Chapter 1301

12:05 noon.

Yao Wei returned to the office, and he quickly apologized, “I’m very sorry, Mr. An, I have been delayed for too long. It is really bad hospitality.”

Anliang joked, “Uncle Yao, we young people are not interested in this set, you are busy with you, I play mine, just don’t forget me as long as you eat at noon!”

“Hahaha!” Yao Wei laughed loudly, “How is that possible?”

“Mr. An, try the company’s canteen?” Yao Wei sent an invitation. “After all, everyone will be their own in the future, so you should always try their own canteen?”

Anliang smiled and agreed, “Okay.”

In the canteen of the Yao Zhiyuan Shipping Company, Yao Wei originally wanted to order a lot of dishes, but was stopped by Anliang.

“Uncle Yao, saving food is a virtue. You said that we will be our own people in the future, so we can do whatever we want. I will order.” Anliang asked for the right to order.

In the end, they ordered a portion of pineapple sour pork, a portion of braised pork, and a stir-fried vegetable, and a portion of tomato egg soup. The two chose three dishes and one soup.

Fortunately, the portion is relatively small, Anliang and Yao Wei finished all the meals together.

“Mr. An, I will show you the situation of our company?” Yao Wei proposed.

“No problem.” Anliang agreed.

“It’s very strange to say that we have already signed a preliminary cooperation agreement, but Mr. An has never visited the details of our company.” Yao Wei exclaimed.

Anliang joked, “In fact, we have already investigated it clearly and we know everything we need to know, including that you own the corresponding ship repair shop, which is also a profit channel for your external operations.”

Yao Wei nodded slightly proudly.

Under the leadership of Yao Wei, Anliang toured the entire Yao Zhiyuan Shipping Company. Near two o’clock in the afternoon, Anliang received a call from Fan Ping.

“President An, we have arrived at the magic city.” Fan Ping explained.

“Is the Dongpu International Airport in the magic city?” Anliang asked.(Read more @

“Yes.” Fan Ping responded.

Dongpu International Airport is relatively close to Nanyang Port. It is only 30 kilometers away and there is basically no traffic jam. Anliang sent the location information and asked Fan Ping to come over and sign the agreement first.

“Uncle Yao, the personnel of our Anxin Investment Company are here, are your legal counsel ready for the agreement?” Anliang asked.

Yao Wei responded with affirmation, “It’s ready. It’s just a very simple agreement. After your personnel arrive, we will go directly to the Peace Hotel on the Bund.”

Yao Wei added, “There is no traffic jam in the past at this point in time. When you are on the road, your legal affairs can also take a look at the agreement drawn up by our legal affairs.”

“Okay!” Anliang responded.

In less than an hour, Fan Ping brought Hou Guangbo and Yue Fengyang to the Yao Zhiyuan Shipping Company. After a quick introduction, he drove to the Peace Hotel on the Bund in Magic City.

Hou Guangbo drove Anliang’s BMW X5. Yue Fengyang checked the cooperation agreement in the co-pilot. Anliang and Fan Ping were sitting in the back seats and discussing work.

With the danger premonition ability rewarded by the life winner system, Anliang can judge that there is no risk in cooperating with Yao Wei. He also judged that there is no problem with the cooperation agreement. Now it is only for legal affairs to determine the specific terms.

“Old Fan, are you really going to dig someone?” Anliang asked casually.

“Really!” Fan Ping replied affirmatively.

“Beware of being panda-eyed by other security guards!” Anliang teased.

Fan Ping responded with a smile, “Of course he would be careful. My junior worked on Wall Street before, and he had leg cramps after eating Western food, so he came back if he couldn’t stand it!”

Too much western food…leg cramps?

and many more!

There is something wrong with Fan Ping!

The sudden show, almost flashed Anliang’s waist!

There is one point. With this topic, Anliang feels ashamed of himself. He has made so much money, but he still didn’t invite Xiao An to eat a Western meal.

“Could it be that you were too?” Anliang glanced at Fan Ping.

“I’m not, I don’t, Mr. An, don’t talk nonsense. I’m single now, and it’s too difficult to get out of the single!” Fan Ping responded.

“I believe it?” Anliang complained.

Fan Ping scratched his head awkwardly, and he switched back to work. “By the way, Mr. An, Tesla’s stock price has calmed down. Should we sneak away?”

“Wait!” Anliang responded.

According to Tesla’s current momentum, coupled with Boss Ma’s ability to flicker, perhaps Tesla is about to rush for a share of 200 dollars?

“Okay.” Fan Ping responded.

Yue Fengyang, who was sitting in the co-pilot’s seat, suddenly interjected, “CEO An, President Fan, this cooperation agreement is very simple, there are no text traps, and all the terms are clearly described.”

“By the way, there is a special clause. The other party has given us a veto, but has made detailed supplementary explanations on restrictions and cancellations. In short, we can use a veto without affecting the normal operation of the company. The right to vote veto.” Yue Fengyang explained.

Anliang asked casually, “How to define ‘does not affect normal operations’?”

Yue Fengyang explained, “According to the calculation of the sea operation income, if we unconditionally veto more than 10% of the sea operation income within a year, the two sides will discuss whether to continue to retain the one-vote veto power.”

Anliang nodded, “Then it’s okay!”

Last year, the revenue of Yao Zhiyuan Shipping exceeded 15 billion. It is impossible for Anliang to veto the revenue of ocean operations with more than 15 funds. .

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