Chapter 1703

The ability to perceive danger has proven itself time and time again, so the management program planned by Brother Liang has succeeded again, right?

When Anliang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Naoto Sanguan from the Investigation Division of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry over Neon also breathed a sigh of relief.

“Bo Hejun, are you sure that the investigators arranged by the Intelligence Investigation Bureau have had an accident?” asked Naoto Sanguan.

Hiroga Kosaburo nodded affirmatively, “I’m sure, my classmate is in the Metropolitan Police Department. He just sent me a message that four members of the Intelligence Investigation Bureau had a traffic accident and all of them died on the spot.”

Naoto Sanguan took a deep breath and said in a low voice, “So we escaped?”

Hiroga Kosaburo hesitated to look at Naoto Sanguan, “Chairman, you mean…” Hiroga Kosaburo didn’t finish, but his meaning was already very obvious.

Sanguan Naoto nodded affirmatively, “I also suspect that it is…”

The two exchanged dumb puzzles.

When the two were communicating, Kodou Tian Takasho and Yamatogo came to the office together, and both of them looked very ugly.

Takasho Ozoda looked at Naoto Sanguan, he said first, “Leader, I want to ask for leave.”

“Nani?” Naoto Sanguan looked at Oduda Takasho in doubt.

Shan Chuanwu answered, “Lung Zhang and I should have been food poisoned. We ate seafood yesterday, so we wanted to take a leave of absence.”

Naoto Mikan looked at the two in silence, and Takasho and Yamatogo both lowered their heads.

The two sides held a stalemate for nearly a minute, and the three-in-one straight man sighed, “Permit.”

“Thank you, section chief!”

“Thank you, section chief!”

Ozoda Takasho and Yamato Goto thank you together.

After thanking him, Takasho Oduda hesitated for a while, and then continued to say in a low voice, “Chairman, I hope you are also food poisoned, this time the case…”

Shan Chuanwu coughed, and he answered, “The section chief, the four investigators of the Intelligence Investigation Bureau, including an investigation team leader, had just left the Intelligence Investigation Bureau when an accident happened. All four of them happened. Car accident, do you believe it was an accident?”

That’s it!(Read more @

Takasho Ozoda and Yamato Goku also knew about the situation at the Bureau of Investigation, so are they scared?

The two guys finally told the specific reasons, but it didn’t seem to be particularly hateful.

“I know about this.” Sanguan Naoto responded, “Fortunately we transferred this investigation case to the Intelligence Investigation Bureau, otherwise…”

Otherwise, there is no need to talk about it, right?

I’m afraid it was them who had the accident this time!

“You don’t need to ask for leave. I won’t take this case.” Sanguan Naoto responded, “Especially if something like this happens, I won’t take this case.”

Takasho Ozoda and Yamato Goku breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It would be fine if they didn’t take this task. Who knows if an accident will happen after taking it?

“You go to inquire and find out what is going on.” Naoto Sanguan ordered.

“Hi!” the three responded in unison.

Internet world.

Regarding the frenzied matter revealed by the top-secret information of the Kyoto Electric Power Company [Phase 1 Test Plan], it has now been hired by the Minamisanriku-cho Fisheries Association, a third-party inspection agency Ishichu.

According to the judgment of a third-party testing agency, there is indeed a trace amount of radiation exceeding the standard in the Minamisanriku Bay, and the corresponding radiation properties are very similar to those in the sea near the Tomishima nuclear power plant, thus realizing the top-secret data of [Phase 1 Test Plan].

Under such circumstances, Liao Xiaopeng released the second top-secret information: [Test Report on Seawater Purification Program].

【Test report of sea water purification scheme】

In view of the stubbornness and difficult-to-dispose of nuclear waste, we recommend that nuclear waste be purified through seawater.

In order to verify this possibility, we chose the Sanchong Bay, 150 kilometers away, as the test site, and sank one kilogram of nuclear waste into the seabed without treatment to observe the feasibility of the seawater purification program. 0

This document records a large number of observation results in detail, and the final experimental result is naturally a failure!

Untreated nuclear waste cannot be purified at all in the ocean, and seawater is not a panacea, so nuclear waste can’t be solved naturally.

In the [Test Report of Seawater Purification Program], a key piece of information is also recorded.

This test report shows that in the test, the untreated nuclear waste caused the octopus to mutate wildly. In the Sanchong Bay area, 85 tentacle octopuses and 56 tentacle octopuses were caught.

It is simply the style of Cthulhu in Cthulhu!

These two octopuses are not confidential. They were even placed in the Marine Biology Museum in Sanchong District, and they took the initiative to disclose the situation, thus showing a clear conscience.

Under normal circumstances, there is absolutely no problem with this operation.

But it’s not normal now. It’s a turbulent environment. Minamisanriku Bay only found out that the trace amount of radiation exceeded the standard. Now when I look back at the second top-secret data [Test Report on Seawater Purification Program], it’s easier to believe This new top-secret information.

When the [Test Report of Seawater Purification Program] this top-secret information spread on the Internet, the neon people broke out crazy protests on the Internet.

Because whether it is the top-secret information of the Kyoto Electric Power Company [Phase 1 Test Plan], or the top-secret information of the accustomed power company [Seawater Purification Program Test Report], all are appalling.

Isn’t the neon court really aware of such a frenzied thing?

The neon people expressed their disbelief and asked the neon official to give an answer!


Update time: 02:22:07 on December 9, 2020. There is a monthly pass and flowers. If you can, please support a humble author….

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