Chapter 1343

Neon, Survey Section, Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Mikan Naoto and Hiroga Kosaburo are uncomfortable now. They have designed the script, but the plot and their script have taken a 180-degree turn!

Obviously they designed to frame Anxin Investment Company, so why are they now in the back?

This is not right!

In a small conference room of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Chief Executive Itochu looked at Naoto Mikan and Kosaburo Hiroga with a very helpless expression.

“What is going on this time?” Itochu asked.

ITOCHU is the chief executive of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Has the Ministry of Economic Affairs implemented the plan for Koria and Bo Province? His chief executive does not know yet?

Obviously, the economy has been saved!

“Your Excellency Ito, it’s like this…” Naoto Sanguan explained the situation from beginning to end.

After Naoto Sanguan explained the situation in detail, he added, “We discovered Anxin Investment Company’s plan, so we want to pit Anxin Investment Company.”

ITOCHU Tucao, “As a result, you were scammed by Anxin Investment Co., Ltd., and in the end, our Neon became the mastermind behind the scenes!”

“Head of the three management section, do you have any views on the current situation?” Itochu asked.

Naoto Sanguan hesitated for two seconds before responding, “Since Anxin Investment Company is building momentum on the Internet, it means that we are behind the scenes, but we cannot admit that we must refute such things. We should publicly announce this matter. Anxin Investment Company is manipulating behind the scenes.”

“From the current situation, it seems that not many people will believe such an announcement.” ITOCHU explained.

Naoto Sanguan affirmed, “Yes, according to the situation on the Internet, we are now issuing an announcement, not many people believe it.”

“But we must explain, otherwise it will become a default.” said Naoto Sanguan.

“Anxin Investment Company is for profit. Under the premise of obtaining benefits, Anxin Investment Company will eventually be exposed.” Sanguan Naoto added.

“Your Excellency Ito, at present, Anxin Investment Company has completely cut off the supply of rubber to Koria and Bao province, and the next step may be against us.” Sanguan Naoto reminded.

ITOCHU nodded, “There is a possibility.”

Although Neon has the support of Côte d’Ivoire and Latitude Mara, the total rubber output of the two countries is less than 800,000 tons, which is far from meeting Neon’s needs.(Read more @

It can only be said that these two countries provide a certain degree of resistance for neon!

“But don’t worry too much. We have confirmed a joint advance and retreat agreement with the Bald Eagle Country. Once the rubber country of origin starts to target us, the rubber plantation controlled by the Bald Eagle Country will support us.” ITOCHU revealed one thing.

“That’s good!” Sanguan Naoto breathed a sigh of relief.

“Head of the three management section, you can use the Ministry of Economic Affairs to issue a rumor refuting announcement!” Itochu ordered, “We really need to refute the rumors, even if the effect of refuting the rumors is very small.”

Naoto Sanguan responded, “Hi!”

Neon Economy Ministry:

“Notice on Price Fluctuations in the Country of Origin of Rubber”

First declare!

Neon is an economy that respects free trade and win-win cooperation. Similar to the current situation of rubber supply restrictions, it is definitely not something that Neon can do.

We acknowledge the “Friendly Reminder: Beware of Anxin Investment Company!” “It was released by us.

We also admit that we have studied a lot of information about rubber prices, rubber country of origin, rubber companies and rubber plantations.

But the reason is simple!

It is precisely because we discovered the abnormal fluctuations in rubber prices that we conducted a number of studies, and finally found that the upstream market of rubber supply has traces of the activities of the safe investment company.

We can’t judge who is the target of Anxin Investment Company, so we anonymously exposed Anxin Investment Company’s activities, so as to use the power of the Internet to find the true purpose of Anxin Investment Company. …..

However, we underestimated the power of Anxin Investment Company!

Anxin Investment Company has been able to achieve this level, not only controlling the upstream source of rubber supply, but also controlling fishing vessels on the Internet.

We even have a crazy idea!

The hacker organization from Correa, which claims to be the “Twelve Prosecutors”, may also be the power of Anxin Investment Company.

Our Ministry of Economic Affairs is very clear that our anti-rumor announcement does not have much effect, but we also choose to issue an announcement, only hope that someone will believe it.

Time will prove everything!

The announcement of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Neon seemed a bit helpless.

Anliang naturally discovered the announcement of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Anliang backhanded back to such an announcement. He secretly released the slanderous information through the 4th heavenly secret calculation.

It means that Neon is calling thieves to catch thieves. If Anxin Investment Company is behind the scenes, why did the rubber industries of Baoshen and Xiaguo have also been hit, but Neon’s rubber import business was not affected?

This is the most fundamental fact!

While shouting that he is not behind the scenes, Neon desperately imports rubber, or imports rubber at a relatively favorable price.

In this situation, is there a thief shouting to catch the thief?

In fact, the Ministry of Economic Affairs is also wronged!

The Neon Ministry of Economic Affairs has dispelled the rumors, and the companies involved in the rubber industry in Neon are desperately stocking natural rubber, and the ‘cooperation’ between the two parties is too tacit.

As a result, the rumors of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Neon have no credibility!


Update time: 06:30:18, October 15, 2020. The new rules will be updated by 5 first, followed by 30-60 minutes, and then updated by 5.

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