Chapter 1376

In the remote treasure province.

Baoyan Technology Company is holding an internal meeting with only four participants.

Including the boss Shen Baoyan, the vice president Yang Qiwei, the technology minister Huang Yuanjun, and the purchase minister Zhu Haoxuan who had been deflated in Tyrande many times.

“Haoxuan, tell me about the current inventory situation and purchasing situation.” Baoyan Shen, the boss of Baoyan Technology, asked.

Zhu Haoxuan responded, “Our current inventory has entered the critical warning line, and it is expected that it can support the demand for normal production for 4 days.”

“As for the procurement situation, it is very not optimistic.” Zhu Haoxuan responded.

“The four major rubber producing countries, including Tyrande, India, Malaysia and South Vietnam, have now imposed bans on us.” Zhu Haoxuan explained.

“If you add India, which has no procurement channels, and the mainland that almost produces and sells itself, we cannot get rubber from the top six in the world’s top ten rubber producing countries, but their rubber output has exceeded global output. Over 80%.” Zhu Haoxuan added.

“Côte d’Ivoire in the eighth place and Latitude Mara in the ninth place are the exclusive suppliers of neon; the Philippines, in the seventh place, is more inclined to the unified rubber price alliance; Baqi, in the tenth place, is even worse. A small ring fungus broke out in their country, destroying most of the rubber plantations, and the surviving rubber trees were also reduced in production, basically impossible to supply.” Zhu Haoxuan explained the world situation of the rubber industry.

Yang Qiwei asked, “Is Neon targeting us, or is it that Anxin Investment Company is manipulating behind the scenes?”

Zhu Haoxuan shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“The information on the Internet is chaotic now. Anxin Investment Company is like the black hand behind the scenes, and Neon also wants to be the black hand behind the scenes.” Zhu Haoxuan added.

Technology Minister Huang Yuanjun interrupted, “I heard that Correa has purchased enough rubber?”

Zhu Haoxuan replied, “Yes. Correa has given up. Some people in the rubber price unified alliance have secretly released restrictions on Correa. Correa’s rubber industry employees have purchased a large number of rubber frantically.”

Zhu Haoxuan continued, “According to the gossip feedback on the market, it should be that our share is occupied, and even our share is purchased by Correa.

The boss Shen Baoyan frowned, “You mean, we don’t have a chance to purchase rubber anymore?”(Read more @

“The only chance is to import from India or domestically.” Zhu Haoxuan explained, “If we import from India, we have to compete with India’s original customers. The result of the competition is price increases.”

When the supply is less than the demand, the price increase is a 100% thing!

“As for importing from China, more things are involved. For example, the problem of our local court, this problem is difficult to solve.” Zhu Haoxuan added.

“In the entire global rubber supply market, in fact, the supply has always been smaller than the demand. Even if the scale of rubber planting has been increasing, the demand for rubber is also increasing.” Zhu Haoxuan sighed.

“Although on the surface, it seems that there will be problems in the rubber supply market without our procurement in this area, but in fact there is no problem at all. We really may not be able to purchase any rubber.” Zhu Haoxuan expressed concern.

“What about the increase?” Shen Baoyan asked.

“How much is the price increase?” Zhu Haoxuan asked, “When the price increase exceeds the profit of other people making rubber products, we may be able to buy rubber.”

“…” Shen Baoyan was directly speechless.

Who can withstand this price increase?

The problems encountered by Baoyan Technology Company are also the problems encountered by other rubber industry companies in the province.

Now it is not the problem of the high price of rubber, but the direct ban!

Companies engaged in the rubber industry in the entire Bao province area are almost in a state of suspension.

This is not just a problem in the rubber industry. When problems occur in the rubber industry, the corresponding problems will spread.

For example, the supply of rubber products has fallen, causing the price of rubber products to soar!

Incidentally, even plastic products may rise in price.

When the price of these products rises, they will further spread to other industries, just like dominoes. After the first piece falls, it will cause a series of chain reactions.

In the face of such a situation, the local court in Bao Province issued an official announcement to publicly call the Global Fair Trade Organization, hoping that the Global Fair Trade Organization would come forward to investigate the problem of the rubber supply market.

So as to help Bao province solve the situation of limited rubber supply.

However, Baoshen overlooked one thing!

What qualifications does the province have to call a global fair trade organization?

The treasure province is only part of Xia Guo. Xia Guo did not stand up and summon the Global Fair Trade Organization to intervene in the investigation. What is a small province like?

Correa did not jump out to do things, because Correa bought rubber supplies at a high price, and Correa knew that the Global Fair Trade Organization was just a display.

In the entire rubber supply war, in addition to the province, will anyone care about the investigation of the global fair trade organization?

It’s so naive! .

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