Chapter 1369

At about five o’clock in the afternoon, Anliang finally remembered to go to the Shunfeng express cabinet to take out the graphene version of the petal b40Pro+ mobile phone.

The demand for Tianfu is eight.

Anliang owns one, Baiyue one, Baiyue’s mother, two Xia sisters, and their parents, and the mother-in-law of the two Xia sisters who once gave Anliang 100 yuan to the fourth generation Xia Guoyuan.

Bai Yue’s mother has returned to Yunpo Village, and she has become a teacher in Yunpo Village.

Anliang admires this very much.

Mingknow Yue’s mother has walked out of that forgotten world and entered the prosperous world, and when Yuyue also provides her with work, she is still willing to go back again.

This is why Anliang admires!

Obviously not necessary!

In the Shunfeng express locker, Anliang took out a brown-yellow carton. He carried the carton to the open parking lot and opened the carton in the trunk of the Lamborghini Urus.

Sure enough, there were eight graphene-version petal b40Pro+ phones in the carton. Anliang first took one out, and then sent a message to Baiyue.

‘Anliang: Baiyue, where are you? ’

‘Baiyue: 3 teaching building, 102 classroom, is taking programming and application courses. ’

‘Anliang: The significance of this lesson is very small. ’

‘Baiyue: It’s also good to learn. ’

This white moon!

If she doesn’t reply to the message during class time, Anliang says she believes it.

‘Baiyue: Classmate An, get out of class will be over in six minutes, is there anything else? ’

‘Anliang: I am coming over. ’

When Anliang walked to the Sanjiao Building, he received a message from Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin.

‘Xia Ruyi: @ Anliang: Here we are, where are you? ’

‘Xia Hexin: Are we waiting for you in the parking lot of your college? ’

‘Anliang: Wait a minute, I have something to do with Baiyue. ’(Read more @

‘Anliang: I’m in the third teaching building. You can wait for me in the parking lot. ’

‘Xia Ruyi: Then we will wait for you in the parking lot. ’

‘Xia Hexin: Yes. ’

In the open-air parking lot of Tianfu School of Economics, Xia Ruyi asked, “Sister, what is he looking for Baiyue for?”

“It should be the work of the Animal Star Man Rescue Foundation. It was something he made. Once it is done, it will get a very good positive image.” Xia Hexin understands the role of the Animal Star Man Rescue Foundation.

Xia Ruyi nodded slightly, “It should be.”

“I don’t think Baiyue will fight with us!” Xia Hexin made a judgment.

“I think too.” Xia Ruyi affirmed.

The two sisters glanced at each other before saying in unison, “Our opponent is elsewhere!”

After speaking, the two sisters laughed together again.

Outside the third teaching building, when Anliang walked over just after class, he was standing outside the third teaching building waiting for Baiyue.

In less than a minute, he saw the petite white moon.

Although Baiyue’s current living conditions have been improved, her height has just grown from 155cm to 157cm, which is still very short.

“Student Baiyue.” Anliang greeted.

Baiyue’s three roommates also followed, and Anliang greeted them one by one.

It was probably three roommates nearby. Bai Yue responded a little embarrassed, “Student An, what’s the matter?”

Anliang raised his right hand and handed a black box to Bai Yue.

“Here, a gift for you!” Anliang said with a smile.

This black box is printed with a large number of regular hexagonal graphene patterns, and there is no icon on the front except for the petal mobile phone logo.

But Wei Liyue still exclaimed!

“Wow! Graphene version of the petal b40Pro+ mobile phone!” Wei Liyue looked enviously.

Ding Caiyun sighed, “As expected of the chief of the life committee, Petal only held a press conference yesterday, and more than 30,000 copies were snapped up by more than 17 million people. The chief of the life committee got it today?”

Miao Huiying also looked at the graphene version of the petal b40Pro+ mobile phone enviously, “Life is a big man, how much did you buy at a premium?”

Wei Liyue guessed, “At least doubled, right?”

“It should be more!” Ding Caiyun analyzed, “It was only released yesterday. Today, only a few people received it. The more important thing is that the life committee has already got it, so the price is higher?

Anliang first forced the graphene version of the petal b40Pro+ mobile phone to Baiyue, and then responded, “Our family has a good relationship with the petals. Just find the petals directly. After the press conference yesterday, the petals are directly there. It was delivered the next morning, and I forgot about it in the morning.”

“…” Wei Liyue and all three of them looked at Anliang speechlessly.

Ask for petals directly?


Worthy of being a boss!

“Every time I have more contact with the life committee boss, there is always a feeling of recognizing the life committee boss!” Wei Liyue sighed.

Ding Caiyun seconded, “This is too strong!”

Miao Huiying nodded in agreement, “I think I’m bragging about talking again, and I’m still grabbing the graphene version of the petal b40Pro+ phone? A friend of our roommate’s acquaintance directly asked for a petal.”

“More than one.” Anliang said calmly.

“…” Wei Liyue looked at Anliang silently again.

This person is a real boss! .

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