Chapter 1366

The 66th floor of Tianfu International Financial Center is the headquarters of Anxin Investment Company.

Facing Fan Ping’s guarantee, Anliang said that he was a little bald. This Fan Ping is a bathing center player, wouldn’t he really pull Chang Shi into the water?

Anliang can only pray that the willpower of the perpetual life is strong enough!

“Welcome Teacher Chang to join our Anxin Investment Company!” Anliang stretched out his right hand for a handshake.

“Thank you!” Chang Shi shook hands with Anliang.

“By the way, Teacher Chang, in order to facilitate your transportation, this is a car provided by the company. It is downstairs in the parking space A22 on the second floor.” Anliang handed a car key over.

Chang Shi was stunned for a moment.

Anliang responded with a smile, “Originally, I asked Teacher Chang to come over on Saturdays and weekends. Now I have a car for Teacher Chang. If Teacher Chang has time, he will also come.”

“Don’t worry, we don’t work overtime voluntarily. We pay overtime for overtime.” Anliang forcibly handed the car key to Chang Shi.

Chang Shi finally took it. It was an Audi’s car key.

“Thank you!” Chang Shi thanked again.

“Ms. Chang, please work more overtime recently, and sort out the next plan for Bao Province as soon as possible.” Anliang reminded.

“One more thing!” Anliang added, “Teacher Chang, you can get the team up as soon as possible. It is a long-term plan for Bao Province.”

“Okay.” Chang Shi responded.

“Old Fan, you arrange for your internal work to go to the property of the International Financial Center to handle the new parking space. Teacher Chang’s parking space will be borne by the company.” Anliang ordered.

“No problem.” Fan Ping agreed.

“Teacher Chang, I will ask you to work overtime in the afternoon. I’ll take a step first. There are still things on the school side.” Anliang said to Chang Shi.

Chang Shi will naturally not refuse. He has just joined the company. He started with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan and is also equipped with an Audi. Although I don’t know what Audi model is, it shouldn’t be A1 and A3?(Read more @

Anliang left from Anxin Investment Company. She checked the information in the Life Winner System. The task status was not completed. Obviously, she only joined a life and couldn’t complete the task at all.

Anliang dialed Fan Ping’s phone number while wearing a wireless headset and waited for Fan Ping to connect. Anliang said first, “By the way, Lao Fan, I just forgot to say something.”

Fan Ping also responded, “I just forgot to tell Mr. An one thing.”

“What’s the matter?” Anliang asked back.

“President An, I suggest that we continue to expand the scale.” Fan Ping explained, “This time I hired my junior over here, in fact, to expand the scale.”

“Our company’s capital holdings are increasing, and the business scope involved is getting wider and wider. It has expanded from a single U.S. stock market to various futures, including international precious metals, crude oil, grain, and foreign exchange markets. Our current personnel The number is already seriously insufficient.” Fan Ping reminded.

“I want to talk about this too!” Anliang responded, “Continue to expand our scale and ask about the properties of the IFC to see if there are any whole floors for rent. We will occupy one floor alone!”

“It’s okay if there are two layers!” Anliang added.

Fan Ping breathed a sigh of relief, “Okay, Mr. An, I’ll take care of it right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Anliang thought to himself that after the expansion of Anxin Investment Company is completed, the Life Winner System will be upgraded again, right?

At about three o’clock in the afternoon, Anliang drove back to the Tianfu School of Economics. When he was in the open parking lot, Anliang called Wan Yunfei.

In less than half a minute, Wan Yunfei answered the call and spoke first.

“Student An, is there anything to do?” Wan Yunfei asked politely.

“Teacher Wan, are you in school?” Anliang asked back.

“I’m in the office.” Wan Yunfei responded.

“Okay, wait a minute, I’ll come over immediately, I have one thing to discuss with you.” Anliang responded.

“No problem, I’ll wait for you in the office.” Wan Yunfei agreed.

Anliang locked the Lamborghini Urus, and he went to Wan Yunfei’s office. He had been there many times before and naturally knew where Wan Yunfei’s office was.

A few minutes later, Anliang came to the door of Wan Yunfei’s office and knocked on the door politely.

It is true that Anliang has a very high status in the Tianfu School of Economics, but Anliang is not overwhelmed. What he should do is meticulously fulfilling his position, thus giving people a sense of joy.

For example, now, it is no problem for Anliang to directly enter Wan Yunfei’s office, but Anliang just wants to knock on the door to show respect for Wan Yunfei, which makes Wan Yunfei very comfortable!

These details are always handled by Anliang very well.

“Come in!” Wan Yunfei immediately looked over after hearing the knock on the door. When he found that it was Anliang, he responded and stood up quickly.

“Student An, please sit down!” Wan Yunfei greeted, “Drink water or tea?”

Anliang responded politely, “Pure water is fine, thank you, Teacher Wan.”

“You’re welcome.” Wan Yunfei replied with a smile, “By the way, what do you want me to do?”

Anliang came to find Wan Yunfei this time, in fact, he wanted to give Baiyue a gift…

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