Chapter 1212

After lunch, Li Cunyuan said, “By the way, Brother Liang, we have prepared a present for you.”

“What is it?” Anliang asked back.

“I’ll tell you later!” Yun Haiyang answered, “Brother Gangzi, do you drive or should I drive?”

“I’ll come here, I’m an old driver, I have good skills!” Qian Xiaogang said quickly.

Yun Haiyang vomited, “I… this is a Rolls-Royce, not a sports car, I drive-no problem!”

“Brother Ocean, don’t be like this, we are all our own brothers, we are all in the car, why bother?” Qian Xiaogang continued to tease Yun Haiyang.

Anliang and Li Cunyuan also expressed fear for Yunhaiyang’s mysterious driving skills.

What if there is a car accident?

“Let Gangzi drive?” Li Cunyuan suggested, “After all, Gangzi’s driving skills are first-class. When we came, I felt Gangzi’s driving was particularly stable.”

Anliang agreed, “I also think Gangzi drives better.”

Qian Xiaogang replied affirmatively, “Yes, three votes to one vote. Brother Haiyang, you still take the car with peace of mind. If we do something wrong, you can tell us directly. There is no need to drive.”

“I’m vomiting!” Yun Haiyang vomited, “Brother Gangzi, don’t worry if you learn from Brother Liang to tease your younger sister, you even learn the Onmyoji technique like this?”

“Hahaha, mainly because the onmyoji technique is so easy to use, I can’t help but use it. I have no other meaning, just want to drive the brothers.” Qian Xiaogang took the initiative to get into the cab.

The four brothers chatted all the way, mainly because of the brilliant record of Li Cunyuan and their three brothers in Mr. Thirteen. Anliang did not participate at all.

How can a good man participate in this?

After half an hour, Qian Xiaogang drove to the vicinity of the National Dance Academy.

Anliang raised his eyebrows. This is Ning Ruoshuang’s school. What gifts did they give?

Qian Xiaogang parked the car at the temporary stop on the side of the road and said, “Brother Liang, come here!”(Read more @

Anliang followed the three brothers, Qian Xiaogang stood on the side of the road and introduced, “Brother Liang, how do you look at this dance studio?”

“Oh?” Anliang faintly guessed the answer.

Yun Haiyang said, “This [Better Tomorrow] dance studio is opposite to the National Dance Academy. It only takes one traffic light to walk from the main entrance of the National Dance Academy.”

Li Cunyuan added, “It consists of two floors with a total area of ​​square meters. The first floor contains two large dance studios of 100 square meters and two medium dance studios of 50 square meters. The second floor has a total area of There are 15 dance studios in two styles, including 10 rooms of 15 square meters and 5 rooms of 30 square meters. Its operation is very good, and the daily occupancy rate is as high as 80%.”

Qian Xiaogang answered, “The annual profit rate is about 4 million to 5 million, and it is attached to the National Dance Academy, and there is no operating pressure at all.”

As long as the National Dance Academy does not close down or relocate, it is impossible for such a dance studio to close down or fall into operating difficulties.

“You bought it?” Anliang asked.

“Yes.” Li Cunyuan nodded.

“How much?” Anliang was curious.

“150 million.” Li Cunyuan did not conceal. “Each of us is 50 million. This price is already the price after negotiation, and the owner’s other industries have been impacted, and there is an urgent need for funds to have a chance to win.”

Anliang nodded slightly. According to the net profit of 4 million to 5 million a year, the cost can be recovered in about 30 years. According to this special operating situation, it is indeed not too expensive.

Besides, this was originally the core area of ​​the imperial capital. It was a two-story building with a square meter and a price of 150 million yuan, which is ‘only’ over 220,000 square meters, which is indeed not too expensive.

0 ·Seeking flowers······

Yun Haiyang added, “We used Ning Ruoshuang’s identity to handle the business, so this industry is Ning Ruoshuang. Brother Liang, are we doing this thing beautifully?”

“Actually, I suspect that you guys want to hurt me!” Anliang joked, “Are you jealous of me and hugged me and bought this dance studio to cheat me?”

“I can’t explain Chen Siyu’s side.” Anliang said half-truth.

The fact is so!

In the relationship between Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, Chen Siyu is the bigger one. Ning Ruoshuang said at the beginning that he would not fight or grab, not noisy or make trouble, and be the little one with peace of mind.

0 ….. 0

The size relationship between the two sisters is reflected in all aspects, including the choice of Yunjing International Apartment, Ning Ruoshuang very intimately chose No. 8805 instead of No. 8906.

Including when Anliang hugged left and right, Chen Siyu was on the left and Ning Ruoshuang was on the right. The two handled these details very well, silently abiding by the original agreement between one big and one small.

Anliang is not willing to break this tacit understanding!

Taking the initiative to break this tacit understanding, isn’t that making trouble for yourself?

How can there be any reason to take the initiative to trouble yourself?

The core issue for the left and the right is to make a bowl of water smooth and to ensure fairness to Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, so as not to arouse their eagerness to compete.

Otherwise it is the tragedy of a fire in the backyard!

Aren’t these three beeps messing up now?

However, facing Anliang’s remarks, Li Cunyuan all laughed.


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The author of Humble Throwing Street continued to revise and review the manuscript. people.

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