Chapter 1221

Facing such a sensible Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang’s choice before, Anliang felt relieved in his heart.

Anliang stretched out his hand to give Chen Siyu a brain collapse.

“Of course Shuangshuang has a share!” Anliang laughed, “I just came over from Shuangshuang!”

By the way, Anliang detailed Ning Ruoshuang’s situation, saying that Ning Ruoshuang also has Chen Siyu in his heart.

After Chen Siyu listened, she took out her phone while humming, “This Shuangshuang knew you were going to trick me, so she didn’t secretly tell…” Chen Siyu stopped halfway through.

Because Chen Siyu picked up the phone and found that Ning Ruoshuang had already sent the message, but she had just been playing the piano and didn’t pay attention. Anliang came over and she didn’t look at the phone.

Anliang found that Chen Siyu stopped suddenly, and he guessed the answer, “Shuangshuang told you in advance, right?”

“Yeah!” Chen Siyu nodded.

“I knew it!” Anliang was not surprised, he knew Ning Ruoshuang would definitely say it.

Anliang led Chen Siyu to the back alley and found Ning Ruoshuang at the Xiaoyidou milk tea shop. She ordered a cup of red bean taro milk tea, but she didn’t mean to drink it. After all, she wanted to lose weight.

When Anliang and Chen Siyu came, Ning Ruoshuang handed the red bean taro ball milk tea to Chen Siyu, “Siyu, can you drink it?”

Chen Siyu nodded, and she took the initiative to talk about Anliang’s gift.

Anliang also talked about Chen Siyu’s choice.

Ning Ruoshuang looked at Chen Siyu gratefully, “Thank you.”

“Okay, Shuangshuang, we two sisters don’t need to be grateful.” Chen Siyu’s character is more atmospheric.

Anliang brought the red bean taro ball milk tea in Chen Siyu’s hand, and he took two sips by himself, “By the way, I have to confess one thing.”



Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang looked at Anliang together.

The King of Lost Pot did not hesitate to choose Lost Pot, “In fact, the dance studio and the honey garden are all sent by Brother Yuan, and I will give it to you by offering flowers to the Buddha.”(Read more @

After Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang heard this, they were not surprised. They are not fools. Of course they know why Li Cunyuan and the three want to give gifts, and it is not because of Anliang that they would choose to give gifts.

“These three beeps are poisonous!” Anliang murmured, “They also did something!”

The king of throwing the pot set the stage for a while, and then continued to throw the pot.

“This milk tea shop is included with Mi Garden, and the three of them misunderstood one thing. They registered this shop under Song Qian’s name.” Anliang explained.

Chen Siyu was taken aback for a while, and then responded with a smile, “Didn’t Qianqian get her wish?”

Ning Ruoshuang lowered her voice, “Master An’s claws stretched towards Qianqian?”

“Ugly rejection!” Anliang said in refusal, “Brother Yuan and the three of them don’t understand me, don’t you still understand me?”

Chen Siyu leaned to Anliang’s ear, “I don’t mind.”

Anliang ignored Chen Siyu, “It’s okay, let’s go to the Miyuan to have a look and confirm Siyu’s management rights by the way.”

After a while, Anliang brought Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang to the Miyuan, and then communicated with the operation manager Shen Jiahui.

Shen Jiahui is thirty-six years old this year. She is wearing a smart little suit and has a more serious personality.

After the exchange, all the employees in Miyuan knew Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, so as to avoid the situation that the employees didn’t know the boss.

It was a quarter past six o’clock in the evening after coming out of the Mi Garden. Chen Siyu was holding Anliang, and Ning Ruoshuang was on Chen Siyu’s side. In the familiar environment near the school, none of the three of them were too presumptuous.

“Master An, what do you want to eat tonight?” Chen Siyu asked casually.

This time Anliang didn’t answer that he wanted to eat them both because Anliang didn’t want to put pressure on them.

The current situation is a bit sensitive. Anliang has just given a gift to Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang. If he proposes to eat two people again, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang will most likely not refuse.

However, such a threat to profit is not the result that Anliang wants.

What Anliang wants is Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang willingly!

After all, BizFly must be done to the extreme, so that Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang are truly willing to be the happiest, otherwise they will feel a little less.

Anliang doesn’t like regrets!

As a winner in life, why should you leave regrets?

So Anliang just responded simply, “Whatever you want to eat, we will eat whatever.”

Chen Siyu looked at Ning Ruoshuang, “Shuangshuang is losing weight, shall we eat vegetarian food?”

“No problem.” Anliang agreed.

Ning Ruoshuang was moved in her heart, “In fact, we don’t need to take care of me, we can go home and eat seafood.”

Chen Siyu answered, “It’s okay, anyway, we choose high-protein seafood, it will not cause you to lose weight.”

“Hmm!” Ning Ruoshuang responded.

Anliang took Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang back to the outdoor parking lot of the National Conservatory of Music, and they naturally chose the back seat.

When Anliang launched the Rolls-Royce black badge version of Gust, Chen Siyu in the back seat suddenly asked, “By the way, Master An, what are you going to do with Qianqian?”

Ning Ruoshuang seconded, “Qianqian is your little fan girl, or you can satisfy her wish?”.

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