Chapter 126

In less than two minutes, Xiang Kang took the mobile POS machine to the VIP room.

When the card was successfully swiped, he asked Kang, “Mr. An, are these two watches packaged?”

While removing the 5160/500G-001 on his left wrist, Anliang responded, “Take apart the 5270 in rose gold. I want to wear a new one and pack the old watch by the way.”

Took the corner of Kang’s mouth!

He has just checked the information in Patek Philippe’s internal customer system. The 5160/500G-001 worn by Anliang has only been sold for less than a month. Is this an old watch?

Like the new and dislike the old?

The hobby of the rich!

“Okay.” Xiang Kang naturally followed Anliang’s instructions.

The other two customers in the VIP room naturally saw Anliang’s behavior, and they were also quite speechless.

Anliang put the rose gold 5270R-001 directly on his left wrist. He looked at it and found that the rose gold version seemed to be good too. Maybe it really liked the new and disliked the old, right?

Of course, after wearing the rose gold for a few days, you might like to exchange for the white gold 5160/500G-001.

“By the way, Lao Xiang, let me ask, what are the requirements for ordering the 6002 series?” Anliang asked.

Xiang Kang ignored Anliang’s address to him, and he responded with suppressed excitement, “At present, the 6002 Astronomical Tourbillon series watch has been re-booked. According to Mr. An’s Patek Philippe membership points, you are already eligible to book 6002.

Patek Philippe’s real high-end watches all need to be customized!

The position of the famous blue starry sky in Patek Philippe is actually just a younger brother. It is just too famous. When most people talk about Patek Philippe, it is the blue starry sky.

Take the astronomical tourbillon Ref.6002 asked by Anliang as an example. To purchase it, you not only need a VIP member of Patek Philippe, but also need to customize it with Patek Philippe just like Porsche, and finally confirm the order.

According to the situation of 6002, Anliang estimates that the starting price will exceed 16 million?(Read more @

“What about the current price?” Anliang asked.

Xiang Kang responded, “According to the current exchange rate, the most basic style may exceed 17 million soft sister coins. The specific situation will be based on Mr. An’s customized needs to get the final price.”

Anliang asked again, “If I book now, how long will I have to wait?”

“It takes about two years.” Xiang Kang replied with some anxiety.

When Anliang asked about the blue starry sky, Xiang Kang replied for two years, and Anliang refused without hesitation.

Same thing this time!

“Too long!” Anliang couldn’t accept it.

If the Patek Philippe Mansion in the Imperial Capital has a spot of Ref.6002, Anliang is not allowed to consume it impulsively. After all, the previous sharing cashback card has brought Anliang more than 18 million.

But after two years of waiting, Anliang’s impulse cooled down.

The other two customers in the VIP room secretly breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They are in the same room as Anliang, and now feel a lot of pressure.

“By the way, Mr. An, thank you very much for your support to Patek Philippe. We specially present you a Patek Philippe silk scarf, two Patek Philippe keychains, and four Patek Philippe Calatrovar cross cuffs.” Presented to Kang Jiang as a gift. come out.

Anliang nodded slightly. He arranged the attribution of these gifts in an instant in his mind. He wanted two keychains to be assigned to Porsche 911TurboS and Ferrari 488Pista0…

The Patek Philippe imprinted silk scarves belonged to Sun Xia. At that time, I said that I bought the sports travel version of the Porsche Palamela and gave me a Nautilus of the Patek Philippe perpetual calendar and a silk scarf.

and many more!

Anliang found a big problem!



This time, the gifts prepared at home seem to be too unbalanced?

The Porsche sports travel version of Palamela is 2.7 million, and the Patek Philippe perpetual calendar Nautilus is more than 880,000. The two add up to nearly 3.6 million.

However, prepare a silk scarf for Sun Xia…

It’s a gift!

If Sun Xia knows the truth, I’m afraid he will have no food for the whole summer vacation, right?

Anliang said that he was a little flustered.

However, after he thought about it, he thought of a good way. Anyway, he would let An Shengyu take the pot back. Once Sun Xia really asked, Anliang threw the pot to An Shengyu.

After all, An Shengyu has taken a big advantage, of course, it has to be back!

As for the four Patek Philippe Karazhuohua cross cufflinks, Anliang decided to give them to An Shengyu. An Shengyu likes to wear formal clothes and they match them up.

“Lao Xiang, we have also added WeChat. If your store has any good limited edition products, remember to talk about it on WeChat.” Anliang reminded.

“Mr. An, please rest assured, if there is a good product, I will definitely contact you as soon as possible.” Xiang Kang promised.

Anliang picked up two Patek Philippe handbags, “Okay! Let’s go!”

“Walk slowly.” Xiangkang eagerly sent Anliang out of the gate of Patek Philippe Liyuan Residence. He turned around and went back when he watched Anliang get in the car. .

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