Chapter 123


Anliang returned to table 29, he smiled and said, “Does it sound good?”

Chen Siyu gave Anliang a white glance, and she responded in English, “It sounds good, but I think what you are suggesting!”

There is a problem with the meaning of the lyrics of “I Still Love You”!

This song is a story about the man’s efforts to recover after the separation of the man and woman.

Chen Siyu speaks English meaning that she understands the lyrics and also knows the story of the song.

Anliang ignored this topic, “It’s just singing. If you don’t like it, I can sing another one.”

Chen Siyu heard that Anliang didn’t use English, so she switched back and replied, “Then sing another song?”

“Let’s leave a way for others to survive!” Anliang replied in a low voice.

When Anliang came down, no one is on stage now.

Because Anliang sang so well just now, if he goes up now, he will definitely become cannon fodder, so no one will go up.

In the end, the proprietress once again supported the scene, and her song “Maybe or Not” won a lot of applause.

Near ten o’clock, Chen Siyu took the initiative, “Shall we go back?”

Before Anliang answered, Chen Siyu continued, “After you drank, I will send you back first, and then come back by myself.”

“Good.” Anliang agreed.

The two returned to the parking lot of the National Conservatory of Music side by side.

The Lamborghini Huracan started, and Chen Siyu, who likes drag racing, controlled the speed. Just like Anliang was drunk before, she drove slowly and steadily.

Anliang sat in the passenger seat, watching the busy traffic outside the car window.

The atmosphere on both sides is a bit dull.

When the journey was nearly halfway, Chen Siyu spoke first, “When will I go back tomorrow”? ”

Anliang responded, “Flight at 7 o’clock in the evening.”

“Then…” Chen Siyu hesitated for a while before asking, “When will you come again?”

The corners of Anliang’s mouth turned up slightly.

Is Chen Siyu reluctant to leave him?(Read more @

According to Chen Siyu’s affection for him, Chen Siyu should like him, right?

Anliang naturally can’t pick up the topic, the principle of a good man: don’t take the initiative, don’t refuse.

“Before school starts, I should come again.” Anliang responded.

“Hmm!” Chen Siyu just gave a ‘um’.

In the underground parking lot of the Eclat Hotel, Chen Siyu gave the car key to Anliang after parking the car. She looked at Anliang and said, “I went back?”

She is waiting for Anliang to invite her to drink a glass of water.

Chen Siyu’s heart is very complicated. She hoped that Anliang would invite her, but she also didn’t want Anliang to be so.

However, Anliang is a good man, he sticks to the principles of a good man.

“I’ll send you out to take a taxi!” Anliang fully demonstrated his integrity.

“Okay!” Chen Siyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and there was some loss. This feeling of suffering from gains and losses made Chen Siyu a little unaccustomed.

At the entrance of the Eclat Hotel, Anliang drove Chen Siyu into a taxi and greeted him, “Remember to send me a message when I arrive.”

“Hmm!” Chen Siyu responded.

In less than twenty minutes, Chen Siyu returned to the National Conservatory of Music. She had just returned to her bedroom, and Song Qian, who was in the same bedroom, joked, “Siyu, you are famous!”

“What’s the situation?” Chen Siyu asked, why is she famous?

Song Qian handed her mobile phone to Chen Siyu, “Someone photographed you driving a Lamborghini, and then posted it on the school forum. By the way, who is that handsome guy? He was amazed at Suiyue’s house!”

Chen Siyu glanced at Song Qian whitely, “He is the Onmyoji I mentioned before.”

“Huh?” Song Qian was surprised, “Is that Onmyoji so powerful?”

“I am also surprised.” Chen Siyu responded.

“So you two… well, you know!” Song Qian smirked.

Chen Siyu hummed softly, “` ‖We are just friends.”

“I believe you a ghost!” Song Qian responded with complete disbelief.

The two joked about each other.

Hotel Eclat.

Anliang is sending a message to Li Xiyan, talking about interesting things in the Imperial City, including the race in the Golden Port Auto Park, and tasting various cuisines of the Imperial City, just to downplay the accompanying people.

‘envy! “Li Xiyan responded, “Poor, I’m still learning English!” ’

Anliang sent a message in the past, ‘my foreign language is very good, we can learn foreign languages ​​together. ’

Li Xiyan sent a picture of Mr. Han Dongkang over, ‘I’ve watched this TV series, and I also know what it means to learn a foreign language, huh! ’

This is embarrassing!

Of course, Anliang (of Zhao) could not admit that he was engaged in color. He directly sent the voice and said a large amount of explanation information in English to prove his innocence.

Proficient in English is even better than some crooked nuts. After Anliang’s voice message was sent, Li Xiyan began to doubt herself, did she think too much?

Could it be that Anliang really wants to learn English with her?

After all, Anliang’s English is clear and fluent, and it sounds very powerful.

‘Your English is so good? ’Li Xiyan sent a message asking.

Anliang is preparing to do coloring again, ‘I have so many great places, you will find out in the future! Shi’


PS: Brothers, don’t have enough flowers? .

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