Chapter 1708

Time flies, and it’s Friday in a blink of an eye.

Anliang carefully felt the feedback information of the danger premonition ability, but there was no danger warning in the danger premonition ability, Anliang breathed a sigh of relief.

Approaching three o’clock in the afternoon, Anliang headed to Xipu early.

Xia Hexin’s last class today ends at 5:30 in the afternoon, and Xia Ruyi’s last class also ends at 5:30.

According to a more efficient time plan, Anliang is going to Xipu No. 3 Primary School first, and after waiting for Xia Hexin to finish school, he will return to the city with Xia Hexin.

Such a plan saves time than waiting for Xia Ruyi to leave school first and taking Xia Ruyi to Xipu with him.

According to Anliang’s estimation, if you go to Xipu ahead of time, and when Xia Hexin is over from school, you will take her back to the urban area. Even during peak off work hours, you can return to the urban area in at most an hour.

In addition, Anliang and Xia Hexin went directly to the IFC, and Xia Ruyi also went to the IFC after school, so that they could basically meet at the IFC at around 6:30.

If you wait for Xia Ruyi to finish school and then go to Xipu No. 3 Elementary School, it will take one hour to come back, and it will be much less efficient than the first option.

Because Anliang departed early and there was no traffic jam at three o’clock, he first went to the animal star protection home to check the situation. Baiyue was in school and was not here.

Even if Baiyue is here, it doesn’t matter, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin both know Baiyue, and Baiyue also knows the two sisters of the Xia family.

The animal planetary protection home has changed a lot. In view of the sufficient funds, the facilities of the animal planetary protection home are getting better and better, including a large number of cat climbing frames and isolation areas with different functions.

For example, kittens and female cats have separate isolation areas. For example, cats that have undergone sterilization also have their own isolation areas. Cats with stubborn skin diseases like cat moss also have separate isolation areas.

Up to now, the number of stray animals in the Animal Starman Protection Home has reached 1,896, and there are only two stray animals, stray cats and stray dogs.

Among them, there are 1,622 stray cats and 274 stray dogs. The neutering rate exceeds 90%. The ones that have not been neutered are basically kittens and pregnant female cats.

After Anliang inspected the situation of the animal planetary protection home, he was very satisfied with the situation of the animal planetary protection home, and then sent a message to Baiyue on WeChat.

‘Anliang: [Location Information: Xipu Animal Planet Man Protection Home]’

‘Anliang: I just went to the Animal Planet Protection House to check the situation, and now the Animal Planet Protection House is in very good condition. The stray cats and dogs are in good condition. ’

‘Anliang: I have a suggestion. ’

‘Baiyue: Okay, classmate An, let me record it. ’

‘Anliang: Hire a pet trainer, let the pet trainer train stray dogs and cats, take stray dogs as an example, so that they can understand basic commands, so that they can be adopted more easily. ’

‘Baiyue: Well…it should cost a lot of money. ’(Read more @

‘Anliang: It’s okay. ’

‘Anliang: Our goal is to get more people to participate, so as to protect our urban ecological environment, protect these stray cats and dogs, and spread the correct concept of keeping pets. ’

‘Baiyue: Okay, I understand. After class is over for a while, I will post the recruitment information on the official website of the animal star. ’

The official website of the Animal Starman covers the Animal Starman Rescue Foundation and the Animal Starman Conservation Home. The Rescue Foundation most importantly announces the work status, and the Animal Starman Conservation House announces the situation of some stray cats and dogs, as well as the adoption status, etc. Wait.

‘Anliang: By the way, I think all the staff at the Animal Planet Protection Home have done a very good job. Let’s give out a bonus this month! ’

‘Anliang: The maximum monthly salary is not more than 20%. In the specific situation, you can watch the operation yourself. ’

‘Baiyue: Don’t classmate An hand out bonuses in person? ’

‘Anliang: Just leave it to you, you are the person in charge of the Animal Planet Rescue Foundation. ’

Anliang’s meaning is very clear, that is to increase the prestige and prestige of Baiyue by issuing bonuses, so as to better manage the entire Animal Star Man Rescue Foundation.

After studying, Baiyue also understood the truth, so she asked Anliang back and asked Anliang to hand out the bonus herself. 0

If it is a safe investment, then Anliang will personally give out the bonus, but the Animal Starman Rescue Foundation is different. Anliang does not need to control the Animal Starman Rescue Foundation, he only needs to control the person in charge of the Animal Starren Rescue Foundation force.

This is the way to employ people!

If you do everything by yourself, it would be too tiring, right?

Anyway, it is impossible for Anliang to do everything by himself. If Anliang has to deal with everything, will Anliang not be able to do all the work for 24 hours?

Could it be that there are forty-eight hours a day?

After Anliang communicated with Baiyue, he checked the time, and immediately at five o’clock, he drove away from the animal star protection home and headed to the Xipu No.

At the temporary parking space on the roadside outside Xipu No. 3 Primary School, Anliang sent a message in the group of the two sisters of the Xia family.

‘Anliang: @夏禾心: I have arrived, how should I tell the guard so that he can let me in? ’

‘Xia Ruyi: Don’t worry, the guard will not let you in. ’

In this era, the security level of elementary schools is much higher than that of universities. Most universities can go in casually, or even observe the rules, but want to enter the elementary school?

Basically, elementary school will not let strangers in.

In particular, young men like Anliang are focusing on targets.

What if it is a copper alchemist?

So the security level of elementary school is higher!

At 5:35, Xia Hexin walked out of the school gate and walked directly to Anliang’s side. Anliang opened his arms to embrace Xia Hexin.

“Long time no see!” Anliang hugged Xia Hexin, “He Xin, do you miss me?”

Xia He gave Anliang a blank look. She raised the question of death, “Didn’t you stay with Ruyi every day? Do you think I miss you?”


How should this death question be answered?

Wait online!

Very anxious!


Update time: 02:37:04, December 9, 2020, good night, sleep, and a wave of monthly passes. .

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