We sign a cooperation agreement to ensure that we advance and retreat together, otherwise the cooperation will be cancelled directly!” Anliang said strongly.

Can Anliang believe in unprovoked things?

Commitments in the financial sector can be treated as fudges directly! .

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