Chapter 1399

Among microblogs, the microblogs published by Huang Wenjing are becoming more and more popular.

If Huang Wenjing publishes other Weibo content, even if he is a famous commentary in the province, it is impossible to cause any disturbance on Weibo.

Of course, if he wants to do something about tea, eggs, and mustard, it is another situation.

This time, the Weibo craze triggered by Huang Wenjing is actually a topic of Anxin Investment Company.

The topic of Anxin Investment Company on Weibo has always been very popular.

Because Anxin Investment Company once organized a large-scale deletion of posts, not only the topic about Anxin Investment Company in Weibo was deleted, but the topic about Anxin Investment Company in the entire network was basically deleted on a large scale.

Therefore, the topic of Anxin Investment Company is very good.

At present, Huang Wenjing directly puts the hat on Anxin Investment Co., Ltd., and the people who eat melons have left messages on Huang Wenjing’s Weibo.

It is false to say that you are not sad:

After reading Huang Wenjing’s Weibo message, I almost laughed!

Friendly Popular Science: This @黄文经 is a famous 20-point commentary in Baoshendian and belongs to a typical banana man!

There are a lot of split speeches on this person’s Facebook page, and he is a senior opponent.

Now that the personality has changed?

After being beaten this time, finally know who is the father?

Your neon dad didn’t take care of you?

Your bald eagle country father didn’t support you?

Why do you want to pretend to be pitiful?

Even if you are pretending to be pitiful, why do you want to go online?

You pretend to be a patriot like this, you really look like a dog!

Friendly reminder, this time the black man behind the scenes, I, an ordinary person, feel that it is not simple, it should not be just an investment company with peace of mind.

…(Read more @

The number of likes for the first popular comment directly exceeds the number of main posts.

Just like the information revealed by the first popular comment, this Huang Wenjing is an old banana man, and the great court, which is the center of various yin and yang on Facebook, dare to stand up and pretend to be a good person?

Naturally, he was so hammered that his head was broken!

A lot of screenshots about Huang Wenjing being a banana man are circulated on Weibo. Huang Wenjing has become a rat crossing the street in an instant, but his Weibo is getting more and more lively.


As a melon-eater, I don’t quite understand the rubber supply war.

But it is very curious why a company can be so powerful that it has participated in this level of struggle, and even the province suspects that a company has blocked their rubber import business.

Can a company be so strong?

Is there any situation about popular science?

Like the miserable demons, a large number of people who eat melons have expressed their incomprehension why a financial investment company can achieve this level.

Facing the curiosity of the people who eat melons, some companies have begun to enthusiastically promote themselves.

Tianmu shares:

Regarding the topic of #安心投资太强#, we Tianmu shares can answer.

Our Tianmu shares have achieved a 20% share of the national live pig market. If we add @汇汇ham and, the market share of our three pigs can reach more than 40%.

If we use the pig analogy to compare rubber, the three of us are equivalent to Tyrande, India, and Malaysia.

What if the three of us are the younger brothers of Anxin Investment Company?

What if all three of our companies listen to Anxin Investment’s arrangements?

The Anxin Investment Company can allow us to target a certain area and not sell live pigs in a certain area, and the supply of live pigs in this area will be insufficient.

Do you want to say that other suppliers will supply it?

Yes it is!

There is indeed such a result!

But the supply-demand relationship in the rubber market is a bit more complicated. The rubber market is under-supply. For example, at the beginning of the year, did the price of pork rise to more than 30 per catty?

This is where supply is less than demand.

If the relationship between supply and demand is even more disparity, is it possible to give up a certain market to sell the remaining products?

We can make it clear that in any city in China, if we continue to stop supply for one month, the supply of our live pigs will still fall short of demand.

For example, if the supply of live pigs to Shengqing is cut off for one month, the live pigs that Shengqing spares can be completely consumed in other markets, and we will not suffer losses.

The same is true in the rubber market!

Let me tell you one more thing. Tyrande, India and Malaysia account for more than 70% of global rubber production. When a certain area is targeted by these three companies, it is really possible. This is the situation where the supply is cut off now.

In the rubber supply market, Tyrande, India and Malaysia have control over the market far exceeding the control over the pork market by our three companies.

Of course, we just assume that Anxin Investment Company can control the above three production areas, but such a situation is impossible. We believe that Neon is the real behind-the-scenes.

After all, Neon has the right to price rubber and is one of the top three countries in the world for rubber imports.

This time, Anxin Investment Company may really be in a scapegoat!

This wave of unexpected whitewashing of Tianmu shares is entirely a fever, and it is not an arrangement of an investment company at ease! .

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