Chapter 1325

“Friendly Reminder: Beware of Anxin Investment Company! “The analysis of this post is quite correct.

So Coria became the target of attack!

Originally, only the provincial capital was injured, and Anliang did not plan to attack Correa or Neon.

As a result, Anliang read “Friendly Tips: Beware of Anxin Investment Company!” “After this post, he felt that he could kill Correa together. Anyway, everything is ready and only owed to the east wind, is it okay to kill another Correa to sacrifice to the sky?

As for neon…

‘Anliang: Neon don’t care about it! ’

‘Anliang: Neon has certain pricing power in the rubber market, after all, it is one of the world’s three largest rubber importers. ’

The Bald Eagle Country, Neon, and Germany are the three largest rubber importers in the world. Neon has certain pricing power in the rubber market.

Just like the “Friendly Reminder: Beware of Anxin Investment Company!” “As stated in the post, Neon has the support of Cote d’Ivoire and Latitude Mara.

Coupled with Neon’s advanced synthetic rubber technology, the effect for neon is not very good.

‘Song Ren: No problem. ’

‘Song Ren: I suspect that what happened this time was that Neon discovered a problem. ’

‘Song Ren: They have certain pricing power, so they paid close attention to price fluctuations and then discovered our plan. ’

‘Anliang: I also suspect it is neon. ’

‘Anliang: If it’s really a neon, then after Neon discovers the situation, it’s not sure of our goal, so it throws the pot to Correa and let Correa fight with us? ’

‘Song Ren: Reasonable! ’

In fact, it is true.

Sanguan Naoto and Hiroga Kosaburo were unsure of the goal of Anxin Investment Company, so they threw the pot directly to Correa.

‘Anliang: Brother, I have a plan! ’

‘Song In:? ’

‘Anliang: Now that Neon is aware of our plan and throws the pot to Correa, and wants us to fight Correa, we simply throw the pot out. ’

‘Song Ren: How to lose the pot? ’(Read more @

‘Anliang: Give this action to Neon. ’

‘Anliang: Neon has the right to price rubber. Neon’s relationship with Correa is very poor. Neon and our peace of mind investment also have contradictions. The first place to reveal the news is Neon. ’

‘Anliang: Does it look like neon is behind the scenes? ’

‘Song Ren: It seems that it really is! ’

‘Song Ren: We are battling with Coria Snipe and Clam, the fisherman Neon has a profit! ’

‘Anliang: Yes! ’

‘Anliang: Brother, you can control the rubber alliance and let them lower their sales price for Neon a little bit. According to the past sales data, only give Neon a certain amount of rubber to prevent them from reselling. ’

‘Anliang: Starting from tomorrow, we will try to target Correa first and further increase the price of rubber exported to Correa. ’

‘Song Ren: No problem. ’

‘Anliang: As for the treasure province, let them be happy for two more days. ’

‘Song Ren: Okay. ’

‘Anliang: Let me first arrange Anxin Investment Company. ’

After the exchange between Anliang and Song Ren was over, he first glanced at Li Xiyan, this silly girl was already asleep, and he was not curious at all what Anliang was doing without sleeping and playing with her mobile phone.

Anliang opens the homepage of the official website of Anxin Investment Company.

There is only one announcement area on the homepage of Anxin Investment. There is no company profile, no contact information, and no cooperation methods. There is only one announcement area.

There are announcements from Anxin Investment Company and related news in the announcement area.

Anliang edited a new announcement copy as an administrator, and then first sent it to Fan Ping and Li Gang, and then published it on the homepage of Anxin Investment Company’s official website.

Anxin Investment Company:

About “Friendly Reminder: Beware of Anxin Investment Company!” 》The information in the post, our company said that it is fictitious and pure nonsense.

According to our investigation, Correa’s imports of natural rubber last year were approximately one million tons, and the import volume of all rubber and plastic products was approximately 60 billion Xia Guoyuan.

The size of the entire market is only less than 80 billion Xia Guoyuan.

For our company, such a small-scale market is not worthy of our company’s special attention.

In order to prove our company’s innocence, the above picture shows our company’s strength directly.


From this picture, you can clearly see that our company bought 20 million Tesla shares for 97.88 US dollars.

With just this investment, our company’s profit has exceeded 100 million Xia Guoyuan.

Is the market of 80 billion Xia Guoyuan (Qian Zhao’s) underestimating the strength of our company?

According to our analysis, the above-mentioned “Friendly Reminder: Beware of Anxin Investment Company!” 》The post appeared in Neon for the first time.

The relationship between Neon and Corea is not very good, coupled with Neon’s right to price rubber, as well as the misunderstanding between our company and Neon, our company believes that the public’s vision is discerning.

So do you know who is behind the scenes? Fen?

Anliang directly revealed some of his strength on the official website of Anxin Investment Company, releasing only 20 million shares of the 70 million Tesla shares.

After all, only 20 million shares are also very strong!

This news directly caused a tsunami-like heated discussion on the Internet! .

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