Chapter 1329

It’s almost two o’clock.

After Anliang finished the salt-fried pork rice bowl, he drove a Porsche 718 to Shengqing University.

Yang Maoyi is from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Shengqing University. Anliang has not yet gone to Shengqing University to find Yang Maoyi. He decided to visit Shengqing University today.

After all, Shengqing University used to be Anliang’s dream school. For students with a score of 423 in the college entrance examination, Shengqing University’s admission score of 600 points or more is really unfriendly.

More importantly, Shengqing University has relatively few preferential policies for local candidates in Shengqing. Anyway, Anliang’s college entrance examination score of 423 points, unless Anliang’s current status.

Otherwise, I couldn’t enter Shengqing University anyway!

Shengqing University was opened to the outside world, and the Porsche 718 entered the school directly through the license plate recognition system.

13 Anliang has been to Shengqing University before. After all, it is the best university in Shengqing. He naturally came to play when he was in high school.

In the tree-lined path outside the Foreign Language Institute, Anliang parked the Porsche 718 on the side of the road. After he got off the car, he walked to the Foreign Language Institute well and sent a message to Yang Maoyi.

‘Anliang: Little fox, are you in class? ’

‘Anliang: [Location: Shengqing University Foreign Language School, Shengqing City]’

‘Yang Maoyi: Wow! ’

‘Yang Maoyi: King, are you in our school? ’

‘Anliang: It’s at the door of the first teaching building, which classroom in which teaching building are you in? ’

‘Yang Maoyi: I’m in the second teaching building opposite, classroom 301. ’

‘Anliang: Here comes. ’

Anliang put away his phone and walked to the second teaching building.

In classroom 301 of the second teaching building, Yang Maoyi put away her mobile phone, her face couldn’t hold back the joy.

Tang Ping next to her asked in a low voice, “Maomao, what’s the matter?”

Tang Ping is Yang Maoyi’s roommate. Although Yang Maoyi is often not in the dormitory, the two have a good relationship.

“My boyfriend is here!” Yang Maoyi said happily.

Liu Lingling, who was sitting in front, heard what Yang Maoyi said, and her heart moved secretly.

At the beginning, she met Yang Maoyi at the school gate, and she was irritated with yin and yang, and was directly taken back by Yang Maoyi. Now she finally has the opportunity to meet Yang Maoyi’s boyfriend?

If Yang Maoyi’s boyfriend is not good…(Read more @

She is ready for gossip!

Anliang came to the second teaching building. He found classroom 301, walked in through the back door very familiarly, and walked in the direction of Yang Maoyi.

Tang Ping moved a position, Yang Maoyi also moved a position, Anliang naturally sat next to Yang Maoyi.

He is wearing Zegna’s high-end ready-to-wear suit today, which he wore when he attended the banquet held by the Yao Zhiyuan Shipping Company at the Peace Hotel.

Mainly other Gucci sweaters, all have the taste of Li Xiyan.

Although this little vixen could turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, Anliang didn’t want to bully her, but pity her especially, so he came over in a suit.

Yang Maoyi whispered, “My lord, you are so handsome today!”

“I was not handsome before?” Anliang teased deliberately.

Yang Maoyi responded coquettishly, “Before he was handsome, but today is so handsome!”


Is this little vixen or suit control?

When Anliang and Yang Maoyi communicated quietly, the teacher who was teaching coughed, obviously to remind Anliang and Yang Maoyi.

After waiting for the end of the get out of class, the lecturer came over and greeted him actively, “Classmate, are you not in our class?”

Yang Maoyi spoke first, “Teacher Zong, he is my boyfriend.”

Anliang took the initiative to introduce himself, “Hello, Teacher Zong, my name is Anliang.”

Zong Gaolang nodded slightly, “Good young man!”

“Thank you Teacher Zong for the compliment.” Anliang smiled and responded.

Zong Gaolang didn’t ask carefully, “Next time you come over, remember to listen carefully in class.”

“Okay.” Anliang nodded.

Zong Gaolang turned and left.

After waiting for him to leave, Yang Maoyi immediately asked, “Why are you here?”

“Just come back and have something, so come and see if you study hard at school.” Anliang joked casually.

“Of course I study seriously!” Yang Maoyi responded earnestly, “By the way, let me introduce you to Tang Ping. She is my good friend.”

Anliang nodded politely, and did not mean to reach out, “Hello, my name is Anliang, Yang Maoyi’s boyfriend.”

Anliang didn’t shake hands with Tang Ping, not because Tang Ping was not good-looking, nor because Tang Ping was only 1.5 meters away, nor because Tang Ping was a little fat, but because Anliang was a good man.

A good man will not shake hands with a good friend of his girlfriend in front of his girlfriend.

Tang Ping said jokingly, “Long admired the name, it really deserves its name, no wonder cats are so mini!”

Anliang smiled and looked at Yang Maoyi, “Do you still have a nickname called Maomao?”

Yang Maoyi nodded with a reddish face.

“By the way, what time do you end school.” Anliang asked.

Yang Maoyi responded, “School can be finished now, and the next class is foreign film appreciation.”

The so-called ‘foreign film appreciation’ is actually watching a foreign film and then discussing the film in English.

“Then skip class?” Anliang smirked.

Yang Maoyi nodded, “Yeah!”

Anliang looked at Tang Ping, “Excuse me, Tang Ping, according to reason, I should treat you to dinner for the first time, but I left with her first, what about next time?”

Tang Ping responded with a smile, “No problem, I can remember, I won’t be pigeons again next time, right?”

Anliang promised, “It must be!”.

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