Chapter 1290

Modu International Expo Center, the open-air parking lot outside the No. 3 small exhibition hall.

Anliang watched Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing walk over, and he turned on the double flashing lights to remind them of them.

After Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing got on the bus, Li Xiyan immediately said, “Yuqing, Qiqi, how about we go to eat crab rice? By the way, I chose Yuanhai on the Bund.”

Before Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi answered, Anliang answered, “It’s mainly because I want to eat. Let’s go and have fun together.”

Guo Yuqing responded, “Since the boss wants to eat, then we naturally have to fly with the boss.”

Yao Qi seconded the answer, “Crab rice is quite delicious. But the only problem with Yuanhai is that we have to wait in line. We should be able to avoid the peak queuing period.”

“Walk around, Anliang, let’s go quickly.” Li Xiyan looked forward to it.

Anliang started the BMW X5. He drove to the Bund. It didn’t take half an hour from here. After all, there is no traffic jam now.

At 4:40 in the afternoon, Anliang arrived at the Bund.

Yao Qi immediately suggested, “Let’s go to the original sea leader to line up first, and by the way, pay attention to their official account to see how many tables there are in front of them. If there are too many tables in front, we can still go out and stroll around.”

Guo Yuqing replied, “Their crab rice is actually bitter. You can still choose a 398 yuan set meal, but the queue is a bit too much.”

Li Xiyan said on the side, “It’s okay, we don’t need to line up.”

“Ah~?” Guo Yuqing looked at Li Xiyan suspiciously.

Yao Qi was also puzzled.

Could this store belong to Anliang again?

Just now Li Xiyan was about to talk about her and Anliang jumping in the line at the Happy Garden, and Anliang stopped the silly girl.

“It’s not that there is no need to line up. I arranged people to line up in advance, and the other party helped us occupy the number plate.” Anliang explained.

He continued to add, “At present, the last number plate is half an hour later, do you think we will just wait for half an hour, or just walk outside for a while?”(Read more @

Yao Qi heard the key message!

‘Currently the most recent number plate’, does this mean that Anliang has arranged more than one number plate?

Li Xiyan explained, “If we only need to wait for half an hour, we can buy milk tea first, and then go there, it will be almost just in time.”

Guo Yuqing said worriedly, “Let’s just go over and wait. In case the number passes, it will be too troublesome to line up again.”

Yao Qi didn’t speak, she secretly followed Anliang.

Anliang looked at Li Xiyan dozingly, “Baby, what do you want to drink?”

Before Li Xiyan responded, Anliang continued, “There is no need to worry about passing the number. In the wave half an hour later, I arranged three number plates, and there are two spaced number plates behind.”

Anliang’s arrangement will ensure that even if they miss the number plate while shopping outside, they can still eat quickly.

“As expected of you!” Guo Yuqing sighed.

‘Have you arranged so many people? Yao Qi thought to herself that she knew better than Guo Yuqing the human resources needed for Anliang’s arrangement.

Such an arrangement is first of all five human resources occupying positions. Are these human resources waiting for Anliang’s instructions anytime and anywhere?

‘Could it be his security personnel? Yao Qi secretly guessed.

Yao Qi used to have security personnel, but Yao Qi’s security personnel was only one person.

Anliang took Li Xiyan to Li Xiyan’s favorite milk tea shop. Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing were not polite. They ordered a cup of milk tea with milk cover series.

“The two are really warriors!” Anliang said jokingly.

Milk tea of ​​the milk cover series, the top layer of milk cover also has too much calories, right?

Guo Yuqing knew what Anliang meant, and she sighed, “` ‖I can only comfort myself. Drinking it once in a while, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Yao Qi seconded, “I stood for a day today and consumed a lot of calories. Drinking this cup of milk cap is just to supplement today’s consumption.”

“I won’t gain weight!” Li Xiyan’s physique is indeed amazing.

No matter what she eats, she can control her weight anyway.

Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi looked at Li Xiyan resentfully, even though they were used to Li Xiyan’s sudden taunting skills, they still couldn’t help feeling offended.

Anliang chose a cup of fruit tea. He usually exercises a lot, and he is not too worried about gaining weight.

The four of them walked from the milk tea shop to the crab rice restaurant. When they arrived, an unremarkable man walked towards Anliang, and the two of them inadvertently completed the handover of the number plates.

Even Yao Qi, who has been following Anliang, did not find this detail, let alone Li Xiyan and Guo Yuqing, who were talking about the weekend group work.

Poor classmate Ma Yingjun, there is no good end to being a licking dog!

“No, please have dinner.”

“No, please have dinner.”

The electronic reminder sounded twice in a row.

Anliang looked at the number plate, and he greeted him, “Let’s go, we have the number!”

“Is it so fast?” Li Xiyan was a little surprised.

Yao Qi took a look at the time, and it turned out that it was only more than half an hour now, and Anliang arranged everything very properly! servant.

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