Chapter 1303

The Bund.

The banquet hall of the Peace Hotel.

Anliang checked the message sent by Song Ren in the corner, “Student Yao, wait a moment, I need to deal with work.”

Yao Qi hesitated for a moment before responding, “Thank you!”

Yao Qi also misunderstood!

Like Yao Wei, she thought that Anliang helped Yao Zhiyuan Shipping Company because of her reason.


Although there are indeed such reasons, the main reason is the task arranged by the winner of life system, and Anliang does need the power of sea transportation to target the treasure province.

“Student An, I’ll go to my dad’s place first, and wait…I’ll look for you later.” Yao Qi added.

Anliang nodded, “Yeah.”

After Yao Qi left, Anliang took out a wireless headset and put it on, and then clicked on the video sent by Song Ren.

The video began to play. This video is an interview program, with a middle-aged male invited guest wearing glasses, another middle-aged female invited guest, plus the host.

Anliang basically doesn’t watch TV programs in Bao’s province, nor does he know the invited guests and hosts in the video. He only pays attention to what these three people say

The host first said, “Teacher Huang, have you noticed a problem? Recently, the price of plastic bags and rubber gloves in our province has gone up?”

Baoshen commented on the famous Huang Wenjing and responded, “Is there such a problem?”

Another invited guest, Fu Huixin, is an economics expert. She responded positively, “I did have such a problem. I used to buy groceries at the vegetable farm, and a grandma was complaining that each plastic bag had increased by two cents.”

Treasure Province has an independent currency system. According to Treasure Province’s currency, the currency of Treasure Province is approximately equal to 5 cents of Xia Guoyuan.(Read more @

The host seconded, “Yes, the price of plastic bags has risen recently, and the price of rubber gloves has risen even more.”

The host continued to add, “According to what we know, the price of disposable medical rubber gloves has changed from 5 yuan a pair to 6 yuan a pair, and the prices of other plastics and rubber products are also rising.”

“Teacher Huang, do you have any opinions?” The host asked Huang Wenjing again.

Huang Wenjing considered it for a while before responding, “Of course we have to ask our expert Fu for this kind of economics question. She is a famous economist in our province!”

Fu Huixin answered, “From the current situation, it seems that this price increase is still within the acceptable range, because after 2020, the global demand for rubber has further increased, but the output of rubber has not followed up.”

“More than 90% of the rubber demand in our province is imported. As the global demand for rubber increases and the supply exceeds demand, we can only passively accept such price increases.” Fu Huixin explained the situation.

The host asked, “Teacher Fu, can we change this issue?”

“For example, do we plant rubber trees ourselves to reduce the demand for rubber imports?” the host added.

Faced with the host’s proposal, Fu Huixin shook her head and denied, “This possibility is very small. Rubber trees have special requirements for the environment. They are basically concentrated in Southeast Asia. It is difficult for our province to grow rubber trees on a large scale.”

“Secondly, our land area is limited, and it is also impossible to grow rubber trees on a large scale.” Fu Huixin added.

Fu Huixin continued, “The only solution is to purchase rubber plantations in Southeast Asia and reduce costs by controlling the origin.”

Huang Wenjing said, “Expert Fu doesn’t want locomotives, this hypothesis is a false proposition!”

The host looked at Huang Wenjing again, “Does Teacher Huang have different opinions?”

“Let’s assume that if we have a company that controls a certain number of rubber plantations in Southeast Asia, it can solve our rubber import demand in the province…” Huang Wenjing made the hypothesis.

“Let’s assume that the current market price of rubber is 60,000 yuan a ton. When the market fluctuates and supply exceeds demand, the price has now risen to 70,000 yuan a ton.” Huang Wenjing continued to assume.

“Under such circumstances, is the rubber plantation controlled by our enterprise sold to us at a price of 60,000 yuan a ton, or at a price of 70,000 yuan a ton?” Huang Wenjing looked at Fu Huixin.

Fu Huixin was silent for two or three seconds before responding, “It should be at a price of 70,000 yuan a ton.”

Huang Wenjing answered, “That’s right!”

“Enterprises also want to make money. When the market is 70,000 yuan a ton, how can the company sell us 60,000 yuan a ton?” Huang Wenjing explained.

“So the hypothesis just now is a false proposition. Unless our court controls the rubber plantation, it is impossible for our court to control it in the past.” Huang Wenjing mocked in secret.

The host asked, “Then Mr. Huang and Expert Fu have any inferences about the price increase this time?”

The video ends here.

Anliang immediately sent a message to Song Ren.

‘Anliang: Brother, what about the following video? ’

‘Song Ren: There is no more. After the talk show switched commercials, the follow-up broadcast was cancelled. ’

‘Song Ren: That’s why I wonder if our plan has been exposed? ’


Update time: 06:36:21, October 11, 2020, new rules, 5 changes first, within 30-60 minutes, another 5 changes.

Ask for a monthly pass and a bouquet of flowers. .

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