Chapter 131

Starlight Center.

Anliang parked the Ferrari 488Pista next to the Porsche 911 TurboS. In all fairness, Anliang prefers the Porsche 911 TurboS.

Although the brand positioning of the Ferrari 488Pista is higher, the appearance is more exaggerated, the eye-catching is bursting, and the performance is also very powerful, but it is really waist-consuming.

The comfort of the Porsche 911 TurboS is much better. It has the performance of a sports car and part of the comfort of a car. It is really suitable as a scooter.

As for Ferrari, it is more suitable for the role of beeping on specific occasions.

After all, Ferrari owners must have more than one Ferrari, and the car they use every day is certainly not Ferrari.

Use Ferrari as a daily scooter?

I’m afraid I’m confused!

Anliang came up from the underground parking garage of the Starlight Center. He came to Star Daddy Coffee and was going to have a light lunch. After ordering, the life winner system suddenly issued a reminder.

‘Ding! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for successfully overcoming the difficulties and obtaining the special gift package of Xiaoyi. ’

‘Does the host open the gift package? ’

Anliang looked at the reminder from the winner system of life, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, so An Shengyu took care of Sun Xia. Whether An Shengyu carried the pot or gave it to Anliang, it was done anyway. Overcome the difficulties.

‘Turn it on! Anliang ordered.

The Winner of Life system immediately opens the special gift package of Xiaoyi.

‘Congratulations to the host for the special reward: [Investment Company]’

‘Investment company: The host invests at least 10 million in the registered investment company, and will receive one senior management talent, one elite investment talent, and an annual return rate of at least 10%. ’

Anliang’s eyes lit up!

This reward is great!

This reward is to give Anliang a chance to be the shopkeeper, and at the same time to give him a chance to increase his wealth, and it will bring Anliang a higher social status.

Anliang studied it and figured out how to use this reward. He plans to establish an investment company in Tianfu.

Because Anliang is about to go to school, if the investment company is established in Tianfu, some of the official purchase restrictions of Tianfu can be bypassed.

For example, the housing purchase restriction in Tianfu!

If Anliang wants to buy a real estate in Tianfu, according to his situation, it will be on the purchase restriction list.(Read more @

But owning a business is not the same, you can bypass the purchase restriction directly.

“Hello, little brother!” A sweet voice interrupted Anliang’s plans for the future.

Anliang looked at the sound, a white and clean young lady sat opposite him. The other person looked very good-looking, in line with the aesthetics of the mainstream crowd. She looked very popular, or was she very popular?

After all, it is a standard snake face!

Anliang was accosted?

In fact, it was because Anliang dropped the keys of Ferrari and Porsche on the table, which attracted each other, right?

Anliang secretly uses the interpersonal relationship system to view the other party’s information.

Zhou Yan:

Age: 24

Height: cm

Weight: 44kg

Face value: 80

Build: 86

Special: 62

Favor: 95

Anliang secretly looked at the other party’s related information, and his favorability reached 95 points?


Anliang said he couldn’t stand it!

If this young lady like a net celebrity has a special score of 99, a body score of 99, a face value score of 99, and a good impression of up to 95, Anliang said that he can’t hold it and will definitely have a billiard friendly 0… …..

But a special evaluation of only 62 points?


The key is that the appearance does not conform to Anliang’s aesthetics. It’s only 80 points. The level of one in a thousand is not enough to make Anliang feel tempted.

“Is my little brother alone?” The net red-faced young lady asked actively.

In view of the fact that the opponent’s special score was too low, Anliang became an onmyoji, “Do you think I am like a dog?”

“Hehe, my little brother is really joking!” Zhou Yan smiled, “Little brother, there is a very popular skill on the Internet recently. You can drive a Ferrari with one hand, can you do it too?”

“No!” Anliang turned into a straight man, “I’ll show you science. Ferrari is a high-horsepower rear-drive performance car. Anyone who drives a Ferrari with one hand does not have a Ferrari.”

“Oh!” Zhou Yan smiled reluctantly.

“Little brother, can I add you to WeChat?” Zhou Yan continued to ask.

Anliang replied negatively again, “My girlfriend said, check the phone every day.”

“Is there no trumpet for my little brother?” Zhou Yan hinted unwillingly, “I am very sensible, and I will never disturb my little brother.” 1.1

Anliang replied in a serious manner, “Don’t ask, the car key is a fake I bought from my treasure, and I came to Star Daddy to pretend to be a beep, understand?”

“…” Zhou Yan is knowledgeable. She can see the authenticity of the car key, but Anliang refuses so obviously, how can she not understand that the other party looks down on herself?

Sure enough, there is no shortage of girls for Ferrari’s bosses, right?

If Anliang knew Zhou Yan’s ideas, he would definitely refute it, because when there was no Ferrari, did he lack girls?

Really superficial!

He Anliang soaked up a girl, still need Ferrari?

A good man like him is like a firefly, so dazzling even at night! .

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