Chapter 136

If Yun Xiyue chooses to watch the fire from the shore in order to maximize his benefits, Anliang will eventually solve the rest of his life because of the task of the life winner system.

But after that, Anliang will completely disconnect from Yun Xiyue.

However, Yun Xiyue did not choose the most reasonable situation for herself, she chose to block Anliang.

“Don’t worry, Sister Yun, I know right and wrong. ’Anliang replied.

When Anliang responded to the message, Yun Xiyue immediately dialed the voice call, and Anliang answered the voice call.

“Anliang, I’m not kidding, you really don’t mess around, I will solve this matter.” Yun Xiyue explained.

“Good!” Anliang agreed directly.

Yun Xiyue breathed a sigh of relief, and she said softly, “He is a classmate of my university, one year higher than me. He was humorous, sunny and talented. We fell in love.”

Anliang did not speak.

“Later…” Yun Xiyue paused.

“In my sophomore year, on my birthday, he took me to Love Waterfall, we made a promise together, and then…” Yun Xiyue paused again.

Anliang has already guessed the answer.

“Then he is a scumbag!” Yun Xiyue said mockingly, “I’m really blind, so how can I believe him so fascinated?”

“Since my birthday, he has been dodging, and then I found out that I had Xinxin, and finally chose to drop out. I thought I would have nothing to do with him for the rest of my life, but he came to the door and our family finally gave him something to keep things quiet. Two million.” Yun Xiyue said.

? ? ?

Anliang had a black question mark on his face.

Can the scum man get two million compensation?

Bullying honest people?

Anliang said that he can’t just sit back and watch!

“I thought that after he took two million, he would fly away, but in the end he chose to spend two million dollars. Now that he has spent two million dollars, he has put his idea on our house again.” Yun Xiyue gritted his teeth.(Read more @

“In the past, our family was willing to calm down for the sake of my face, but I have figured it out over the years. This time I won’t let him do what he wants. I will fight him to the end!” Yun Xiyue vowed.

“Anliang, let me solve it by myself, okay?” Yun Xiyue continued, “Some things, once they cross the line, it will be very troublesome.”

“Sister Yun, don’t worry, I just scared him before.” Anliang explained, “How can his bad life be worth more than 20 million?”

Yun Xiyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s fine if you think so. Thank you this time!”

“You don’t need to be polite.” Anliang responded.

After the two ended the call, Anliang’s eyes flashed with a cold color.

This is really disgusting for the rest of my life!

Six o’clock in the evening.

Anliang sent WeChat to An Shengyu and Sun Xia, asking them when they would come back and how they should be resolved for dinner.

As expected by Anliang, An Shengyu and Sun Xia actually went to Wings of the Sky together, the romance of the old husband and wife?

Anliang, a single dog, ordered a takeaway, and then started the canyon battle again.

In this indifferent valley, there is probably only a little bit of warmth from the wild dog!

Near ten o’clock, An Shengyu and Sun Xia came back together.

Anliang heard the movement, he hung under the tower first, then walked to the living room to say hello, “Mom, you are back.”

Sun Xia directly complained, “A silk scarf worth one million, huh?”

Anliang looked at An Shengyu speechlessly, and was hacked instead of cheating?

“Ahem, mom, you have to believe me, that’s totally an accident!” Anliang is ready to defend 0…

“Okay, okay, can I really care?” Sun Xia responded.

Anliang immediately cheered and rushed to Sun Xia, and hugged Sun Xia, “Thank you mom, great, I will have braised pork ribs tomorrow, Mom, would you arrange it?”

Sun Xia replied helplessly, “Yes!”

“By the way, Mom, do you want me to practice the car with you?” Anliang said politely.

An Shengyu interrupted, “You are a step late, why do you think we came back so late?”

“…” Anliang looked at An Shengyu speechlessly.

An Shengyu looked at Anliang proudly, “Young man, you still have enough to learn!”

“You two fathers don’t sing double songs, I don’t know you?” Sun Xia interrupted the two fathers and sons directly, “Lao An, let me remind you first, although the car was given to you by your son, if you dare to have anything Crooked mind, you know!”

“I don’t have any crooked thoughts, you should worry about our son!” An Shengyu threw the black pot to Anliang again.

“What the hell?” Anliang was baffled when he took the pot.

“After other people’s bastards graduated from the third year of high school, which one is not thinking about falling in love, why are you not moving, this kid?” An Shengyu said fanfare.

“…” Anliang stared at An Shengyu in death.

Sun Xia seemed to be seriously considering this question. She responded, “Sister Liu from our unit, her daughter also takes the college entrance examination this year. Mom will help you get a line?”

“Excuse me, goodbye, I’ll go play the game first.” Anliang said that he couldn’t stand it. “Mom, arrange braised pork ribs tomorrow!”

“I heard, I heard.” Sun Xia responded perfunctorily. .

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