Chapter 1384

It was close to ten o’clock in the evening.

Anliang is reading in his dormitory. This time he read “Monetary Finance”. He has read “Principles of Economics”, “Microeconomics” and “Macroeconomics” last semester.

The main task of this semester is “Monetary Finance”. He spent more energy on extracurricular reading instead of accounting, program learning and application, etc., which are more work-oriented skills.

Anliang has a complete plan for his college career. In addition to “Monetary Finance”, he also arranged “Futures Options and Other Derivatives”, as well as “Advanced Mathematics”, “Linear Algebra”, “Probability Theory and Mathematics” in mathematics. Statistics, Econometrics.

As long as you study these books thoroughly, they are at least equivalent to an undergraduate of economics at level 211 or above.

This is the importance of self-study!

When Anliang was studying hard, he also led Shen Shizhong, Lu Wenshan, and Ma Long. The three of them were under more pressure than 19, and they knew Anliang’s achievements.

But Anliang, who has such high achievements, is still studying hard, how can they be decadent?

Shen Shizhong even temporarily stopped playing games with his beloved.

Near half past ten, Anliang received a call from his mother Sun Xia.

Anliang put on the wireless headset to answer.

Sun Xia spoke first, “Anliang, this Saturday is Qingming Festival, you don’t need to come back.”

“Huh?” Anliang was taken aback for a moment.

“Your dad and I don’t have time, and there will be no one when you come back. I will wait for the New Year to talk about ancestor worship.” Sun Xia explained.

“All right!” Anliang responded.

“Well, let’s hang up first. I’m still reviewing the accounts of the Lingqu Gold Mine. The preliminary work here has already been done. If there are no accidents, the construction will start on May 1st. You can check it out at that time. ?”

“Let’s talk about it then!” Anliang responded.

He saves Li Xiyan in labor. If the management arrangements are reasonable, he can take Li Xiyan to the Lingqu Gold Mine for a visit, which is not bad as a tour.

“I’ll talk about it then.” Sun Xia directly hung up after responding.

Anliang put down his mobile phone casually, he suddenly found that his father and his mother seemed to be getting busier. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

It should be a good thing!

Anliang just put down the phone, and the screen that went out turned on again, and he received a message from Xia Ruyi.

‘Xia Ruyi: @ Anliang: Are you there? ’

‘Anliang: Yes, I am studying hard. ’

‘Xia Ruyi: Are you going home on Ching Ming Festival? ’

‘Anliang: I just hung up the phone with my mom just now, and I won’t go home on Ching Ming Festival. ’(Read more @

‘Anliang: What arrangements do you have for Ching Ming Festival? ’

‘Xia Ruyi: We want to incense grandpa. ’

‘Xia Hexin: Grandpa is in Wenyunshan Cemetery, in the direction of the airport, but a little further away. ’

‘Anliang: Did you go over on Saturday, or did you go over on weekends? ’

‘Anliang: I’m going to go to the Animal Planet Protection Home to see the situation, and take you there by the way. ’

‘Xia Ruyi: We went to worship our ancestors on the Qingming Festival. ’

‘Xia Hexin: When will you go to the Animal Star Man Protection Home? ’

‘Anliang: Then Sunday. ’

‘Anliang: If there is no time on Sunday, then Monday. ’

The Ching Ming Festival is closed for three consecutive days, so it is also closed on Monday.

‘Xia Ruyi: There should be no problem on Sunday. ’

‘Xia Ruyi: Our family does not need to leave relatives. ’

Anliang knows the basic situation of the Xia family. For example, Xia Xiaodong’s elder brother Xia Xiaochun abandoned his old mother and the family immigrated to Greater Australia, so naturally there is no need to leave relatives.

In addition, Cai Yushan’s relatives are basically not in Tianfu, so there is no need to leave relatives.

‘Anliang: Well, then we will go to the Animal Planet Man Protection House on Sunday. ’

‘Anliang: By the way, how do you get to the cemetery? ’

‘Xia Ruyi: My dad can drive. ’

‘Anliang:? ’

‘Xia Ruyi: My dad has a driver’s license and he rents a car that day. ’

‘Anliang: It’s a bit troublesome. ’

‘Anliang: It’s not convenient to rent a car early in the morning. ’

‘Xia Ruyi: Let’s go in the afternoon. ’

Go to worship the ancestors in the afternoon?

This time is a little interesting!

‘Anliang: I drove the car downstairs to your house the day after tomorrow, put the car key in your house, and let your dad drive. It happened to be a car for the five of you. ’

‘Xia Hexin: This is not good. ’

‘Xia Ruyi: My dad’s man is dying to face and suffer. ’

‘Xia Ruyi: He definitely cannot accept it. ’

‘Anliang: The graphene version of the b40Pro+ phone, is he using it? ’

‘Xia Ruyi: Hmm! ’

‘Xia Ruyi: I also showed off in the circle of friends. ’

Have you even showed off in your circle of friends?

That shows that there are still shortcomings!

This Xia Xiaodong is a fan of Petal Phone and a fan of Dong Dayu. When Anliang went to Xia’s for dinner, he said that he had met Dong Dayu. Xia Xiaodong even asked for Dong Dayu’s signature.

It can be seen that Xia Xiaodong is a true fan of Petal Phone and Dong Dayu!

Based on this, Anliang thought of a plan.

‘Anliang: Do you want to do some tricks about your father? ’

‘Xia Hexin: Routine? ’

‘Xia Ruyi: What are you going to do with him? ’.

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