Chapter 1720

‘Anliang: When will it end on your side? ’

‘Yang Maoyi: It’s an intermission now. It starts at 1:30 in the afternoon and is expected to end at 5:30. ’

‘Yang Maoyi: Majesty, do you want to come and have a look? ’

‘Yang Maoyi: I will take you in. ’

‘Anliang: OK! ’

‘Anliang: I’ll come over right away. ’

‘Yang Maoyi: By the way, my lord, I told Tang Ping about this matter. You saw Tang Ping the last time, do you remember? ’

‘Anliang: Is that a little chubby girl? ’

“Yang Maoyi:…”

‘Yang Maoyi: King! ’

‘Yang Maoyi: Tang Ping’s personality is very good! ’

Good personality is okay!

So it’s still short and fat, right?

Anliang remembers that Tang Ping’s height seems to be 1.55 meters, and his weight is 138 Jin, right?

If I remember correctly, it is this data!

Such data is not even ‘petite and cute’. Anliang really can only be described as ‘short and fat’. After all, he cannot be ignorant of his conscience.

‘Anliang: Okay, if there is no traffic jam, I will definitely get it. ’

It’s only half past twelve, more than fifty minutes, Anliang thought that there should be no problem.

Sure enough, there was no traffic jam at noon!

Even Shengqing, who is known as “Blocking the City,” has times when there is no traffic jam.(Read more @

Anliang drove the 718 Cayman to the Foreign Language School of Shengqing University. Under the leadership of Yang Maoyi, he successfully mixed into the auditorium of Shengqing University. He chose an inconspicuous back row position. Anyway, he didn’t really come to see the performance. He just came over to wait for Yang Maoyi.

Yang Maoyi didn’t drive here in the morning. The security staff of Renyi Safety Company used Lexus LX to send her over. When on the road, Yang Maoyi can put on makeup and save time.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, the Foreign Language Song Competition of the School of Foreign Languages ​​continued. After listening to the first player’s singing, Anliang silently gave a negative comment, because the words were unclear and deliberately imitated the accent of the foreign region, which was completely out of value.

What happened to Xia Guo-style English?

Xia Guoren said there is a problem with Xia Guo-style English?

Even foreigners think that Xia Guoren speaks Xia Guo-style English as normal, and they also specialize in Xia Guo-style English, which makes it easier to communicate with Xia Guoren.

Just as foreigners speak Xia Guoyu, most foreigners have strange accents, but do Xia Guo people feel that there is a problem?

No problem at all, okay!

So when listening to the first player deliberately imitating the accent of a foreign region, Anliang silently gave a negative comment. He took out his mobile phone to see what happiness the sand sculpture netizens in Weibo created today.

There are many sand sculptures on Weibo, and there are new happiness every day.

Anliang just opened Weibo and saw the top-secret information published by Liao Xiaopeng on the hot topics in Weibo officially [Research on Public Information and Rebellious Psychology].

In this top-secret information, the Neon Court’s focus shifting treatment plan for the [Test Report on the Seawater Purification Program] was disclosed.

In 1998, the Xiguan Electric Power Company put one kilogram of untreated nuclear waste into the Sanchong Bay, and tested it through the experiment of purifying nuclear waste with seawater.

Fishermen in the Sanchong Bay area caught two octopuses like Cthulhu. One octopus has 85 tentacles and the other has 46 tentacles.

According to the conventional treatment plan, this situation should be concealed as much as possible.

However, the neon court did the opposite. Through the voice of marine biologists, octopuses have the ability to regenerate from severed limbs. When the severed limb is reborn, once it encounters a stress response, it may cause proliferation of tentacles.

So this situation with dozens of tentacles is also very normal!

The neon court generously made two octopus specimens and placed them in the exhibition at the Marine Biology Museum of Sanchong District, allowing the public to get close to the two mutant octopuses, thereby eliminating the fear and suspicion in the people’s hearts.

In this way, the Xiguan Electric Power Company’s nuclear waste test in Mie Bay was quietly covered up, which led to the Kyoto Electric Power Company adopting such a cover up method this time.

If the confidential information of the Kyoto Electric Power Company were not stolen, and more confidential information was subsequently stolen by hackers, I am afraid that the Neon Court’s conspiracy would continue.

After the [Research on Public Information and Rebellious Psychology] broke out on the Internet, a part of the people in Xia Guo who eat melon carried forward the humanitarian spirit of helping people and rescued people. They forwarded [Research on Public Information and Rebellious Psychology] to Neon’s The internet also translated it intimately.

In fact, this matter was led by Liao Xiaopeng behind the scenes, but the effect was particularly good. A large number of people who eat melons participated in it. Anyway, it is not too big to watch the excitement. This kind of bad thing brought out by the neon court naturally has to let the neon people Have the right to know.

After Xia Guo’s melon-eating crowd made such a fuss, the Neon Internet suddenly exploded!

Originally, when the top-secret information of [Public Information and Rebellious Psychology Research] appeared separately, I am afraid that most neon netizens would not believe it, but would think that Xia Guo was doing some conspiracy.

However, according to this top-secret information, Minamisanriku Fisheries Association and a third-party inspection agency have determined that the trace radiation in Minamisanriku Bay has exceeded the standard, and directly hammered [public information and Research on Rebellious Psychology].

So did their neon court really do such a frenzied thing?

Not only blatantly (Li De’s) concealing the truth of the matter, but also exposing the people directly to nuclear radiation?

The voice in the Neon Internet is getting louder and louder, and more and more people are asking the Neon official to give an explanation.

There are also Neon court members who publicly questioned the minister who made the decision and expressed the hope that the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau will investigate the matter about the Xiguan Electric Power Company and the Kyoto Electric Power Company.

Seeing such a situation, Anliang smiled. What if the neon is strong? Anliang doesn’t confront it head-on, and can always find a way to hurt it.

There are only three top-secret information, and now that the neon people have protested again and again, the support rate of this session of the neon council has plummeted!

Neon is finally going to be unlucky now, right?


Update time: 03:07:35, December 11, 2020, good night. .

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