Chapter 1345

It’s eight o’clock in the evening.

In the bedroom next door, Yang Maoyi started a normal live broadcast after a long absence.

The title of her live broadcast room is: [Lucky Fox: Last farewell! ], thus showing the theme of today’s live broadcast.

Yang Maoyi hasn’t broadcast live for too long, so when the live broadcast just started, a large group of people flooded into the live broadcast room.

‘Ten years old fan, come uninvited! ’

‘During my lifetime, I saw the anchor fox again, and for a moment we cried! ’

‘I saw the normal live broadcast of the Fox anchor again, and I felt like a world away. ’

‘The real old fan drifted by, and I still remember the former fox anchor who was still a gourmet anchor. ’

‘No one pays attention to the title? ’

‘Looking at the title, I have a bad feeling! ’

‘No! The lucky fox lottery center should be very profitable, right? ’

‘Make money? ’

“The big brother of the fox anchor’s family’s reward for an event is the income of the lottery center for several years, right? ’

‘Friendly reminder, the fox anchor is ranked first in the 2019 anchor campaign, and the final total number of votes exceeds 50 million. Guess what rank is the big brother in the fox anchor’s family? ’

‘I beg the fox anchor to stay! We will continue to open the Lucky Fox Lucky Draw Center tomorrow. I must recharge this time. Can I recharge yet? ’

‘Sigh for a moment! ’

Yang Maoyi also saw some barrage, she said, “Good evening everyone!”

“I believe you have already seen the room name of the live broadcast room. Today is the last farewell of the Lucky Fox Lottery Center to everyone.” Yang Maoyi first explained the situation.(Read more @

“During the more than three months since the Lucky Fox Lucky Draw Center went online, because of the large audience and the support of our beloved emperor, the Lucky Fox Lucky Draw Center had a total profit of 8.85 million 4821 yuan.” Yang Maoyi said first. to sum up.

‘Fuck! ’

‘Too fierce, right? ’

‘I made almost 10 million in more than three months! ’

‘Don’t think too much about the front, mainly because the lover Chaohuang is in front of him, and he is not bad for money! ’

‘It’s really the last farewell, tears! ’

‘I’m a fan of the lottery, I only care about the lucky fox lottery center tomorrow? ’

‘It should be gone! ’

‘I’m already crying, I haven’t won the prize yet, is it over? ’

‘I beg the fox anchor to stay, and beg my lover, the super king, to give me a way to survive! ’

While checking the barrage, Yang Maoyi explained, “As for the 8.854821 yuan of the Lucky Fox Lottery Center, I am going to set up a charity account and put all of them into the charity account for charity.”

“Please don’t worry, the fox is not going to broadcast live, but the lucky fox lottery center is closed. From now on, the lucky fox lottery center will be closed indefinitely.” Yang Maoyi explained.

“Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there will be no lucky fox lottery center.” Yang Maoyi reminded me in particular.

“After closing the Lucky Fox Lottery Center, I will conduct a live charity live broadcast, mainly targeting the poor and difficult groups, and do my best to give them the warmth of the world.” Yang Maoyi added.

“By the way, starting from today’s live broadcast, all my gift income will be donated to the charity account, specifically to support charity.” Yang Maoyi explained.

Then continue to joke, “I wanted to say that the live broadcast income before today will also be included in the charity account, but our eldest brother said that this sentence is ambiguous.”

“Is the live broadcast income before today calculated from entering the bank, or is it just calculating the income that has not been settled this month before today?” Yang Maoyi asked.

“In view of this ambiguity, in order to avoid the keyboard man’s rhythm, we decided to live broadcast that from today onwards, all the live broadcast gift income will be used for charity, but in fact our operation will be the gift that has not been settled this month. All income is included in charity.” Yang Maoyi added.

“. 〃 One more thing, the funds in the 2019 anchor campaigns do not belong to this month’s settlement funds, so the keyboard guys should not be rhythmic, please block the keyboard guys.” Yang Maoyi ordered.

“My eldest brother said, Keyboard Man is a dog thing, every day he doesn’t have a penny except typing on the keyboard, and he always likes moral kidnapping. Since the moral character is so noble, why not go out and make money by himself? Donate all the money you earn?” Yang Maoyi replaced Anliang with his taunting skills.

Keyboard Man is like that!

One by one on the Internet is simply a moral model, the appearance of a saint in the world.

In fact, it’s really a keyboard man!

If you really let these keyboard guys come out with money (good king) to do good deeds, all of them will disappear without a trace.

Only when they use other people’s money and be generous will these keyboard men jump out and provoke them, as if the money is their own, and they must pick the bones in the egg.

Otherwise, how can you demonstrate the power of Keyboard Man?

As soon as Yang Maoyi released the taunting skill, the official super administrator of the Huya platform appeared and sent a Baping message.

‘Super Administrator: Congratulations to the fox anchor for his dedication to charity. The Huya platform unconditionally supports it. From this moment on, the fox anchor’s live broadcast room will be rewarded with gifts, and our Huya platform will not conduct any rake. ’

‘Super Administrator: Thank you Fox anchor for your support to charity! ’.

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