Chapter 1231

In the end, Anliang did not argue with Chen Siyu, the imperial capital cat’s coquettish kung fu is top-notch!

Although Chen Siyu is not in the human-shaped bird, she is definitely more irresistible than the human-shaped bird.

After all, with fair skin and beautiful long legs, plus the D-class giant panda, who can stand it?

If it weren’t for Chen Siyu himself to be the five scumbags, he would surrender every game of the canyon. Xiao An said that he could qualify for three consecutive high-intensity matches.

‘Chen Siyu: Thank you dear, we end get out of class on time at twelve o’clock. You go to the dry pot fish grocery store and wait for us first. ’

‘Anliang: Got it, I’ll start now. ’

“Chen Siyu: Mua~”

‘Chen Siyu: Come on, dear! ’

‘Anliang: It’s okay my dear, it’s okay, Master An! ’

‘Anliang: Oh, woman! ’

‘Chen Siyu: [bad laugh]’

‘Chen Siyu: My dear, I will compensate you after school this afternoon! ’

‘Anliang: Then I can wait! ’

‘Chen Siyu: [Shy]’

After Anliang and Chen Siyu finished chatting, he sent a message to Ning Ruoshuang by the way.

‘Anliang: Shuangshuang, you sold me? ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: [Suspicious]’

‘Anliang: It’s still pretending to be, let me clean up you at night! ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Husband, what are you talking about? ’

‘Anliang: Oh, woman! ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: [Shy]’

‘Anliang: I’ll go to the dry pot fish grocery store first and wait for the meeting. ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Okay, husband, come on! ’

These two women, who usually call him Master An, now he knows to pretend to be pitiful after selling them?

Anliang changed into a Gucci sports sweater suit, and then drove to the National Conservatory of Music.(Read more @

Because of his previous piano donation, he was very famous at the National Conservatory of Music. The security personnel had remembered him a long time ago and even gave a gift.

Anliang parked the Rolls-Royce Ghost in the open-air parking lot of the National Conservatory of Music. He entered the back alley from the back, and then came to the dry pot fish grocery store.

The proprietress asked jokingly, “Handsome guy, where is your girlfriend, why didn’t you come with you today?”

Anliang asked, “Which girlfriend did the boss ask?”

“Haha, handsome guy, don’t you pretend?” the lady boss asked with a smile.

“The main reason is that there is no one in the store, and they didn’t come over, so I brag, no one argues anyway, right?” Anliang said solemnly.

The proprietress didn’t believe what Anliang said. From Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang’s eyes, she could tell that whether it was Chen Siyu or Ning Ruoshuang, they all liked Anliang.

After all, the love in their eyes cannot be hidden!

Like a person can’t be hidden, because if you like a person, your eyes will follow the other person, pay attention to the other person’s every move, and want to remember the other person’s frowns and smiles in your heart.

If you don’t like a person?

May I ask if the food is not good, or the phone is not fun, why should I pay attention to a person I don’t like?

This is also the easiest way to judge whether a person likes himself or not. For example, during a date, the other person would rather look at the phone than communicate with him.

If this is the case, then give up the illusion as soon as possible?

After all, the person in front of you is no better than the Ta who doesn’t know where it is, so don’t let such a date!

At twelve ten ten, Chen Siyu and Song Qian arrived first.

The lady boss saw the combination of Chen Siyu and Song Qian, she secretly guessed, did Anliang change girlfriend?

But Song Qian is obviously not as good-looking as Ning Ruoshuang, right?

“Honey, did you order food?” Chen Siyu asked.

Anliang directly pulled her to sit next to him, and then squeezed Chen Siyu’s tender face, “I ordered the fish to beat, what else do you want?”

Song Qian blushed and looked at Anliang, she greeted shyly, “Hello, Ann… classmate.”

Anliang Tucao responded, “Just call me Master An directly. You called me like that at the beginning, and you also damaged Siyu and Shuangshuang. Why do you change it yourself now?”

Song Qian’s face was even redder.

This nickname was first called by Song Qian. After Chen Siyu described Anliang’s use of Yin and Yang spells on a plane to attack a greasy middle-aged man, Song Qian began to call Anliang “Master An”.

“Let me tell you first, what happened to the milk tea shop is actually my friends…” Anliang had just said halfway, and Song Qian’s expression of joy suddenly turned into sadness.

Her eyes were red in an instant, and she was about to cry.

Chen Siyu groaned, “Master An, what are you doing!”


Does this thing seem to be wrong?

He refused Song Qian, and Chen Siyu persuaded him to agree?

Brother Liang said he was right!

The world must be wrong!

Song Qianqiang said with a smile, “Siyu, I’m fine, I’m really fine.”

“I’m just very happy.” Song Qian looked at Anliang and said, “Thank you for not lying to me. I…I’m sorry, but I’m not good enough, so…” Song Qian tried to keep smiling.

“Huh…” Song Qian took a deep breath. She forced herself not to cry, at least not to cry in Anliang.

Before Chen Siyu told her that Anliang gave her the Xiaoyidou milk tea shop, Song Qian hopefully thought things would turn for the better.

She doesn’t care about a milk tea shop. Although her family is not rich, it is also a billion-dollar asset.

What she cares about is that Anliang gives her…

Was it a misunderstanding?

Song Qian’s heart is full of sorrow and sorrow. For the first time she likes a person, this person is the boyfriend of her best friend, and the other close friend has also become the other’s girlfriend.

Why can’t she do it? .

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