Chapter 1378

April 1st, Wednesday.

Western April Fool’s Day.

Anliang received a large amount of information early in the morning. He replied to the information while getting up, then washed and went to the second cafeteria.

Bai Yue had already waited for him at the intersection of the second canteen early.

The male dormitory is on the left of the second cafeteria, and the female dormitory is on the right, so Baiyue likes to wait for Anliang at the intersection every time, pretending to have just arrived together.

Anliang had known that Baiyue was waiting for him in advance, but he also pretended not to know.

This is a tacit cooperation between the two.


In the second canteen, Kang Fan from Class 1 of the 2019 International Trade Center was full of expectations. He is from Guizhou Province and his family conditions are a bit poor. Although not as miserable as Baiyue, his monthly food cost does not exceed 300 yuan .

Last month, Kang Fan ate all three meals a day in the cafeteria.

As for why not eat breakfast and save a meal?


Rich people have the conditions to not eat breakfast, anyway, when you are hungry, you can just eat some snacks.

If the poor don’t eat breakfast, they will really growl hungry!

Kang Fan has experienced the feeling of being hungry. Because of the poor food level, lack of oil and water, and too little fat intake, it is difficult to resist hunger just by eating white rice, so you should not miss any meal, and you must eat as much as possible. .

Now Kang Fan’s heart is full of expectation, because he is thinking that he will carry it through this month, and then he will get the corresponding specific subsidy in the next month, right?

On the campus wall of Tianfu School of Economics, there are already a lot of suggestions for checking and filling vacancies in specific subsidy programs!

For example, what do you think about a gear break due to irresistible reasons?

Take sickness as an example. What if you are sick and cannot go to the cafeteria to eat?(Read more @

Solutions have been added to this problem. When you are sick, as long as there is a joint signature of the counselor and the school medical office, you will not only be exempt from the suspension penalty, but you can also get an additional 100 to 300 yuan medical subsidy.

The school medical room can also use the campus all-in-one card. Naturally, you can purchase medicines through the meal card.

There is also a holiday issue.

For example, in the case of a long vacation, if you work part-time outside and fail to return to school in time, you can also apply for exemption from the file loss record caused by such a situation.

However, it is necessary to provide a mobile phone video certificate. For example, if you work part-time outside, you will need a video certificate for part-time work, and you need to prove that you don’t have a video certificate when you work part-time outside.

You can’t spend a lot of money while working part-time outside, right?

Although the specific subsidy program is treated equally on the surface, anyone can apply, but in essence it provides a basic living guarantee for poor students!

It is almost impossible for poor students to eat and drink outside.

Of course, if impoverished students have to eat and drink outside and cannot provide corresponding video proofs, such impoverished students will not be able to obtain specific subsidies for themselves.

You know it!

As for the winter and summer vacations, directly refer to the situation of the last month. Even if the last month is not a complete month, it will still be counted as a complete month.

After the specific subsidy program was issued on the campus wall, various loopholes and deficiencies were continuously found and resolved, so that the gaps were checked and completed.

Kang Fan was the student who provided the problem of sickness, because he had been sick before, although he insisted on coming to the cafeteria to eat, and then healed himself by sweating under the blanket.

But he felt that others might not be able to hold it.

“Here is a portion of fried dried tofu with leeks.” Kang Fan only ordered one dish.

Stir-fried dried tofu with leeks only costs 2 yuan. Dried tofu is high in protein and has very high nutritional value…

Today, the cafeteria provides free white radish soup. When the soup is made for a while, scooping a few white radishes is equivalent to having one dish. The vitamin content of white radish is still very high!

It was equivalent to saving money for a dish, and Kang Fan was secretly satisfied.

But when he swiped the card, Kang Fan found an abnormality.

In his campus card, there should have been only 47 yuan, but now the balance is 547 yuan. Kang Fan immediately thought of a specific subsidy plan!

Because it happens to be 500 yuan more stored value.

He couldn’t help asking, “Master, my balance…”

The cooking chef directly responded, “The subsidy issued by the school, there are already several people in front of you, it is not that the meal card is wrong. Classmates, do you want to try shredded pork with green pepper, it only costs four yuan.”

Kang Fan swallowed. He glanced at the shredded pork with green pepper and calculated the price. In any case, he could not exceed the limit of the specific subsidy plan.

After all, the maximum daily consumption does not exceed the limit of 30 yuan, how can he reach it?

“I want a copy!” Kang Fan responded with suppressed excitement.

The chef sighed, “The school has done a good thing!”

Yes it is!

This is a good thing!

In some invisible corners, there are indeed people like Baiyue and Kang Fan. They are insignificant and unremarkable. They clearly live in this prosperous world, but they are oppressed by the prosperous world.

They both saw the colorful and prosperous world, but also had to endure being isolated from the prosperous world.

For these people, just an extra 500 yuan a month has brought them a huge help!

This is a gift from April Fool’s Day, but it is not a gift from April Fools!

There was a warm current in Kang Fan’s heart, and he secretly made a decision…

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